
The Secretary of State to the Secretary of War (Baker)

My Dear Mr. Secretary: Referring to previous correspondence and more especially to an oral inquiry made today by Colonel Pierson on behalf of the Director of Sales, I am writing to say that the Department of State recognizes Mr. Boris Bakhmeteff as Ambassador of Russia and was informed by Mr. Bakhmeteff that during his absence at Paris the Russian Embassy here would be in charge of Mr. Serge Ughet, who would act as Chargé d’Affaires ad interim of Russia.

This Department has not ceased to regard Russia legally as a cobelligerent. Moreover, as you are already aware, this Department has favored making available to Russia such supplies as it may prove possible to ship. Consequently, I trust there may be no difficulty in coming to some arrangement with Mr. Serge Ughet, Chargé d’Affaires ad interim of Russia, or with such other agencies as may seem to you proper, for selling or otherwise disposing of such surplus war materials as may prove available.

I am [etc.]

Robert Lansing