Paris Peace Conf. 181.9202/140: Telegram

General Bandholtz to the Commission to Negotiate Peace

87. Hungarian Minister Foreign Affairs informs me he can see no way getting rid Roumanians except accept their terms. He states that Hungary almost ruined; Entente cannot or will not help, and they must save what little left. He states that Roumanian, Ardeli, who gave ultimatum to Archduke, will confer with him today about terms, he will confidentially advise me as to same. He desired to make this known only to Americans and English as he mistrusted French; and furthermore, [Italian] General personally advised him to make terms with Roumania. He said main thing was to [get] [Page 694] rid of Roumanians. This leaves situation in Mission as follows: Americans and English trying to carry out Supreme [Council’s] orders, French afraid to offend Roumanians thus encouraging them, Italians to back [backing] Roumanians who do as they please against an equally divided Mission.

French Minister to Roumania, now at Budapest but not advertising his presence. Diamandi, who went Monday to Vienna for several days, is hurrying back; arrives this morning.
