Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, The Paris Peace Conference, 1919, Volume XII

Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, The Paris Peace Conference, 1919, Volume XII
- Joseph V. Fuller
General Editor:
- Tyler Dennett
United States Government Printing Office
- Prefatory Note
- List of Papers
- Field Missions of the American Commission to Negotiate Peace: (Documents 1–381)
- The Gherardi Mission to Germany (Documents 1–32)
- The Second Dresel Mission to Germany (Documents 33–44)
- Military Intelligence Reports on Political Conditions in Germany (Document 45)
- The Greene Mission to the Baltic Provinces (Documents 46–74)
- Visit of Mr. Hugh Gibson to Countries of the Former Austro-Hungarian
Empire (Document 75)
- The Coolidge Mission: (Documents 76–192)
- German Austria (Documents 76–106)
- Czechoslovakia (Documents 107–128)
- Poland (Documents 129–131)
- Hungary (Documents 132–169)
- Jugoslavia (Documents 170–178)
- Boundary in Carinthia between German Austria and Jugoslavia (Documents 179–188)
- Termination of the Coolidge Mission (Documents 189–192)
- German Austria (Documents 76–106)
- The Halstead Mission: (Documents 193–255)
- German Austria (Documents 193–234)
- Hungary (Documents 235–255)
- German Austria (Documents 193–234)
- The Bandholtz Mission to Hungary (Documents 256–368)
- Mission of Lieutenant Colonel Sherman Miles to Montenegro (Documents 369–374)
- The American Section of the International Commission on Mandates in Turkey
(The King–Crane Commission) (Documents 375–381)
- The Gherardi Mission to Germany (Documents 1–32)
- Index