Paris Peace Conf. 181.9202/127: Telegram
The Interallied Military Mission to the Supreme Council
1722. [M2.] Unless there is quickly organized in Hungary some government which is recognized by the Entente the situation will with increasing rapidity as winter approaches get worse. The Military Mission cannot carry out plans for the reorganization of the Hungarian gendarmerie and police; for the release of Hungarian prisoners, and for the evacuation of Hungary, with a government which has no standing. Furthermore such a government cannot hold a general election; such a government cannot carry out satisfactory financial transactions as it proposely [properly] has no authority to levy or collect taxes; such a government cannot contract for future delivery of fuel and food supplies for the winter without which disorder and dire suffering are certain to ensue; and such a government cannot make a treaty of peace or perform any of the various functions necessary to a sovereign state. At the present rate of progress the Roumanians will continue indefinitely with their occupation and attended [attendant] looting [in] which they are daily becoming more expert, the Hungarians are becoming more and more discouraged, and famine, suffering and disorder are approaching. It is recommended that either the Friedrich Cabinet be recognized [Page 685] or that explicit instructions be given them [as] to what will be recognized.
The following synopsis of Roumanian seizures and exportations up to noon 18th instant is submitted. Seventy-five percent of east-bound trains are loaded with horses, cattle and forage under escort of Roumanian soldiers. On the 16th a train of 40 cars escorted by Swiss soldiers and intended for the provisioning of Bucharest passed through Szolnok. The Central Goods yard at Budapest is crowded with trains loading seized property. At Kiskunfelegyhaza, wheat, oats and barley are being seized without leaving sufficient for seed and on the 17th and 18th 754 animals were likewise seized at that place. Waffen und Maschinenfabrik of Budapest reports that up to the 13th 212 carloads of machinery, tools, electric motors to an estimated value of 65 million kronen had been removed from their factory. Total number of engines to include 18th that have crossed Theiss River east-bound is 819 with 19,800 cars of all classes. End number M2.