Paris Peace Conf. 181.9202/119: Telegram

The Commission to Negotiate Peace to General Bandholtz

47. Presumption expressed in last sentence your 7546 is correct. Text of resolution adopted by Supreme Council on September 15th47 follows:

“It was agreed that the following telegram should be sent to the Interallied Military Mission at Budapest:

‘We do not intend to interfere at all in the internal affairs of Hungary. Our only wish is the constitution of a stable government if this is possible and to this effect we invite you let the Hungarian authorities know that we desire the speedy constitution of a gendarmerie force capable of maintaining order after the withdrawal of the Rumanian army.

We therefore direct you to inform the Rumanian authorities of our intentions and at the same time to invite them in the most categorical way to give every facility so long as they keep Hungarian territory for the formation and armament of this gendarmerie.

In no case can there be any question of a loan.’”

Am[erican] Mission
  1. Ante, p. 681.
  2. See HD–54, minute 5, vol. viii, p. 227.