Paris Peace Conf. 840.48/1

The British Ambassador to the United States ( Reading ) to the Food Administrator ( Hoover )

Dear Mr. Hoover: As soon as you have had time to consider the document I sent to you through the good offices of M. Clementel,30 I should like to know whether you accept its terms or in what respects you disagree with it.

After you left we devoted ourselves to putting the result of our deliberations into formal shape and trust that the outcome will meet with your approval. Of course I bear in mind that when you left no document had been prepared and that in so far as you expressed assent it was in a conversation which was not as precise as in a document.

Until I hear from you I fear no progress can be made.

Believe me [etc.]

  1. See the report of the committee appointed by the Allied Premiers to consider victualling and supply of allied, neutral, and enemy countries, p. 654.