Paris Peace Conf. 862.5018/7
The Secretary of the American Embassy in France ( Gibson ) to the Secretary of State
, 15 December,
My Dear Mr. Secretary: Mr. Hoover has asked me to send you herewith a dossier of memoranda and correspondence in regard to the proposed plan for the Relief of Europe.31
As Mr. Hoover is to submit these documents to the President this evening, he is anxious that they should be laid before you as soon as possible.
Very respectfully,
Hugh Gibson
- Dossier included the letter of Dec. 1, 1918, from Colonel House to Mr. Balfour; the memorandum of the conference held in London, Dec. 10; the statement submitted to the conference by Messrs. Hoover and Davis, Dec. 10; the report of the committee appointed by the Allied Premiers, dated Dec. 12; and the undated memorandum by Messrs. Hoover, Davis, and Cotton; pp. 646, 649, 651, 654, and 658, respectively.↩