File No. 715.1715/31
The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Honduras ( Curtis)
Your July 4, 1 p.m.1 Department in receipt of telegram from Am[erican] Legation, Managua, to the effect that the President of Nicaragua has stated that Las Trojas, Potrerillos, and La Comunidad, whose seat of government is Jalapa, are in Nicaraguan territory; that only revenue guard entered this territory to stop smuggling; that only smugglers were arrested, among whom was only one Honduran; that no crops were destroyed excepting certain contraband tobacco.
President Chamorro further stated that he would be pleased to submit this boundary question to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States as arbitrator, and that he especially desires the most friendly relations to continue between Honduras and Nicaragua.
You may convey this information to Honduran Government, stating at the same time that you have no doubt but that should the Government of Honduras likewise intimate a desire to the Government of the United States to use its good offices in endeavoring to settle this boundary dispute, this Government would be pleased to aid in effecting such settlement.
Report by cable.
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