File No. 715.1715/29
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Honduras ( Curtis)
You may inform the Government of Honduras that the Government of the United States sincerely trusts that the reports are not true in regard to the raids of Nicaraguan forces and hopes that an investigation will show that the facts do not warrant these reports. You will add that as the Government of the United States is most interested in seeking to aid in preserving the tranquillity of Central America, it will be ready, upon receipt of result of careful investigation, which it hopes both Government of Honduras and Government of Nicaragua will make in this connection, to give careful consideration to the request of the Government of Honduras that the Government of the United States use its good offices to bring about a settlement of the boundary dispute now existing between Honduras and Nicaragua.
The Department has cabled the Legation at Managua, instructing it to ask Government of Nicaragua if reports of raid are true and to state that it trusts that the rumors are not founded upon facts inasmuch as the peace of Central America might be seriously affected if such action has been taken by Government of Nicaragua. Report developments by cable.