Conference between the United States and Canada for the consideration of pending questions concerning the fisheries on both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts

[459] The Secretary of Commerce ( Redfield) to the Secretary of State

File No. 711.428/453

[461] The British Ambassador ( Spring Rice) to the Secretary of State

File No. 711.428/455

[462] The Secretary of State to the Secretary of Commerce ( Redfield)

File No. 711.428/453

[463] The Secretary of Commerce ( Redfield) to the Secretary of State

File No. 711.428/456

[465] The British Ambassador ( Spring Rice) to the Secretary of State

File No. 711.428/453

[466] The Secretary of State to the British Ambassador ( Spring Rice)

File No. 711.428/45a

[467] The British Ambassador ( Spring Rice) to the Secretary of State

File No. 711.428/460

[468] Report of the American-Canadian Fisheries Conference, 1918

File Nos. 711.428/488 and 711.428/640