File No. 312.115/221.
Vice Consul Bevan to the Secretary of State.
Tampico, September 2, 1915.
General Peláez, commanding Villa forces in Vera Cruz, has renewed his demands for a forced loan of fifty thousand pesos from the Penn Mex Fuel Company and has given the company seventy-two hours to make payment. On company refusal to comply he closed down Alamo pump station September 1 and refused to allow any more petroleum to be moved until payment was made. After having secured 5,600 pesos from the company’s paymaster, forces retired to Peláez’s camp at Potrero. Company then resumed work but state may be shut down at any time. Sidwell, general manager, requests that Department of State advise Penn Mex at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Suggests that representations should be made to General Carranza requesting that an adequate force be sent to Tuxpam to protect foreign interests.