Embargo on the Exportation of arms and munitions of war to Mexico, and exceptions thereto 53
53. Continued from For. Rel. 1914, p. 649.
[1028] The Secretary of State to the Secretary of the Treasury.
Department of State,
Washington, October 9, 1915.
Washington, October 9, 1915.
File No. 812.113/3704a.
[1029] The Assistant Secretary of the Treasury to the Secretary of State.
Treasury Department,
Washington, October 9, 1915.
Washington, October 9, 1915.
File No. 812.113/3704.
[1030] By the President of the United States of America
Done at the City of
nineteenth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand
nine hundred and fifteen and of the Independence of the United
States of America the one hundred and
No. 1315.]
[1031] The President to the Secretary of the Treasury.
The White House,
Washington, October 19, 1915.
Washington, October 19, 1915.
File No. 812.113/3812b.
[1032] The Attorney General to the Secretary of State.
Department of Justice,
Washington, October 20, 1915.
Washington, October 20, 1915.
File No. 812.113/3725.
[1033] The Secretary of State to the Attorney General.
Department of State,
Washington, November 4, 1915.
Washington, November 4, 1915.
File No. 812.113/3776a.
[1034] The Attorney General to the Secretary of State.
Department of Justice,
Washington, November 18, 1915.
Washington, November 18, 1915.
File No. 812.113/3777.
[1035] The Confidential Agent of the Constitutionalist Government to the Secretary of State.
Confidential Agency of the
Constitutionalist Government of Mexico,
Washington, December 31, 1915.
Washington, December 31, 1915.
File No. 812.113/3855.