File No. 812.00/3004.

The Acting Secretary of State to the Mexican Ambassador.

My Dear Mr. Ambassador: Referring to our conversation on the 28th instant, when you again urged that this Government take some drastic action in relation to Mr. Vasquez1 at San Antonio, Texas, it is my duty to inform your excellency that, although the greatest circumspection is being exercised, there has not, up to the present time, been proven on the part of Mr. Vásquez any act which falls within the statutes of the United States.

I may remark that your excellency will gain a clear idea as to the legal aspects of such cases by referring to the correspondence of the Department with your Embassy during the Madero revolution; for example, the letter of December 1, 1910,2 aide-mémoire of January 23, 1911,3 and the letter of June 7, 1911.4

I am [etc.]

Huntington Wilson.