File No. 814.51/190.
The British Ambassador to the Acting Secretary of State.
Washington, October 19, 1912.
My dear Mr. Wilson: I beg to refer to the letter which you addressed to Mr. Mitchell Innes on the 21st ultimo, in which you informed him that the Guatemalan Government had asked for a delay of twenty days, to run from the 17th ultimo, in order to enable them to effect a settlement which, according to the statement of Señor Méndez, was then on the point of being attained, and further with reference to Mr. Mitchell Innes’ telegram to you of the 29th ultimo,1 in which he informed you that His Majesty’s Government had no objection to granting the desired delay.
This period of twenty days accorded to the Guatemalan Government at your request has elapsed without any communication having been received from them. In view of the urgency of the matter and of the extreme importance which my Government attach to the immediate restitution of the revenue pledged to the bondholders, I shall be much obliged if you will let me know whether you have received any further communication from the Guatemalan Government, or can give me any indication of their attitude in a matter which has already been too long delayed.
I am [etc.]
- Not printed.↩