File No. 819.77/96.
The American Minister to the Secretary of State.
Panama, December 22, 1911.
Sir: Referring to my despatch No. 19, of the 6th instant, on the subject of the proposed Panama-David railway, I have the honor to enclose a copy,2 and translation which I have made,2 of a draft contract for the construction of a railway starting from the port of Aguadulce and running to the town of Aguadulce where it is to divide [Page 1197] into two branches, one end at Anton, passing through Nata with a prolongation to Penonomé, and the other ending at Santiago de Veraguas. This draft was sent, to me on the 20th instant by Dr. C. C. Arosemena, Minister of Public Works, who in an accompanying letter stated that this proposal was recently tendered to him and would shortly be considered by the Cabinet, President Arosemena has also mentioned it to me, saying that he considered it to be quite favorable.
Of the three persons mentioned as contractors, Mr. J. M. Hyatt was until recently American Vice and Deputy Consul at Colon, Mr. H. G. Prescott is an American residing in Panama who during Mr. L. E. Myers’ (despatch No. 19) visit here appeared to have some business relations with him, and Mr. Robert Wilcox is said to be an American but as yet I have been able to learn no more about him. I am also unable to say who these gentlemen are connected with in this matter or whether they represent any syndicate. From what I have heard, however, they would not appear to be themselves persons of any importance of financial or business standing.
I have [etc.]