File No. 812.2311/75.
The Acting Secretary of State to the Mexican Chargé d’Affaires.
Washington, September 29, 1912.
Sir: I have the honor to inform you, in response to the request of the Mexican Government, as embodied in your note numbered 118,1 of the 26th instant, that General Blanquet, of the Mexican army, with a brigade of Mexican Federal soldiers, be permitted to pass by rail from Piedras Negras, Coahuila, across American territory to Del Rio, Tex., and Marathon, Tex., for the purpose of reentering Mexican territory from these latter places to operate against insurrectionary bands in the mountains of northern Coahuila, that permission is hereby granted for the transportation of these troops by the route above mentioned, with the understanding that such troops shall traverse American territory unarmed, their arms and ammunition being sent as baggage, and with a small detachment of American troops to accompany them on the train as an escort.
Accept, etc.,
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