File No. 812.113/405.

The Acting Secretary of State to the British Ambassador.

No. 1479.]

Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your excellency’s note marked “Immediate” of April 121 requesting that the President except from the prohibition of his proclamation of March 14, 1912, relative to the exportation of arms or munitions of war from any place in the United States into Mexico, ten Winchester 30–40 rifles and 500 rounds of ammunition to be shipped by the Sonora Land & Timber Co. (Ltd.), of Yzabal, State of Sonora, Mexico, from Douglas, Arizona, via Agua Prieta, to the company’s estate at Yzabal for the protection of British subjects there.

[Page 791]

In reply I am glad to inform you that on April 14 the President granted the permission desired, and the appropriate customs officers of the United States have been duly informed.

I have [etc.]

Huntington Wilson.
  1. Not printed.