File No. 812.113/388.

The Acting Secretary of State to the Attorney General.

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 11th instant, relative to exceptions to the prohibition of the President’s proclamation of March 14, 1912, of shipments of dynamite, powder, and other articles that would naturally come within its purview when exported to Mexico for industrial purposes, and beg to say that this Department is entirely willing to take Chargé of the matter of such exceptions and to prepare the necessary correspondence in connection therewith.

As your letter under acknowledgement gives no indication that the President has been informed of the action thereby taken, I beg to suggest that it would not be inappropriate for your Department to forward to the President, for his information, a copy of this letter, together with a copy of the letter to which it replies, in view of the fact that the matter was referred to your Department by him.

In the meantime this Department will submit to the President all matters of shipments of the character above mentioned.

I have [etc.]

Huntington Wilson.