File No. 812.00/3538.

The Acting Secretary of State to the American Consul at Chihuahua.


Following telegram signed Pascual Orozco, dated April 5, has been received by the President. The Department naturally can not recognize Orozco and no acknowledgment can be made. The telegram is accordingly quoted to you as useful information only.

I have received a copy of a letter sent to you last February by Gonzalo Enrile from El Paso, Tex., and which he has just had reprinted and recirculated in the city of Chihuahua. As Mr. Enrile is employed in some of the offices of the revolution in Chihuahua, and it might therefore be supposed that I had authorized the republication of said letter, which I characterize as highly offensive, I protest, as a Mexican and as supreme head of the present revolution in this country, against the ideas expressed therein, for they are unpatriotic, tending to break friendly relations between two great peoples, who, being united geographically and by colossal interests, ought to further consolidate this union by means of the bonds of mutual respect and confraternity.

Huntington Wilson.