File No. 812.113/269.

The Acting Secretary of State to the Mexican Ambassador.


Your telegram March 30. Invoices of shipment in question were not presented to Mexican consul on account of shortness of time. It is a [Page 770] consignment of rifles and ammunition specially exempted by the President from the operation of his proclamation of March 14 sent to the American Ambassador at Mexico City, with the knowledge and consent of Mexican authorities, for the use of Americans in that city in protecting their lives and property in case of possible mob outbreaks. The Embassy at Mexico City has been informed of the circumstances under which the consignment was shipped and has been instructed to request that special arrangements be made for its entry. As the shipment is not intended for your excellency’s Government, it naturally does not fall within the cases contemplated in the Department’s note to you of March 26, which refers only to arms and munitions of war destined to the Mexican Federal Government.

Huntington Wilson.