File No. 812.00/3441.
The American Ambassador to the Secretary of State.
Mexico, March 30, 1912—11 p.m.
Train from here to Cuernavaca was fired on by rebels to-day and the engineer was killed. Conductor, an American, was beaten into insensibility. Also a number of passengers are reported fatally wounded. Train between Atlixco and Puebla held up by Zapatistas, but they were driven off and 15 killed by soldiers on board train.
Situation in Puebla and Vera Cruz continues to grow worse. Alarm in this city is very great, and foreigners are agitating the question of calling upon their diplomatic representatives to ask for the introduction of legation guards to protect colonies. There is some agitation in our own colony on same subject.
I think I shall be able to secure a Federal guard for the arms shipment from Vera Cruz here.
Rigorous censorship still prevails and I have no consular advices. Will make additional representations on Monday to the President.