File No. 2491/139B.

The Secretary of State to the Costa Rican Minister on Special Mission.1

Sir: In accordance with your wish, expressed on the occasion of signing the arbitration convention with Dr. Belisario Porras, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of Panama on special mission, on the 17th instant, I have the honor to certify to you that it was agreed that the word “arbitro” used in the Spanish text is intended to mean “arbitrator” in the English sense, and that the Chief Justice is to exercise all of the powers implied by that word in English.

Upon thus terminating the mediation of the Government of the United States in this matter permit me to thank you for the spirit of conciliation shown by you throughout this delicate negotiation, and to extend to you the congratulations of my Government and myself upon the successful result of your labors.

Accept, etc.,

P. C. Knox.
  1. Mutatis mutandis, to the Panaman minister on special mission.