File No. 2491/138.

The Costa Rican Minister on Special Mission to the Secretary of State.

Excellency: The convention subscribed yesterday by the undersigned, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of Costa Rica on special mission, and Señor Dr. Belisario Porras, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of Panama on special mission, under the good auspices of your excellency, for the submission of the boundary question between Costa Rica and Panama to the honorable the Chief Justice of the United States, as arbitrator, is an event of the greatest importance to both countries, thereby having succeeded in removing the only source of difference that existed between them.

The happy mediation of your excellency’s Government, and the exquisite tact and decided good will with which your excellency, as well as your excellency’s able collaborators in the Department of State, have been pleased to conduct the negotiations, are responsible for the success that they have attained.

My Government, being extremely grateful to that of your excellency for so signal a service, has instructed me to express to your excellency its profound appreciation thereof; and in fulfilling this most pleasant duty it is also very gratifying to me to signify to your excellency my personal recognition of the reiterated proofs of the deference which your excellency has deigned to extend me and which has greatly facilitated the discharge of my mission.

The agreeable relations which I have had the honor to maintain with your excellency will constitute one of the best recollections of my life, and the most pleasing impression of my sojourn in this capital.

I beg, etc.,

Luis Anderson.