List of papers with subjects of correspondence

No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Circular 1910. July 21 Expatriation. Refers to par. 2, sec. 2, act of Mar. 2, 1907, and says paragraph is not to be construed as retroactive. 1
do July 26 Protection of native Americans residing abroad. Instruction as to procedure to be followed in issuing passports or registration certificates to persons claiming American citizenship. 1
do Dec. 22 Expatriation. Refers to expatriation circular of Apr. 19, 1907, and transmits copy of opinion of Attorney General containing ruling as to meaning of par. 2, sec. 2 expatriation act of Mar. 2, 1907. 3

argentine republic.

[Page LXXVI] [Page LXXVII]
No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
121 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox 1909. Apr. 20 Cable concessions granted by the Argentine Republic. Reports proposal of an English company to construct a cable line from the Argentine to Europe. 61
Mr. Portela to Mr. Knox June 15 Celebration of the first centennial of the independence of the Argentine Republic. Invites participation of United States. 4
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). June 18 Cable concessions granted by the Argentine Republic. Says English cable proposition has been sent to Congress for approval. 61
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Sherrill (telegram). July 16 Same subject. Says it is presumed that cable contract is not infringement of treaty with United States. 61
30 Mr. Sherrill to Mr. Knox July 19 Same subject. Incloses note to foreign office relative to English proposal to lay cable. 62
82 Mr. Adee to Mr. Portela do Celebration of the first centennial of the independence of the Argentine Republic. Says United States accents invitation to participate. 4
24 Mr. Adee to Mr. Sherrill Sept. 3 Cable concessions granted by the Argentine Republic. Gives department’s views relative to cable contract with English company. 63
Mr. Portela to Mr. Knox Sept. 11 Fourth International Conference of American States. Invites United States to participate. 12
84 Mr. Adee to Mr. Portela Oct. 8 Same subject. Accepts invitation to participate 13
Mr. Portela to Mr. Knox Nov. 29 Celebration of the first centennial of the independence of the Argentine Republic. Transmits program. 5
Mr. Knox to Mr. Portela 1910. Mar. 12 Fourth International Conference of American States. Transmits names of American delegates. 13
279 Mr. Sherrill to Mr. Knox Mar. 14 Cable concessions granted by the Argentine Republic. Incloses correspondence with foreign office concerning cable contract. 63
Same to same (telegram) Apr. 5 Same subject. Says special ambassador will reach Buenos Aires May 19. 6
98 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Sherrill Mar. 31 Celebration of the first centennial of the independence of the Argentine Republic. Transmits information relative to officers and ships. 6
Mr. Knox to Mr. Villegas Apr. 5 Same subject. Says Maj. Gen. Leonard Wood has been appointed special ambassador. 6
Mr. Knox to Mr. Sherrill (telegram). May 12 Boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru. Transmits note regarding, for action and repetition to embassy at Petropolis. 449
Same to same (telegram) May 13 Same subject. Transmits note from Chilean minister with instructions to repeat to Rio. 450
Mr. Sherrill to Mr. Knox (telegram). May 14 Same subject. Says Argentine Government desires to act in full accord with policies outlined by United States. 451
Mr. Knox to Mr. Sherrill (telegram). May 15 Same subject. Instructs legation to report whether Argentine assents to publication of identic note. 452
Mr. Sherrill to Mr. Knox (telegram). May 16 Same subject. Reports assent of Argentine to publication of identic note. 453
117 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Sherrill do Cable concessions granted by the Argentine Republic. Gives views relative to cable contract. 65
Mr. Knox to Mr. Sherrill (telegram) May 17 Boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru. Reports Argentine Minister at Lima is without instructions and says joint note was presented unsigned. 453
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Sherrill (telegram). May 18 Same subject. Quotes telegram of this date to Lima and asks what action has been taken by Argentine. 455
Mr. Sherrill to Mr. Knox (telegram). do Same subject. Reports action of Argentina regarding joint note. 455
President Taft to President Figueroa (telegram). May 25 Celebration of the first centennial of the independence of the Argentine Republic. Sends congratulations. 7
Mr. Knox to Mr. Villegas do Same subject. Says President Taft has sent congratulatory message. 7
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Sherrill (telegram). do Same subject. Instructed to extend United States felicitations. 7
Mr. Villegas to Mr. Knox do Same subject. Expresses appreciation of goodwishes of United States. 8
President Figueroa to Pres dent Taft (telegram). May 27 Same subject. Expresses thanks for good wishes of President of United States. 8
Mr. Knox to Mr. Sherrill (telegram). May 28 Boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru. Suggests that June 4 be set by mediating powers for withdrawal of troops by Ecuador and Peru. 460
Mr. Sherrill to Mr. Knox (telegram). May 29 Same subject. Says Argentina agrees to June 4 for withdrawal of troops. 461
Mr. Knox to Mr. Sherrill (telegram). June 1 Same subject. Transmits copy of Aide Memoire to Ecuador and Peru regarding withdrawal of troops. 464
Same to same (telegram) do Same subject. Transmits Aide Memoire regarding withdrawal of troops for communication to Argentine Government and repetition to Embassy at Rio. 462
Mr. Sherrill to Mr. Knox (telegram). June 3 Same subject. Reports Argentine Government in complete accord with United States as to withdrawal of troops by Peru and Ecuador. 466
Mr. Knox to Mr. Villegas June 9 Same subject. (Same as June 9, 1910, to Chilean chargé) 469
Mr. Villegas to Mr. Knox. June 14 Celebration of the First Centennial of the Independence of the Argentine Republic. Expresses thanks for distinguished delegation sent. 9
Mr. Knox to the American delegates. do Fourth International Conference of American States. Instructions. 14
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Sherrill (telegram). June 15 Boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru. Transmits telegram of June 15 for action and repetition to Petropolis. 472
Mr. Sherrill to Mr. Knox (telegram). June 17 Same subject. Says Argentine Government approves action regarding withdrawal of troops. 473
428 Same to same June 18 Celebration of the first centennial of the independence of the Argentine Republic. Transmits note acknowledging President Taft’s congratulatory telegram. 9
106 Mr. Knox to Mr. Villegas June 20 Same subject. Says department has conveyed to President expressions of appreciation for participation of United States. 10
437 Mr. Sherrill to Mr. Knox June 22 Same subject. Transmits decree recognizing foreign representatives. 10
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Sherrill (telegram). June 23 Boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru. Refers to draft protocol proposed by mediating powers for signature by Ecuador and Peru. 475
Mr. Sherrill to Mr. Knox (telegram). July 12 Fourth International Conference of American States. Reports opening of conference. 25
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Sherrill (telegram). July 13 Boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru. Transmits telegram regarding protocol to be presented to Ecuador and Peru. 483
Same to same (telegram) July 14 Same subject. For information of Embassy and repetition to Petropolis quotes telegram of July 13, to Buenos Aires. 485
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Villegas July 21 Same subject. Suggests that effort be made to induce Ecuador to accent protocol as it stands. 489
Same to same July 28 Same subject. Refers to condition of boundary negotiations and incloses copy of telegram from the legation at Quito. 492
Mr. Villegas to Mr. Wilson July 29 Same subject. Transmits note from Argentme foreign office regarding Chilean cooperation in mediation proceedings. 493
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Villegas Aug. 8 Same subject. Acknowledges note regarding statement as to Chilean cooperation in mediation proceedings. 495
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Sherrill (telegram). Aug. 10 Same subject. Repeats telegram of Aug. 10 to Quito. 495
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Villegas do Same subject. Asks cooperation of Argentina in impressing upon Ecuador necessity for conciliatory disposition in boundary dispute. 496
Mr. Villegas to Mr. Knox Aug. 12 Same subject. Says Argentine minister at Quito instructed to urge upon Ecuador necessity for conciliatory attitude toward protocol. 497
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Villegas. Aug. 20 Same subject. (Same, mutatis mutandis, as Aug. 20, to the Brazilian chargé). 498
Mr. Villegas to Mr. Knox Aug. 27 Same subject. Transmits telegram from foreign office regarding cooperation of Argentine in boundary matter. 499
Mr. Arizaga to Mr. Villegas do Same subject. Transmits statement regarding attitude of Ecuador toward draft protocol. 500
The American delegates to Mr. Knox. Aug. 30 Fourth International Conference of American States. Report of United States delegates. 25
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Villegas. Sept. 1 Boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru. (Same, mutatis mutandis, as Sept. 1, to Brazilian chargé.) 502
Mr. Villegas to Mr. Knox Nov. 22 Celebration of the first centennial of the independence of the Argentine Republic. Transmits letter from President of Argentina to the President of the United States. 11
Mr. Knox to Mr. Villegas Nov. 30 Same subject. Acknowledges receipt of letter from President of Argentina to President Taft. 12
Same to same Dec. 19 Boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru. (Same as Dec. 19, 1910, aide memoire to Brazilian embassy.) 504
Mr. Knox to Mr. Bliss (telegram) do Same subject. Transmits for discussion with Argentine Government aide memoire suggesting that boundary dispute be referred to The Hague. 504
Mr. Bliss to Mr. Knox (telegram) Dec. 21 Same subject. Argentine Government asks if Peru and Ecuador are willing to refer question to The Hague. 505
Same to same (telegram) Dec. 28 Same subject. Says President of Peru approves proposal to refer dispute to The Hague. 507


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
2028 Mr. Ambrózy to Mr. Knox 1909. Aug. 18 Citizenship of Rudolf Warren-Lippit. Asks relative to citizenship of Rudolf Warren-Lippit and son now residing in Austria. 71
471 Mr. Adee to Mr. Ambrózy. Sept. 8 Same subject. Says when report regarding the citizenship is received he will be advised. 71
358 Mr. Adee to Mr. Rives do Same subject. Instruction to investigate and report regarding Rudolf Warren-Lippit and son. 72
536 Mr. Ambrózy to Mr. Knox 1910. Mar. 10 Same subject. Asks to be advised as to result of investigation. 73
409 Mr. Knox to Mr. Rives Mar. 24 Same subject. Instructed to investigate and report. 73
512 Mr. Knox to Mr. Ambrózy do Same subject. Says report will be communicated to him immediately upon its receipt. 73
5 Mr. Kerens to Mr. Knox Apr. 20 Emigration and military service law of Hungary. Transmits foreign office note relative to Hungarian emigration law. 67
22 Same to-same May 10 Citizenship of Rudolf Warren-Lippit. Reports regarding application for passport. 74
13 Mr. Knox to Mr. Kerens May 13 Emigration and military service law of Hungary. Instructed to report relative to enrollment age in Hungary. 67
Mr. Kerens to Mr. Knox May 28 Same subject. Transmits note to foreign office 68
19 Mr. Knox to Mr. Kerens June 1 Citizenship of Rudolf Warren-Lippit. Instruction regarding passport applications. 74
Mr. Kerens to Mr. Knox June 21 Emigration and military service law of Hungary. Transmits note from foreign office regarding application of law to former subjects of Austria and Hungary. 69
50 Same to same July 6 Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. Incloses memorandum giving reasons for nonparticipation of Austria. 307
66 Same to same July 30 Citizenship of Rudolf Warren-Lippit. Transmits passport application and memorandum relative thereto. 75
105 Same to same Sept. 22 Same subject. Asks what decision has been made relative to granting passport. 76
63 Mr. Adee to Mr. Kerens Oct. 4 Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. Regrets decision of Austro-Hungarian Government not to participate. 317
Same to same Oct. 7 Citizenship of Rudolf Warren-Lippit. Gives reasons for refusing passport. 76
2427 Baron Hengelmüller to Mr. Knox. 1909 Oct. 11 Extradition of Moritz Ormai to Austria-Hungary. Requests provisional detention until evidence of additional crimes can be secured. 77
602 Mr. Knox to Baron Hengelmuller. Oct. 18 Same subject. Says if extradition is desired for additional crimes same proceedings should be followed as in original request. 77
2497 Baron Hengelmüller to Mr. Knox. Oct. 21 Same subject. Says extradition for further crimes will not be requested and that he has been embarked. 78
606 Mr. Knox to Baron Hengelmüller. Oct 26 Same subject. Informs him as to period of detention in extradition cases. 78
71 Mr. Adee to Mr. Kerens Nov. 1 Emigration and military service law of Hungary. Transmits copy of notice to former subjects of Austria and Hungary who contemplate returning to those countries. 70


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Mr. Knox to Mr. Rives 1909 Nov. 3 . Proposed alternative procedure for the international prize court and the investment of the international prize court with the functions of a court of arbitral justice. Transmits copy of identic circular note with instructions to communicate to Austro-Hungarian Government. 597


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
15 Mr. Bryan to Mr. Knox 1910 Mar. 18 Affairs in the Kongo. Transmits program of proposed reforms. 686
Mr. Hale to Mr. Bryan (telegram). Apr. 12 Transit of fugitive from justice in course of extradition proceedings between Luxemburg and the United States. Cooperate with legation at Hague to secure from Belgian Government permission for transit of fugitive. 82
23 Mr. Bryan to Mr. Knox Apr. 1 Affairs in the Kongo. Decrees of the Belgian Government affecting Kongo. 687
25 Mr. Knox to Mr. Bryan Apr. 26 Same subject. States this Government’s attitude toward contemplated reforms. 688
Mr. Wilson to Count de Buisseret. May 2 Right of Agricultural Corporation to purchase and hold land in the Philippine Islands. Transmits copy of opinion of Attorney General. 80
38 Mr. Bryan to Mr. Knox May 5 Affairs in the Kongo. Transmits address of the King and the minister of the colonies regarding reforms. 689
Mr. Knox to Mr. Bryan June 6 Same subject. Outlines Department’s attitude concerning affairs in the Kongo. 693
62 Mr. Bryan to Mr. Knox June 17 Third International Conference on Maritime Law, 1910 session. Says Sept. 12, 1910 has been set for meeting. 105
Mr. Adee to the American delegation. Aug. 23 Same subject. Gives instructions 105
Mr. Knox to Mr. Bryan Oct. 26 International prize court and court of arbitral justice. (Same, mutatis mutandis as Oct. 26, 1910, to Rome). 634


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Mr. Knox to Mr. Knowles 1910. Oct. 26 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. Same (Mutatis mutandis, as Oct. 26, 1910, to Rome). 634
Mr. Knox to Mr. Benson Dec. 17 Same subject. In absence of Netherlands representative at La Paz, legation is instructed to present additional prize court protocol to Bolivia. 638
[Page LXXIX]


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Mr. Dudley to Mr. Knox (telegram). 1910. Jan. 16 Preferential tariff concession in favor of American products. Says Brazil will grant 20 per cent reduction during 1910. 121
Mr. Knox to Mr. Dudley (telegram). Jan. 17 Death of Joaquim Nabuco, Brazilian ambassador to the United States. Offers condolences of Government and people of United States. 111
Mr. Knox to Mr. Chermont. do Same subject. Expresses sorrow of President, himself, and officers of department. 110
President Taft to President Pecanha (telegram). do Same subject. Offers condolence 110
474 Mr. Dudley to Mr. Knox. do Preferential tariff concession in favor of American products. Reports relative to proposed preferential treatment. 121
Mr. Chermont to Mr. Knox. do Death of Joaquim Nabuco, Brazilian ambassador to the United States. Announces death. 110
President Pecanha to President Taft (telegram). Jan. 18 Same subject. Expresses appreciation for telegram of condolence. 111
Mr. Dudley to Mr. Knox (telegram). Jan. 20 Same subject. Transmits telegram expressing appreciation for honors shown by United States. 111
Mr. Knox to Mr. Chermont. do Same subject. Says President’s yacht will be at disposal of Madame Nabuco to convey remains to Hampton Roads. 111
Mr. Chermont to Mr. Knox. Jan. 21 Same subject. Expresses thanks of his Government for sympathetic attitude of United States. 112
Mr. Knox to Mr. Dudley (telegram). Jan. 22 Preferential tariff concessions in favor of American products. Instructed to express appreciation. 121
Mr. Chermont to Mr. Knox. do Death of Joaquim Nabuco, Brazilian ambassador to the United States. Expresses thanks of his Government for tender of President’s yacht. 112
Mr. Knox to Mr. Chermont. Jan. 27 Same subject. Says North Carolma will convey remains, and that commanding officer will cooperate with authorities at Rio. 113
Apr. 12 Naturalization convention between the United States and Brazil. Text. 113
Mr. Dudley to Mr. Knox (telegram). May 14 Boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru. Says Brazil desires to join tripartite mediation offer and will instruct representatives accordingly. 451
Mr. Knox to Mr. Dudley (telegram). May 15 Same subject. (Same as telegram to Buenos Aires). 452
Mr. Dudley to Mr. Knox (telegram). May 18 Same subject. Says Argentine Government assents to publication of joint note. 456
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Dudley (telegram). do Same subject. (Quotes telegram of this date to Lima.) 455
539 Mr. Dudley to Mr. Knox. May 27 Message of the President of Brazil to the Brazilian Congress. Incloses copy. 115
Same to same (telegram). May 30 Says Brazil agrees to June 4 for withdrawal of troops. 461
Mr. Knox to Mr. Dudley (telegram). June 1 Same subject. Instructed to inform minister for foreign affairs that department concurs in suggestion reported in legation’s May 30. 463
Mr. Dudley to Mr. Knox (telegram). June 3 Same subject. Says Brazil will instruct its representatives as to withdrawal of troops by Peru and Ecuador on June 4. 466
Mr. Knox to Mr. de Lima. June 9 Same subject. (Same as June 9, 1910, to Chilean chargé.) 469
Mr. Wilson to Mr. de Lima. June 10 Same subject. Refers to aide memoire of June 1 regarding mediation. 470
Mr. Dudley to Mr. Knox (telegram). June 17 Same subject. Says Brazil will instruct its representatives at Lima and Quito regarding withdrawal of troops. 474
Mr. Wilson to Mr. de Lima. July 21 Same subject. (Same mutatis mutandis, as July 21, to Argentine charge). 489
Same to same July 28 Same subject. (Mutatis mutandis, as July 28, to the Argentine chargé). 492
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Dudley (telegram). Aug. 10 Same subject. (See telegram of this date to Quito). 495
Mr. Wilson to Mr. de Lima. do Same subject. (Same mutatis mutandis, as Aug. 10, to Argentine chargé). 496
Same to same Aug. 20 Same subject. Reviews tripartite mediation proceedings and asks cooperation of his Government. 498
Mr. Arizaga to Mr. de Lima. Aug. 27 Same subject. Transmits statement regarding attitude of Ecuador toward draft protocol. 500
Mr. Wilson to Mr. de Lima. Sept. 1 Same subject. Transmits copy of note from minister of Ecuador regarding views of that Government relative to protocol. 502
Aide-memoire to the Brazilian embassy. Dec. 19 Same subject. Suggests that controversy be referred to The Hague. 504
Mr. Dudley to Mr. Knox (telegram). Dec. 22 Same subject. Says Brazil thinks dispute should be referred to The Hague. 505
Mr. Knox to Mr. Dudley (telegram). Dec. 23 Same subject. Instructs legation regarding Peru-Colombian question. 505
[Page LXXX]


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
54 Mr. Harvey to Mr. Knox. 1910. Feb. 7 Extradition of Vahan Nalbandian granted by Bulgaria as an act of grace. Incloses correspondence with Bulgarian legation relative to surrender. 123
52 Same to same. Feb. 5 Same subject. Incloses correspondence with foreign office. 122
Same to same (telegram). do Same subject. Reports arrest and says surrender will be made on presentation of extradition papers. 122
26 Mr. Knox to Mr. Harvey. Feb. 9 Collection of supplementary income tax from foreigners engaged in business in Bulgaria. Approves representations made. 128
Mr. Harvey to Mr. Knox (telegram). Feb. 17 Extradition of Vahan Nalbandian granted by Bulgaria as an act of grace. Says surrender will be made with understanding that United States can not reciprocate. 124
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Harvey (telegram). Feb. 18 Same subject. Says extradition papers will be forwarded and directs that Bulgaria be formally informed of inability of United States to reciprocate. 125
Mr. Knox to Mr. Harvey (telegram). do Same subject. Says surrender must be act of grace, as United States can not reciprocate. 124
30 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Harvey. Feb. 19 Same subject. Incloses extradition papers which are to be presented with statement that United States can not reciprocate. 125
9 Mr. Harvey to Mr. Knox. Apr. 7 Same subject. Incloses correspondence with foreign office. 125
63 Mr. Carter to Mr. Knox. Apr. 9 Same subject. Reports change of plans and his action relative thereto. 127
29 Mr. Knox to Mr. Carter. Apr. 25 Same subject. Commends legation 128
28 Mr. Knox to Mr. Harvey do Same subject. Commands handling of matter. 128


[Page LXXXI] [Page LXXXII]
No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
60 Mr. Root to Mr. Hicks. 1907. Apr. 30 Arbitration of the claim of Alsop & Co., an American corporation, v. Chile. Directs that Alsop claim again be taken up. 138
Mr. Janes to Mr. Root (telegram). Aug. 1 Same subject. Reports attitude of Chile. 143
163 Same to same. 1907. Aug. 5 Same subject. Reports presentation of claim. 143
Mr. Hicks to Mr. Root. Nov. 11 Same subject. Reports regarding claim. 145
122 Mr. Yoacham to Mr. Root. 1908. July 31 Same subject. Incloses note from foreign office. 146
Mr. Adee to Mr. Cruz Aug. 29 Same subject. Acknowledges receipt of report from foreign office. 154
17 Mr. Bacon to Mr. Cruz. Nov. 24 Same subject. Refers to former correspondence and asks for antecedents. 154
7 Mr. Cruz to Mr. Root Nov. 26 Same subject. Says information and antecedents will be furnished when received. 155
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Hicks (telegram). 1909. Jan. 24 Same subject. Inform foreign office that department awaits antecedents. 156
311 Mr. Hicks to Mr. Bacon. Feb. 22 Protection of children born in Chile of Chinese parents. Asks instructions relative to. 194
Same to same (telegram). Feb. 26 Arbitration in the claim of Alsop & Co., an American Corporation, v. Chile. Foreign office says antecedents sent to Washington. 156
22 Mr. Knox to Mr. Cruz. Mar. 18 Same subject. Asks that documents be sent to department. 156
18 Mr. Cruz to Mr. Knox. Apr. 16 Same subject. Explains action of Chile in reducing amount of claim. 157
23 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Cruz. Apr. 22 Same subject. Department does not think claimants should accept sum less than is called for in 1876 contract. 158
20 Mr. Cruz to Mr. Knox. Apr. 23 Same subject. Explains principal antecedents which Chilean Government stands on. 158
Mr. Edwards to Mr. Dawson. Oct. 15 Same subject. Acknowledges note and explains attitude of Chilean Government. 178
5 Mr. Knox to Mr. Dawson. Aug. 5 Same subject. Transmits note which department desires presented to foreign office. 159
2 Mr. Cruz to Mr. Knox 1910. Jan. 27 Celebration of Chilean centennial. Invites United States to participate. 189
324 Mr. Cresson to Mr. Knox. Feb. 22 Boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru. Reports feeling in Lima regarding boundary arbitration. 438
324 Mr. Knox to Mr. Cruz. Feb. 24 Celebration of Chilean centennial. Accepts invitation to participate. 189
68 Mr. Pierrepont to Mr. Knox. Mar. 8 Boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru. Reports issuance of order expelling Peruvian curates from Tacna. 439
5 Mr. Cruz to Mr. Knox. Mar. 28 Celebration of Chilean centennial. Says Government appreciates acceptance by United States. 190
73 Mr. Pierrepont to Mr. Knox. Apr. 4 Boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru. Transmits copy of foreign office note regarding proposal of United States. 443
Same to same (telegram). Apr. 7 Same subject. Reports action by Chilean Government regarding United States proposal. 444
Aide-memoire to the Chilean legation. June 1 Same subject. Gives views regarding the withdrawal of troops from the frontier. 462
Mr. Pierrepont to Mr. Knox June 7 Message of the President of Chile to the Chilean Congress. Transmits copy. 195
Mr. Knox to Mr. Yoacham. June 9 Boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru. Transmits memorandum embodying views of United States regarding suggestion of Ecuadorean Government as to Article VI of arbitration convention. 468
10 Mr. Yoacham to Mr. Knox. June 10 Celebration of Chilean centennial. Requests information re officers of United States participating ships. 190
34 Mr. Knox to Mr. Yoacham. June 28 Same subject. Says First Division of Pacific Fleet will arrive at Valparaiso Sept. 10. 191
Mr. Knox to American special delegates. do Same subject. Transmits appointments as special delegates. 192
Mr. Pierrepont to Mr. Knox (telegram). July 9 Visit of Señor Don Pedro Montt, President of Chile, to the United States. Says President of Chile has transferred executive authority to Vice President. 130
Same to same (telegram). July 14 Boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru. Says joint action will be taken when colleagues receive instructions. 487
16 Mr. Yoacham to Mr. Knox. July 16 Visit of Señor Don Pedro Montt, President of Chile, to the United States. Says President of Chile expresses thanks for desire of United States to entertain him during his visit. 130
Mr. Pierrepont to Mr. Knox (telegram). July 19 Boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru. Says Government of Chile renews assurances of cooperation. 489
150 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Pierrepont. Aug. 3 Protection of children born in Chile of Chinese parents. Instructions relative to. 195
Same to same (telegram). Aug. 10 Boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru. (See telegram of this date to Quito.) 495
President Montt to Mr. Hale. do Visit of Señor Don Pedro Montt, President of Chile, to the United States. Expresses thanks for courtesies. 131
18 Mr. Yoacham to Mr. Knox Aug. 11 Same subject. Transmits letter of thanks from the President of Chile. 131
19 Same to same. Aug. 17 Announces death of President. Death of Señor Don Pedro Montt and Señor Don Elias Fernandez Albano, President and Vice President, respectively, of Chile. 132
President Taft to vice President, Albano (telegram). do Same subject. Expresses sympathy. 133
39 Mr. Knox to Madam Montt (telegram). Aug. 18 Visit of Señor Don Pedro Montt, President of Chile, to the United States. Says letter of President of Chile has been forwarded to President Taft. 132
40 Same to same Aug. 25 Death of Señor Don Pedro Montt and Señor Don Elias Fernandez Albano, President and Vice President, respectively. News of death of President Montt is received with sorrow. 134
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Pierrepont. Aug. 17 Same subject. Directs him to express condolences. Says flags at half-mast on Government buildings in Washington. 133
Mr. Pierrepont to Mr. Knox (telegram). Sept. 6 Same subject. Reports death of Vice President. 134
20 Mr. Yoacham to Mr. Knox. Sept. 7 Same subject. Announces death of Vice President. 134
President Taft to Mr. Figueroa (telegram). do Same subject. Offers condolences 135
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Pierrepont (telegram). do Same subject. Condolences. 135
Mr. Figueroa to President Taft (telegram). Sept. 8 Same subject. Acknowledge condolences. 135
41 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Yoacham. Sept. 10 Same subject. Expresses sympathy. 135
President Taft to Acting President Figueroa (telegram). Sept. 18 Celebration of Chilean centennial. Felicitations 192
Acting President Figueroa to President Taft (telegram). Sept. 20 Same subject. Expresses appreciation of President’s felicitations. 192
Special, delegates to the Secretary of State. Oct. 4 Same subject. Submit report 193
Mr. Knox to Mr. Fletcher Oct. 26 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. (Same mutatis mutandis, as Oct. 26, 1910, to Rome.) 634
Mr. Yoacham to Mr. Knox Dec. 18 Death of Señor Anibal Cruz, Chilean minister to the United States. Announces death. 136
Mr. Knox to Mr. Yoacham. Dec. 24 Same subject. Says Delaware has been detailed to convey remains. 136
Mr. Knox to Mr. Fletcher (telegram). 1911. Jan. 23 Same subject. Says entire legation staff should meet body on its arrival. 136
Commission appointed to accompany remains of late Chilean minister to Mr. Knox. Feb. 1 Same subject. Expresses appreciation for courtesies shown them by United States officials. 137
Mr. Knox to the members of the commission appointed to accompany the remains of late Chilean minister. Feb. 9 Same subject. Says note expressing appreciation for courtesies extended by United States officials has been communicated to appropriate officers. 137


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
851 Mr. Fletcher to Mr. Root 1908. Feb. 25 Proposed establishment by the Chinese Eastern Railway Co. of a municipal administration at Harbin. Incloses note from Chinese foreign office. 202
1154 Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Knox. 1909. May 19 Same subject. Incloses copy of preliminary arrangement. 208
1198 Mr. Fletcher to Mr. Knox. July 3 Same subject. Incloses copy of note to foreign office. 212
617 Mr. Adee to Mr. Fletcher Aug. 10 Same subject. Incloses copy of instruction of Aug. 6 to Russia. 214
Same to same Aug. 11 Same subject. Approves legation’s attitude 214
619 Same to same Aug. 12 Same subject. Approves note of June 23 to foreign office. 215
1267 Mr. Fletcher to Mr. Knox Oct. 7 Proposal for the neutralization of railways in Manchuria. Transmits copy of agreement for construction of Chinchow-Aigun Railway. 231
Mr. Knox to Mr. Fletcher (telegram). Nov. 9 Proposed establishment by the Chinese Eastern Railway Co. of a municipal administration at Harbin. Directed to report whether China has denounced agreement. 220
Mr. Fletcher to Mr. Knox (telegram). Nov. 11 Same subject. Says China has not denounced agreement, but has made certain representations relative to conditions. 221
1313 Same to same Dec. 6 Same subject. Incloses note from foreign office on subject of interpretation of agreement. 1 221
1317 Same to same do Political affairs in China. Transmits copies of imperial decrees regarding constitutional reform. 328
Mr. Knox to Mr. Calhoun (telegram). Dec. 14 Proposed neutralization of railways in Manchuria. See telegram of this date to Japan. 236
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Fletcher (telegram). Dec. 15 Same subject. Instructed to seek Chinese approval of Japanese participation. 237
1323 Mr. Fletcher to Mr. Knox. Dec. 17 Proposed establishment by the Chinese Eastern Railway Co. of a municipal administration at Harbin. Incloses foreign office reply to legation’s note. 223
Same to same (telegram). Dec. 23 Proposal for the neutralization of railways in Manchuria. Says China approves general principle involved in project. 240
47 Mr. Greene to Mr. Wilson Dec. 27 Proposed establishment by the Chinese Eastern Railway Co. of a municipal administration at Harbin. Reports relative to tax collections. 224
1329 Mr. Fletcher to Mr. Knox. Dec. 28 Proposal for the neutralization of railways in Manchuria. Transmits copy of memorandum presented to foreign office. 240
1332 Same to same Dec. 31 Same subject. Says British minister advises him of approval of project. 242
Same to same (telegram). 1910. Jan. 2 Same subject. Says embassy at Tokyo advised that Chinchow-Aigun agreement not ratified by China. 243
688 Mr. Adee to Mr Fletcher Jan. 5 Proposed establishment by the Chinese Eastern Railway Co. of a municipal administration at Harbin. Approves attitude and gives views. 226
Statement to press Jan. 6 Proposal for the neutralization of railways in Manchuria. Outlines negotiations to date. 243
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Fletcher. Jan. 7 Proposed establishment by the Chinese Eastern Railway Co. of a municipal administration at Harbin. Incloses instruction to Russia for communication to Russian minister at Peking. 227
Mr. Knox to Mr. Fletcher (telegram). do Proposal for the neutralization of railways in Manchuria. Inform China that success of neutralization project depends largely upon her ratification of Chinchow agreement. 245
Mr. Fletcher to Mr. Knox (telegram). do Same subject. Says China approves Chinchow project but will not proceed further with matter for present. 245
1338 Same to same Jan. 10 Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. Transmits note from foreign office regarding China’s terms of acceptance of proposals. 292
692 Mr. Knox to Mr. Fletcher Jan. 19 The Hukuang Railway loan. Reviews negotiations and gives views. 270
Mr. Fletcher to Mr. Know (telegram). Jan. 20 Proposal for the neutralization of railways in Manchuria. Says he is informed edict has been issued ratifying Chinchow agreement. 246
Same to same (telegram). Jan. 21 Same subject. Reports memorial relative to foreign loan for building Chinchow-Aigun Railway. 248
1347 Same to same Jan. 24 Same subject. Incloses correspondence relative to ratification of Chinchow-Aigun agreement. 252
1348 Same to same Jan. 31 Same subject. Transmits reply of foreign office relative to Chinchow-Aigun matter. 254
1334 Same to same Feb. 1 Political affairs in China. Transmits edict reaffirming purpose of Throne to adhere to original constitutional reform program. 329
699 Mr. Knox to Mr. Fletcher Feb. 7 Proposed establishment by the Chinese Eastern Railway Co. of a municipal administration at Harbin. Says that in view of China’s decision to notify American consul concerning detailed regulations discussion of detailed objections will be deferred. 229
1358 Mr. Fletcher to Mr. Knox. do Proposal for the neutralization of railways in Manchuria. Reports interview with foreign office relative to Russian and Japanese protests. 257
1359 Same to same do Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. Transmits copy of new laws regarding opium suppression. 294
1360 Same to same do Political affairs in China. Transmits edict replying to memorial regarding the date of opening of Imperial Parliament. 330
1367 Same to same Feb. 19 Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. Incloses note relative to importation of cocaine and says China wishes same restrictions on this drug as are applied to morphine. 298
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Fletcher (telegram). Mar. 1 Proposal for the neutralization of railways in Manchuria. Requests text of China’s promise to Russia regarding building of railways. 263
1387 Mr. Fletcher to Mr. Knox. Mar. 4 Visit of His Imperial Highness Prince Tsai-t’ao to the United States. Transmits note from foreign office regarding. 338
1386 Same to same do Proposal for the neutralization of railways in Manchuria. Transmits foreign office note to Russian minister Peking. 263
3 Mr. Chang to Mr. Knox. Mar. 8 Visit of His Imperial Highness Prince Tsai-t’ao to the United States. Says visit will be for purpose of studying military system. 338
708 Mr. Knox to Mr. Fletcher. Mar. 9 Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. Express to Chinese Government appreciation of acceptance. 303
193 Mr. Knox to Mr. Chang Mar. 12 Visit of His Imperial Highness Prince Tsai-t’ao to the United States. Says arrangements will be made to facilitate inquiries of prince regarding military system of the United States. 339
194 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Chang. do Taxes levied in Manchuria upon foreign goods certified as exempt therefrom. Calls attention to the improper levy of taxes upon foreign goods by authorities in Manchuria. 198
4 Mr. Chang to Mr. Knox. Mar. 16 Visit of His Imperial Highness Prince Tsai-t’ao to the United States. Expresses appreciation for proposed courtesies to prince. 340
1398 Mr. Fletcher to Mr. Knox. do Same subject. Transmits note regarding visit and gives the names of suite. 339
Mr. Knox to Mr. Fletcher. Mar. 28 Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. Approves proposed measures to restrict importation of cocaine. 304
196 Mr. Knox to Mr. Chang. Apr. 8 Visit of His Imperial Highness Prince Tsai-t’ao to the United States. Says Col. Schuyler has been detailed to meet the prince on his arrival. 340
Mr. Fletcher to Mr. Knox (telegram). Apr. 15 Riots at Chang-sha and claims arising therefrom. Reports occurrence of riots. 342
Mr. Knox to Mr. Calhoun (telegram). Apr. 18 Proposal for the neutralization of railways in Manchuria. Repeats résumé of memorandum relative to Russo-Chinese agreement of 1899. 267
Mr. Baugh to Mr. Knox (telegram). Apr. 22 Riots at Chang-sha and claims arising therefrom. Reports serious disturbances at Hunan missions. 342
Mr. Calhoun to Mr. Knox (telegram). do Samesubject. Reportsrelative to Hunansituation. 343
12 Mr. Knox to Mr. Calhoun. Apr. 25 Status of American corporations in the Chinese Empire. Incloses copy of instruction to consul at Amoy. 197
Mr. Calhoun to Mr. Knox (telegram). Apr. 30 Riots at Chang-sha and claims arising therefrom. Says military attaché has been instructed to go to Chang-sha to ascertain damage to American property. 343
Same to same (telegram). May 1 Same subject. Reports Hunan situation improved. 343
Same to same (telegram). May 5 Same subject. Asks instructions regarding claims. 343
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Calhoun (telegram). May 7 Same subject. Instructs legation as to procedure re claims. 344
16 Mr. Calhoun to Mr. Knox. May 12 Same subject. Transmits newspaper clippings relating to riots. 344
17 Same to same do Same subject. Transmits copy of instruction to Hankow regarding claims. 347
8 Mr. Chang to Mr. Knox. May 16 Visit of His Imperial Highness Prince Tsai-t’ao to the United States. Expresses thanks of his Government for courtesies extended to the prince. 341
199 Mr. Knox to Mr. Chang May 23 Same subject. Says United States is gratified to learn that visit was so satisfactory. 341
Mr. Knox to Mr. Calhoun (telegram). May 24 Proposed establishment by the Chinese Eastern Railway Co. of a municipal administration at Harbin. Says department considers that Americans should pay taxes the same as other residents and directs that the consul be so informed. 230
21 Mr. Calhoun to Mr. Knox. May 25 Political affairs in China. Transmits memorandum regarding the Chinese constitutional assembly with translation of regulations. 331
25 Mr. Knox to Mr. Calhoun. June 1 Proposed establishment by the Chinese Eastern Railway Co. of a municipal administration at Harbin. Department considers that Americans should pay taxes the same as other residents, and directs that he so inform the Chinese Government and the American consul at Harbin. 230
33 Mr. Calhoun to Mr. Knox. June 9 Riots at Chang-sha and claims arising therefrom. Transmits correspondence relative to recent disturbances. 348
Same to same June 16 Same subject. Transmits newspaper clippings regarding riots. 350
43 Same to same June 23 The Whangpoo River conservancy scheme. Incloses correspondence protesting against dismissal of chief engineer. 353
Mr. Knox to Mr. Calhoun (telegram). June 28 The Hukuang railway loan. Says United States approves settlement of Hukuang loan agreement. 287
32 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Calhoun. June 29 Riots at Chang-sha and claims arising therefrom. Approves instruction to Hankow. 351
37 Same to same July 2 Copyrights in China and Japan. Incloses letter to Ginn & Co., outlining present status of copyright protection to American publications. 200
49 Mr. Calhoun to Mr. Knox. July 9 Political affairs in China. Transmits copy of imperial edict replying to memorial soliciting the earlier opening of Parliament. 336
Same to same July 23 Agreement between Japan and Russia relative to Manchuria. Transmits copy of circular note from foreign office relative to agreement. 836
Same to same (telegram). Aug. 2 Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. Says Netherlands Government has agreed to request of China that opium conference be postponed until Oct. 15. 310
59 Same to same Aug. 3 The Hukuang Railway loan. Transmits copy of identic note relating to loan agreement. 288
60 Same to same Aug. 4 The Whangpoo River conservancy scheme. Reports condition of work. 357
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Calhoun (telegram). Aug. 5 Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. Says fixing of date of conference is purely according to convenience of participating powers. 310
11 Mr. Chang to Mr. Knox. Aug. 5 Visit of His Imperial Highness Prince Tsai-t’ao to the United States. Transmits telegram from Chinese Government to President Taft regarding visit. 342
13 Same to same Aug. 11 Agreement between Japan and Russia relative to Manchuria. Transmits telegram from his Government relative to agreement. 837
Mr. Calhoun to Mr. Knox. Aug. 13 The Hukuang Railway loan. Transmits copy of foreign office reply to identic note relating to loan agreement. 289
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Calhoun. Aug. 17 The Whangpoo River conservancy scheme. Department approves, with certain restrictions, conference with colleagues to consider plan for raising funds. 359
64 Same to same Sept. 15 Same subject. Says he may cooperate with colleagues, but must endeavor to save China from any financial burden. 359
Mr. Calhoun to Mr. Knox (telegram). Oct. 5 The Hukuang Railway loan. Reports conference between bankers and board of communications relative to validity of agreement of June 6. 290
Mr. Adee to Mr. Calhoun (telegram). Oct. 7 Same subject. Outlines department’s policy relative to participation in Chinese loans. 291
Mr. Calhoun to Mr. Knox (telegram). Oct. 15 Riots at Chang-sha and claims arising therefrom. Suggests that consul general at Hankow be empowered to settle claims. 351
Mr. Adee to Mr. Calhoun (telegram). do Same subject. Says he may instruct consul general at Hankow to negotiate settlement of claims if he approves them. 352
Mr. Calhoun to Mr. Knox (telegram). Oct. 16 Same subject. Makes certain suggestions regarding settlement of claims. 352
Mr. Knox to Mr. Calhoun (telegram). Oct. 22 Same subject. Instructs him concerning settlement of claims. 352
112 Mr. Calhoun to Mr. Knox. Oct. 25 Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. Transmits notes from foreign office relative to delegates. 317
Same to same (telegram). Nov. 4 Political affairs in China. Says imperial decree just issued fixes 1913 for opening of Parliament. 337
90 Mr. Knox to Mr. Calhoun. Dec. 6 Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. Expresses gratification with appointment of delegates, and instructs him to advise China concerning British terms of participation. 325
Same to same Dec. 7 Same subject. Instructs him to inform China concerning compulsory declaration regarding morphine and cocaine. 325
Same to same Dec. 29 Same subject. Transmits for information of foreign office copies of hearing on proposed opium legislation. 327


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Dawson (telegram). 1909. Feb. 9 Treaties between the United States and the Republic of Panama and Colombia relating to the Panama Canal. Instructs him to urge ratification of treaty by Colombia. 361
232 Mr. Hibben to Mr. Bacon. Feb. 12 Same subject. Transmits newspaper article regarding treaty. 361
Mr. Dawson to Mr. Bacon (telegram). Feb. 14 Same subject. Reports favorable prospects for ratification. 363
Same to same (telegram) Feb. 17 Same subject. Reports favorable prospects for ratification. 363
235 Same to same do Same subject. Reports interview with President regarding ratification, and transmits copies of foreign office correspondence. 363
Same to same (telegram) Feb. 23 Same subject. Reports that treaty is before special committee of Congress. 365
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Dawson (telegram). Feb. 26 Same subject. Says treaty approved by United States Senate. 365
241 Mr. Dawson to Mr. Bacon. do Same subject. Transmits communications from President and minister for foreign affairs to Columbian Assembly regarding treaty. 365
Same to same (telegram) Mar. 1 Same subject. Says opposition is developing in assembly. 376
Mr. Dawson to Mr. Knox (telegram). Mar. 10 Same subject. Reports student demonstration against treaty. 376
Same to same (telegram) Mar. 14 Same subject. Says Jose Holguin assumed presidency on 13th and consideration of treaty indefinitely postponed. 376
Mr. Knox to Mr. Dawson (telegram). Mar. 15 Same subject. Instructs him to keep department informed as to outbreak against treaty ratification. 377
52 Mr. Cortes to Mr. Knox. do Same subject. Communicates information regarding delay in ratification of treaty. 377
Mr. Dawson to Mr. Knox (telegram). Mar. 16 Same subject. Says agitation against treaty dying down and hopes for ratification. 378
Mr. Knox to Mr. Dawson (telegram). Mar. 17 Same subject. Instructs him to communicate to President Reyes department’s cordial sympathy and confidence. 378
Mr. Dawson to Mr. Knox (telegram). Mar. 18 Same subject. Says Colombia objects to punctuation in art. 6. 378
Mr. Knox to Mr. Dawson (telegram). Mar. 19 Same subject. Says punctuation in art. 6 of treaty was mistake and interprets provision regarding Colombian ports. 378
Memorandum do Same subject. Says punctuation in art. 6 of canal treaty was a mistake and explains certain provisions as to ports. 379
Mr. Knox to Mr. Dawson (telegram). do Same subject. Expresses hope that difficulty of defining Jurado will not interfere with ratification of treaty. 379
Mr. Knox to Mr. Cortes. do Same subject. Says placing of comma in art. 6 was a mistake and interprets certain language regarding ports. 380
82 Same to same Mar. 22 Same subject. Expresses hope that ratification of treaty will not meet with untoward delay. 381
59 Mr. Cortes to Mr. Knox. do Same subject. Expresses appreciation of explanation concerning certian points in treaty to which Colombia objected. 381
Mr. Dawson to Mr. Knox (telegram). Mar. 23 Same subject. Asks department’s opinion relative to limitations of Jurado River. 382
62 Mr. Cortes to Mr. Knox. Mar. 24 Same subject. Transmits copy of message of President of treaty. Colombia to National Assembly relative to treaty. 382
Mr. Dawson to Mr. Knox (telegram). Mar. 26 Same subject. Reports exchange of notes relative to change of punctuation in treat v. 384
Same to same (telegram). Mar. 27 Same subject. Reports consideration of treaty postponed on account of threats of violence. 384
247 Same to same Mar. 29 Same subject. Reports relative to demonstrations against ratification of treaty. 384
84 Mr. Wilson to Dawson Apr. 6 Same subject. Directs expression of appreciation of kindly sentiment expressed in message of President. 393
87 Mr. Knox to Mr. Dawson. Apr. 19 Same subject. Transmits copies of notes exchanged between Colombian and Panaman ministers at Washington regarding the “region of Jarado.” 393
89 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Hibben. May 4 Same subject. Commends report regarding conditions at Bogota. 394
Mr. Hibben to Mr. Knox (telegram). May 10 Same subject. Reports issuance of manifesto by President regarding postponing consideration of treaty. 394
262 Same to same May 13 Same subject. Transmits copy of manifesto postponing discussion of treaty. 394
268 Same to same May 27 Same subject. Says the words “región de Jurado” in treaty have created erroneous impression. 398
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Hibben (telegram). June 11 Same subject. Says United States views with relative indifference ratification of treaty—Panama and Colombia being the chief beneficiaries. 398
Mr. Northcott to Mr. Knox (telegram). Sept. 29 Same subject. Says Colombia desires to abandon present treaty and negotiate new one. 399
12 Same to same Oct. 1. Same subject. Reports interview with minister for foreign affairs relative to making a new treaty. 399
Mr. Adee to Mr. Northcott (telegram). Oct. 4 Same subject. Says department can not consider making new treaty. 402
14 Mr. Northcott to Mr. Knox Oct. 7 Same subject. Transmits copy of note from foreign office relating to negotiations. 402
Same to same (telegram). Oct. 13 Same subject. Says Colombia desires to make separate treaty regarding canal and asks instructions relative thereto. 403
Mr. Adee to Mr. Northcott (telegram). Oct. 23 Same subject. Says United States can not enter upon separate treaty negotiations with Colombia and must refuse to wipe out tripartite treaty. 404
15 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Northcott. Oct. 28 Same subject. Department approves action in refusing to sign with Colombia memorandum regarding new treaty negotiations. 404
20 Mr. Northcott to Mr. Knox. Oct. 29 Same subject. Transmits copy of note to foreign office relative to proposed negotiations for new treaty 405
17 Mr. Knox to Mr. Northcott. Nov. 4 Same subject. Refers to Oct. 4 and 23 as defining department’s attitude regarding proposed treaty between United States and Colombia. 406
Mr. Northcott to Mr. Knox (telegram). 1910. Jan. 5 Same subject. Colombian Government asks if United States and Panama would agree to submit question of Panama’s separation to vote of citizens of Panama. 406
53 Same to same Feb. 18 Same subject. Asks instructions regarding reply to Colombia’s proposal to submit question of Panama’s separation to a vote. 407
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Northcott (telegram). Mar. 24 Same subject. Says department’s June 11, 1909, outlines attitude as to treaty and remains unchanged. 407
68 Mr. Northcott to Mr. Knox. Apr. 19 Boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru. Transmits copy of convention for the arbitration of differences between peru and Colombia. 446
81 Same to same May 13 Treaties between the United States and Panama and the Republic of Colombia relating to the Panama Canal. Transmits note from foreign office dealing with treaties, and legation’s reply thereto. 407
Mr. Borda to Mr. Knox June — Boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru. Expresses desire of Colombian Government to participate in conferences. 477
7 Mr. Knox to Mr. Borda. June 25 Same subject. Says department will give consideration to Colombia’s desire to participate in conference 478
Mr. Knox to Mr. Northcott. Oct. 26 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. (Same mutatis mutandis, as Oct. 26, 1910, to Rome.) 634
Same to same Dec. 17 Same subject. (Same mutatis mutandis, as Dec. 17, 1910, to Bolivia.) 638

costa rica.

No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Mr. Anderson to Mr. Root. 1907. Dec. 9 Convention for the settlement of the boundary dispute between Costa Rica and Panama. Requests good offices of the united states 772
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Anderson. Dec. 19 Same subject. Says department will confer with Panama regarding arbitration of dispute. 773
Mr. Anderson to Mr. Root. 1908. Nov. 21 Same subject. Renews request for good offices. 774
Mr. Adee to Mr. Anderson. Dec. 1 Same subject. Says department will cheerfully exercise good office. 775
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Anderson. Dec 26 Same subject. Department is informed that Panama accepts in principle submission of dispute to arbitration. 776
Mr. Anderson to Mr. Root. Dec. 28 Same subject. States points in boundary dispute which Costa Rica desires to submit to new arbitration. 777
Mr. Adee to Mr. Anderson. 1909. Jan. 6 Same subject. Says questions which Costa Rica desires to submit to new arbitration will be sent to Panama. 779
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Anderson. Feb. 16 Same subject. Says in order to safeguard rights of its citizens the United States earnestly hopes for a settlement of the dispute. 782
Mr. Anderson to Mr. Bacon. Feb. 23 Same subject. Gives views of Costa Rica regarding settlement of dispute. 783
Mr. Calvo to Mr. Knox. Oct. 14 Same subject. Says Mr. Anderson has been appointed Costa Rican special envoy in boundary negotiations. 793
Mr. Anderson to Mr. Knox. Oct. 16 Same subject. Says Costa Rica will again resort to good offices of United States for settlement of boundary dispute. 793
Mr. Adee to Mr. Anderson. Oct. 18 Same subject. Renews proffer of good offices. 794
835 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Calvo. do Same subject. Says department will be glad to receive Costa Rican special envoy. 795
Mr. Anderson to Mr. Knox. do Same subject. Says Costa Rica is willing to submit dispute to American arbitrator. 795
Mr. Knox to Mr. Anderson. Dec. 4 Same subject. (Same as Dec. 4, 1909, to Panaman minister.) 800
Mr. Anderson to Mr. Knox. Dec. 6 Same subject. Says Costa Rican Government will take part in conference suggested by department. 801
93 Mr. Knox to Mr. Anderson. Dec. 16 Same subject. Says Panaman minister has been informed that Costa Rican Government agrees to conference. 803
Mr. Knox to Mr. Anderson. 1910. Feb. 2 Same subject. (Same as Feb. 2, 1910, to Panaman legation.) 804
Same to same Mar. 1 Same subject. Memorandum regarding boundary controversy. 810
Mr. Anderson to Mr. Knox. Mar. 14 Same subject. Refers to draft boundary convention and to objections which exist in Loubet award. 815
Mr. Knox to Mr. Guardia (telegram). Mar. 18 Same subject. Says convention was signed by representatives of both countries on 17th. 816
Mr. Guardia to Mr. Knox (telegram). Mar. 19 Same subject. Expresses appreciation of good offices. 817
Mr. Anderson to Mr. Knox. do Same subject. Expresses appreciation and says signing of convention removes only source of difference between the two countries. 817
Mr. Knox to Mr. Anderson. Mar. 23 Same subject. Says department appreciates kindly expressions relative to mediation. 818
Mr. Guardia to Mr. Knox (telegram). Apr. 8 Same subject. Says convention approved by Costa Rican President and expresses thanks for good offices. 819
Mr. Knox to Mr. Guardia (telegram) Apr. 9 Same subject. Says telegram of 8th received with pleasure. 819
Mr. Monroe to Mr. Knox (telegram). Apr. 15 Earthquakes in Costa Rica. Says earthquakes have continued for 60 hours. 409
1483 Same to same Apr. 16 Same subject. Reports regarding earthquakes 409
Mr. Knox to the president of the Cartago court (telegram). May 3 Revolution in Nicaragua. Congratulates court on occasion of mediation offer in Nicaragua. 744
Mr. Monroe to Mr. Knox (telegram). May 5 Earthquake in Costa Rica. Reports destruction of Cartago. 409
Mr. Knox to Mr. Monroe (telegram). May 6 Same subject. Directs legation to express sympathy. 409
President Taft to President Viquez. do Same subject. Expresses sympathy 410
Mr. Monroe to Mr. Knox (telegram). do Same subject. Says Cartago catastrophe very bad and that Costa Rica needs assistance. 410
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Monroe (telegram). do Same subject. Instructs him to draw on department up to $5,000 for relief of sufferers. 410
Mr. Calvo to Mr. Knox. do Same subject. Requests department to inform Mr. Carnegie of destruction of Central American court of justice. 410
President Viquez to President Taft. May 7–8 Same subject. Expresses gratitude for President’s sympathetic message. 411
1485 Mr. Monroe to Mr. Knox. May 9 Same subject. Reports regarding conditions in Cartago. 411
President of Cartago Court to Mr. Knox (telegram). May 11 Revolution in Nicaragua. Expresses appreciation for congratulations. 744
96 Mr. Knox to Mr. Calvo. do Earthquakes in Costa Rica. Extends sympathy to Costa Rica and says copy of legation’s note has been sent to Mr. Carnegie. 412
1487 Mr. Monroe to Mr. Knox. May 12 Same subject. Reports relative to expenditure of money for relief of earthquake sufferers. 412
Same to same (telegram). May 14 Same subject. Reports concerning earthquake victims and expenditure of Red Cross funds. 413
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Monroe (telegram). May 17 Same subject. Says Red Cross will spend $25,000 for shelters, and instructs legation to make suggestions as to material, etc. 413
Mr. Monroe to Mr. Knox (telegram). May 18 Same subject. Makes suggestions for houses to be erected by Red Cross. 413
Same to same (telegram). May 24 Same subject. Reports as to expenditure of Red Cross contribution. 413
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Monroe (telegram). May 25 Same subject. States that Red Cross has shipped material for 35 houses. 414
Mr. Calvo to Mr. Knox. do Same subject. Expresses thanks of his Government. 414
Mr. Knox to Mr. Calvo. June 8 Same subject. Acknowledges note expressing thanks. 414
Mr. Martin to Mr. Knox (telegram). June 23 Revolution in Nicaragua. Says Cartago court of justice will insist upon peace in Nicaragua. 754
Mr. Knox to Mr. Merry (telegram). June 25 Same subject. Transmits note for communication to Cartago court of justice requesting information as to court’s views and bases for peace in Nicaragua. 755
Mr. Merry to Mr. Knox (telegram). Aug. 22 Convention for the settlement of the boundary dispute between Costa Rica and Panama. Reports approval of convention by Costa Rica. 819
Sept. 27 Same subject. Text of convention. 820


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
40 Mr. Jackson to Mr. Knox. 1910. Apr. 13 Jurisdiction over American citizens in the Isle of Pines. Asks instructions as to status of Americans settled in the Isle of Pines. 415
33 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Jackson. May 3 Same subject. Says question of jurisdiction over Isle of Pines still pending in Senate. 415
50 Mr. Knox to Mr. Jackson. May 23 Raising of the wreck of the U. S. S. Maine. Instructs him to obtain consent of Cuban Government. 417
127 Mr. Jackson to Mr. Knox. June 1 Same subject. Says Cuba consents to raising of Maine. 418
68 Mr. Knox to Mr. Jackson. June 21 Attitude of the United States concerning political disturbances in Cuba. Instructs legation as to department’s attitude. 416
330 Mr. Jackson to Mr. Knox. Sept. 9 Raising the wreck of the U. S. S. Maine. Reports feeling of satisfaction in Cuba that work is to begin. 418
Mr. Knox to Mr. Jackson. Oct. 26 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. (Same mutatis mutandis, as Oct. 26, 1910, to Rome.) 634
President Gomez to President Taft. Dec. 6 Raising of the wreck of the U. S. S. Maine. Requests part of Maine to be erected as a monument in Cuba. 419
Mr. Knox to Mr. Jackson. Dec. 17 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. (Same mutatis mutandis, as Dec. 17, 1910, to Bolivia.) 638
President Taft to President Gomez. Dec. 23 Raising of the wreck of the U. S. S. Maine. Says part of battleship will be sent to Cuba for monument. 419


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
273 Mr. Wallace to Mr. Knox. 1910. Feb. 23 Commercial convention between Denmark and France. Transmits copy. 423
Mr. Knox to Count Moltke. Dec. 30 Expatriation act construed for purposes of immigration act. Transmits copies of opinion. 420

dominican republic.

No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
1910. Aug. 26 Extradition treaty between the United States and the Dominican Republic. Text. 424


[Page XC] [Page XCI]
No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Mr. Fox to Mr. Knox (telegram). 1910. Mar. 31 Boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru. Says Ecuador accepts United States proposal. 441
Same to same (telegram). Apr. 1 Same subject. Says Ecuador will appoint representatives to meet with those of Peru. 441
605 Same to same. Apr. 2 Same subject. Transmits copies of notes exchanged with foreign office. 441
Same to same (telegram). Apr. 3 Same subject. Transmits names of Ecuadorean representatives. 442
Mr. Carbo to Mr. Knox. Apr. 6 Same subject. Says Government of Ecuador accepts United States proposal. 444
Mr. Fox to Mr. Knox (telegram). Apr. 11 Same subject. Reports rumors of mobilization of troops by Peru. 445
45 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Carbo. Apr. 14 Same subject. Acknowledges notification of appointment of Ecuadorean representatives. 445
Mr. Knox to Mr. Fox (telegram). May 15 Same subject. Instructs legation to join colleagues in presenting joint note to Ecuador and to report when delivered. 452
Mr. Fox to Mr. Knox (telegram). May 16 Same subject. Asks for instructions regarding presentation of tripartite proposal. 453
Mr. Knox to Mr. Fox (telegram). May 17 Same subject. Instruction regarding presentation of joint note. 453
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Fox (telegram). May 18 Same subject. (Quotes telegram of this date to Lima.) 455
Mr. Fox to Mr. Knox (telegram). do Same subject. Reports note delivered jointly with Brazilian colleague. 456
Same to same (telegram). May 20 Same subject. Says King of Spain has been requested to defer decision. 456
Mr. Carbo to Mr. Knox. May 23 Same subject. Says that Equador accepts mediation proposal and that the King of Spain will withhold his decision. 456
Mr. Fox to Mr. Knox. May 24 Same subject. Says Ecuador’s reply to joint note will be sent after conference with minister for foreign affairs. 458
Same to same (telegram). May 25 Same subject. Transmits note from foreign office to representatives of United States, Brazil, and Argentina. 458
Memorandum from the Ecuadorean legation. May 26 Same subject. Protests against Peru’s refusal to comply with art. 6 of arbitration convention. 460
Mr. Fox to Mr. Knox (telegram). do Same subject. Says Ecuador will withdraw troops on day fixed by mediating powers. 460
Mr. Knox to Mr. Fox (telegram). do Same subject. Instructs legation to report regarding steps taken by Ecuador for withdrawal of troops. 459
Same to same (telegram). June 1 Same subject. Transmits aide-memoire regarding withdrawal of troops on June 4 for immediate communication to Ecuadorean Government. 464
Aide-memoire to the Ecuadorean legation. do Same subject. Gives department’s views regarding importance of withdrawal of troops on date agreed upon. 463
Mr. Fox to Mr. Knox (telegram). June 2 Same subject. Says Ecuador accepts mediation and congratulates mediating powers. 466
Same to same (telegram). do Same subject. Reports Ecuador willing to withdraw troops June 4, but wishes explanation of sending of additional troops by Peru. 465
Mr. Knox to Mr. Fox (telegram). do Same subject. Repeats telegram regarding Peru’s willingness to withdraw troops June 4, and says Ecuador should take similar action. 465
Mr. Fox to Mr. Knox (telegram). June 3 Same subject. Reports Ecuador withdrawing troops from frontier. 466
Same to same (telegram). do Same subject. Refers further as to withdrawal of troops by Ecuador 467
Mr. Carbo Mr. Knox. June 4 Same subject. Transmits telegram regarding removal of troops from Ecuadorean frontier. 467
Mr. Fox to Mr. Knox (telegram). June 5 Same subject. Transmits note from foreign office regarding withdrawal of troops from border. 467
Same to same (telegram). June 6 Same subject. Reports regarding decree issued by Ecuadorean Congress. 468
Mr. Knox to Mr. Fox (telegram). June 9 Same subject. Instructs legation to impress upon Ecuador position of mediating powers. 470
Mr. Knox to Mr. Carbo. do Same subject. (Same as June 9, 1910, to Chilean chargé). 469
Same to same. June 11 Same subject. Acknowledges receipt of telegram regarding withdrawal of troops. 471
Mr. Carbo to Mr. Knox do Same subject. Expresses gratitude for good offices in boundary dispute. 471
Mr. Fox to Mr. Knox (telegram). June 13 Same subject. Reports concern of Ecuador on account of warlike preparations of Peru. 472
Same to same (telegram). June 14 Same subject. Says Ecuador complains that Peru is maintaining troops on border and augmenting forces in north. 472
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Fox (telegram). June 15 Same subject. (Same as June 15 to Lima). 473
Mr. Fox to Mr. Knox, (telegram). June 17 Same subject. Transmits note from foreign office regarding withdrawal of troops from frontier. 473
Same to same (telegram). June 20 Same subject. Reports regarding withdrawal of troops by Ecuador and alleged activity of Peru. 475
Mr. Knox to Mr. Carbo June 23 Same subject. Expresses regret at departure of Minister Carbo and praises his work in boundary controversy. 476
do Arbitration convention between the United States and Ecuador. Text. 436
669 Mr. Fox to Mr. Knox. June 27 Boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru. Transmits copy of message of President of Ecuador to Ecuadorean Congress regarding boundary controversy. 478
669 Same to same do Messages of the President of Ecuador to the Ecuadorean Congress. Transmits copy. 430
Same to same (telegram). July 7 Boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru. Says minister for foreign affairs informs legation of invasion of Ecuadorean territory by Peruvian forces, and that Peru thus declares mediation ineffective. 480
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Fox (telegram). July 8 Same subject. Says Peruvian military activity will be investigated. 481
679 Mr. Fox to Mr. Knox. July 9 Same subject. Transmits copies of notes from foreign office regarding demobilization of troops and draft convention which Ecuador would be willing to sign with Peru. 481
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Fox (telegram). July 13 Same subject. Instructs him to urge upon Government of Ecuador necessity for greater forbearance in present dispute. 484
Same to same (telegram). do Same subject. (See telegram of this date to Buenos Aires.) 483
Mr. Fox to Mr. Knox (telegram). July 14 Same subject. Says minister for foreign affairs reports much unrest in Ecuador. 485
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Fox (telegram). July 15 Same subject. Says perfection of arrangements desired by Ecuador depends upon conciliatory action of two governments concerned. 487
Mr. Fox to Mr. Knox (telegram). July 18 Same subject. Says Government of Ecuador can not accent protocol in all its parts. 488
Same to same (telegram). July 27 Same subject. Says Ecuadorean Government asks favorable consideration for modification of protocol. 493
Same to same (telegram). July 28 Same subject. Transmits note from foreign office re-regarding modifications of proposed protocol. 491
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Fox. Aug. 10 Same subject. Instructs legation to impress upon Ecuador views of United States as to attitude toward the tripartite mediation. 495
Mr. Fox to Mr. Knox. Aug. 13 Same subject. Transmits President’s message to Ecuadorean Congress regarding tripartite mediation. 497
734 Same to same Aug. 20 Death of Señor Don Pedro Montt, and Señor Don Elias Fernandez Albano, President and Vice President, respectively, of Chile. Flag over legation at halfstaff during period of mourning. 134
726 Same to same. do Messages of the President of Ecuador to the Ecuadorean Congress. Transmits copy. 433
Mr. Arizaga to Mr. Knox. Aug. 27 Boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru. Transmits statement regarding attitude of Ecuador relative to draft protocol. 500
Mr. Fox to Mr. Knox (telegram). Aug. 30 Same subject. Says will make representations simultaneously with Brazilian minister regarding protocol. 502
Same to same (telegram). Sept. 10 Same subject. Transmits note from foreign office stating that Ecuador can not accept protocol unless reference to Spanish arbitration is eliminated. 502
Same to same (telegram). Oct. 18 Same subject. Transmits note from foreign office regarding reply of Peru to proposal of Ecuador. 503
Mr. Knox to Mr. Fox. Oct. 26 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. (Same, mutatis mutandis, as Oct. 26, 1910, to Rome.) 634
784 Mr. Fox to Mr. Knox. Nov. 28 Boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru. Transmits note from foreign office stating that the King of Spain declines to act further as arbitrator. 503
Mr. Knox to Mr. Fox. Dec. 17 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. Same mutatis mutandis, as Dec. 17, 1910, to Bolivia. 638
Mr. Fox to Mr. Knox (telegram). Dec. 27 Boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru. Says notes have been filed with Ecuadorean foreign office regarding reference to Hague. 506
Same to same (telegram). Dec. 30 Same subject. Requests department to await outcome of conference proposing direct arrangement between Peru and Ecuador. 507


[Page XCII]
No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Mr. Knox to Mr. Bacon 1909. Nov. 3 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. See Nov. 3, 1909, to Vienna. 597
Same to same (telegram). Dec. 14 Proposed neutralization of railways in Manchuria. See telegram of this date to Japan. 236
Same to same (telegram). 1910. Jan. 8 The Hukuang Railway loan. British proposal to divide Szechuen line unacceptable to United States. 270
President Taft to President Falliéres (telegram). Jan. 27 Floods in France. Expresses sympathy and offers aid to flood sufferers. 508
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bacon (telegram). do Same subject. Says Red Cross is prepared to send aid and instructs embassy to report as to general flood situation. 508
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Knox (telegram). Jan. 28 Same subject. Reports regarding flood conditions and aid for sufferers. 508
President Falliéres to President Taft (telegram). do Same subject. Acknowledges telegram and says assistance for the sufferers will be graciously received. 509
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Knox (telegram). Jan. 29 Same subject. Says Red Cross remittance for France should be sent through the embassy. 509
Same to same (telegram). Jan. 30 Same subject. Says conditions are improving. 509
Mr. Jusserand to Mr. Knox. do Same subject. Expresses gratitude for help offered to the flood suffers. 510
30 Mr. Bacon to Mr. Knox. Feb. 4 Proposal for the neutralization of railways in Manchuria. Incloses note from foreign office outlining views. 256
Same to same (telegram). Feb. 8 Floods in France. Reports flood conditions improved, but says care of sufferers continues. 510
29 Mr. Knox to Mr. Bacon. Feb. 16 Naturalization and military service case of Rene Dubuc. Transmits letter asking whether Rene Dubuc may visit France without molestation on account of military service laws. 514
47 Mr. Bacon to Mr. Knox. Feb. 25 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justine Transmits reply of foreign office. 611
Same to same (telegram). Mar. 2 The Hukuang Railway loan. United States proposition acceptable to France if Great Britain will agree. 273
84 Same to same. Mar. 24 Naturalization and military service case of Rene Dubuc. Transmits note from foreign office regarding military service of Rene Dubuc. 514
47 Mr. Lefèvre-Pontalis to Mr. Knox. Apr. 17 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. Transmits copy of note from foreign office regarding modifications proposed at Paris conference. 618
58 Mr. Knox to Mr. Bacon. Apr. 18 Presentation of statue of George Washington by people of Virginia to people of France. Transmits letter regarding presentation of statue and directs embassy to lend its cooperation. 511
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bacon (telegram). Apr. 22 Transit of fugitive from justice in course of extradition between Luxemberg and the United States. Ascertain if fugitive will be permitted through France and upon what formalities. 87
Mr. Knox to Mr. Lefèvre-Pontalis. Apr. 25 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. Says department is gratified at attitude of French Government. 622
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Knox (telegram). May 17 Transit of fugitive from justice in course of extradition proceedings between Luxemburg and the United States. Says France demands same formalities for transit of fugitive as for extradition proper. 91
Same to same (telegram). May 24 The Hukuang Railway loan. Reports signing of loan agreement by four groups. 279
161 Same to same. May 27 Same subject. Transmits copies of documents relating to. 280
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bacon (telegram). June 16 Presentation of statue of George Washington by people of Virginia to people of France. Instructs embassy to arrange for free entry of statue which France has accepted and to inform department of date of unveiling. 513
Mr. Bailly-Blanchard to Mr Knox. July 8 Same subject. Transmits note from foreign office regarding the acceptance of statue. 513
Same to same July 30 Transit of fugitive from justice in course if extradition proceedings between Luxemburg and the United States. Transmits correspondence with legation at The Hague relative to transit of a fugitive through France. 104
Mr. Knox to Mr. Bacon. Oct. 26 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. (Same, mutatis mutandis, Oct. 26, 1910, to Mr. Reid.) 635
159 Same to same. Nov. 11 Naturalization and military service case of Rene Dubuc. Instructs embassy to report as to procedure necessary for the relinquishment of French nationality by Rene Dubuc. 516
359 Mr. Bacon to Mr. Knox. Nov. 30 Same subject. Says Rene Dubuc should apply through French consul at Chicago to minister of justice for relinquishment of his French citizenship. 516
Mr. Knox to Mr. Bacon. Dec. 7 Joint International Commission for Investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. (Same as instruction of Dec. 7 to China.) 325
Same to same Dec. 29 Same subject. (Same as Dec. 29, 1910, to Peking). 327


[Page XCIII]
No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Mr. Knox to Mr. Hill. 1909. Nov. 3 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. See Nov. 3, 1909, to Vienna. 597
527 Mr. Hitt to Mr. Knox. Dec. 6 Prosecution by United States of American citizens for crimes committed in foreign countries. Transmits note from foreign office regarding extradition of Max Runge for crime committed in New York. 517
Mr. Knox to Mr. Hill (telegram). Dec. 14 Proposed neutralization of railways in Manchuria. See telegram of this date to Japan. 236
Mr. Hill to Mr. Knox (telegram). Dec. 24 Same subject. Reports approval by Germany of general principles contained in memorandum. 240
299 Mr. Knox to Mr. Hill. 1910. Jan. 11 Prosecution by United States of American citizens for crimes committed in foreign countries. Says United States can not reciprocate in similar case. 518
570 Mr. Hill to Mr. Knox. Jan. 14 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. Reports interview with foreign office. 606
610 Same to same. Feb. 21 Joint international commission for the investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. Transmits note from foreign office accepting proposal. 299
612 Same to same. Feb. 23 Proposal for the neutralization of railways in Manchuria. Transmits views of foreign office. 261
334 Mr. Knox to Mr. Hill. Mar. 2 Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. Ex press appreciation of acceptance by German Government. 302
Same to same (telegram). Mar. 3 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. (Same, mutatis mutandis, Mar. 3, 1910, to Great Britain.) 613
Count von Bernstorff to Mr. Knox. Mar. 4 Immunities of unclassified vice-consular officers Makes complaint against vice consul at Dresden for refusing to accept service in suits against him. 522
Mr. Knox to Mr. Hill. Mar. 8 Joint International Commission for the investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. Acknowledges embassy’s Feb. 21 regarding attitude of German Government. 302
Mr. Hill to Mr. Knox (telegram). Mar. 26 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. Says German Government approves proposals adopted by the conference in Paris. 613
Mr. Knox to Mr. Hill (telegram). Mar. 29 Same subject. Says United States approves proposals adopted by the Paris conference. 614
219 Mr. Knox to Count von Bernstorff. Apr. 13 Immunities of unclassified vice-consular officers Says vice consul at Dresden has been instructed to submit himself to jurisdiction of Dresden court in suits against him. 523
Mr. Knox to Mr. Hill (telegram). Apr. 15 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. Inform foreign office that United States accepts recommendations of Paris conference and awaits acceptance of France. 617
Mr. Adee to Mr. Hill (telegram). Apr. 16 Transit of fugitive from justice in course of extradition between Luxemburg and the United States. Says Belgium refuses transit and asks if German Government will permit transit through its territory. 83
Mr. Hill to Mr. Knox (telegram). Apr. 22 Same subject. Says formalities for transit of prisoner through Germany same as extradition from Germany. 86
Same to same (telegram). May 20 The Hukuang Railway loan. Reports views of German Government as to terms of loan. 278
Count von Bernstorff to Mr. Knox. May 27 Alleged discrimination against foreign creditors by American courts. Complains against inequality in treatment of German subjects in American courts. 518
716 Mr. Hill to Mr. Knox. June 3 The Hukuang Railway loan. Transmits copies of notes exchanged with foreign office relative to division of engineering rights. 283
295 Mr. Wilson to Count von Wedel. Aug. 31 Alleged discrimination against foreign creditors by American courts. Points out that no discrimination exists. 520
Mr. Knox to Mr. Leishman. Oct. 26 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. (Same, mutatis mutandis, Oct. 26, 1910, to Mr. Reid.) 635
Mr. Knox to Mr. Hill. Dec. 7 Joint International Commission for the investigation of the opium question in the Far East. (Same as instruction of Dec. 7. to China.) 325
Same to same Dec. 29 Same subject. (Same as Dec. 29, 1910, to Peking). 327

great britain.

[Page XCIV] [Page XCV] [Page XCVI]
No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
849 Mr. Reid to Mr. Bacon 1909. Mar. 2 Affairs in Liberia. Transmits note from foreign office regarding Liberian affairs. 702
Mr. Knox to Mr. Reid. Nov. 3 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. See Nov. 3, 1909, to Vienna. 597
Same to same (telegram). Nov. 6 Proposal for the neutralization of railways in Manchuria. Transmits memorandum for communication to foreign office. 234
1089 Mr. Reid to Mr. Knox. Nov. 26 Same subject. Transmits reply of foreign office to memorandum. 235
Mr. Knox to Mr. Reid (telegram). Dec. 14 Same subject. Transmits memorandum for presentation to foreign office relative to British cooperation. 236
1112 Mr. Reid to Mr. Knox. Dec. 16 Arbitration of the claim of Alsop & Co., an American corporation, v. Chile. Says controversy submitted to the King for adjustment. 187
1122 Same to same Dec. 30 Proposal for the neutralization of railways in Manchuria. Incloses foreign office memorandum. 241
1126 Same to same Dec. 31 Arbitration of the claim of Alsop & Co., an American Corporation, v. Chile. Incloses note stating King will act as arbitrator. 188
The North Atlantic Coast Fisheries Arbitration Decision of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague in the case submitted by the United States and Great Britain. Text. 544
1129 Mr. Phillips to Mr. Knox. 1910. Jan. 5 The Hukuang Railway loan. Incloses copy of note from foreign office. 269
1153 Same to same. Jan. 25 Arbitration of the claim of Alsop & Co., an American Corporation, v. Chile. Incloses note to foreign office expressing annreciation of action of the King. 188
Mr. Knox to Mr. Phillips (telegram). Feb. 2 The Hukuang Railway loan. United States is willing to make concessions to France in interest of immediate settlement of negotiations. 272
1163 Mr. Phillips to Mr. Knox. Feb. 4 Same subject. Incloses foreign office note concerning division of Szechuen line. 272
Mr. Knox to Mr. Phillips (telegram). Feb. 8 Same subject. United States willing to yield engineering rights to France if Great Britain will make certain concessions. 273
1180 Mr. Reid to Mr. Knox. Feb. 19 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. Transmits reply of foreign office. 608
Mr. Knox to Mr. Reid (telegram). Mar. 3 Same subject. Says Dr. James Brown Scott will meet the representatives of Great Britain, France, and Germany in Paris to discuss modification of prize court convention. 613
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Reid (telegram). Mar. 5 The Hukuang Railway loan. Expresses hope that Great Britain will accept proposal in view of favorable acceptance by France. 274
1205 Mr. Reid to Mr. Knox. Mar. 9 Affairs in Liberia. Transmits copy of embassy’s note to foreign office relative to maintenance of status quo in Liberia. 703
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Reid (telegram). Mar. 12 Compulsory emigration; case of Alfred Lumb. Instructs embassy to bring case to attention of foreign office. 594
1213 Mr. Reid to Mr. Knox. Mar. 16 Affairs in Liberia. Transmits note from foreign office relative to attitude of Great Britain regarding Liberian affairs. 703
1216 Same to same. Mar. 18 Compulsory emigration; case of Alfred Lumb. Transmits copy of note to foreign office. 595
1255 Mr. Knox to Mr. Reid. Mar. 22 The Hukuang Railway loan. Instructs in detail points to be discussed with British foreign office. 274
54 Mr. Bryce to Mr. Knox. Mar. 26 Taking of testimony by consular officers. Asks to be informed as to regulations governing the taking of testimony by consular officers. 592
1261 Mr. Knox to Mr. Reid. Mar. 30 Compulsory emigration; case of Alfred Lumb. Approves note to foreign office. 396
1229 Mr. Reid to Mr. Knox. do International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. Transmits foreign office note regarding modifications to the prize court convention proposed at the Paris conference. 614
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Reid (telegram). Mar. 31 Same subject. Says proposal adopted at Pans conference is approved. 616
1233 Mr. Reid to Mr. Knox. Apr. 5 The Hukuang Railway loan. Transmits copy of note to foreign office reviewing position of United States. 275
1241 Mr. Phillips to Mr. Knox. Apr. 12 Same subject. Transmits note from foreign office stating views of British Government. 276
Mr. Knox to Mr. Reid (telegram). Apr. 15 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. Inform foreign office that United States accepts recommendations of Paris conference and awaits acceptance of France. 617
President Taft to Queen Alexandra (telegram). May 6 Death of His Majesty King Edward VII. Expresses symnathy. 524
Mr. Knox to Mr. Reid (telegram). do Same subject. Instructs embassy to make appropriate expression of sympathy to British Government. 524
74 Mr. Bryce to Mr. Knox. May 7 Same subject. Informs department of the death of the King. 524
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryce. do Same subject. Says department will cooperate with embassy in arranging memorial service. 525
Mr. Knox to Sir Edward Grey (telegram). do Same subject. Express sympathy. 525
President Taft to King George. May 7 Same subject. Renews condolences and conveys good wishes for reign of King George. 525
King George to President Taft. do Same subject. Expresses gratitude for sympathy. 526
Queen Alexandra to President. Taft do Same subject. Expresses appreciation for sympathy 526
1268 Mr. Reid to Mr. Knox. May 8 Same subject. Transmits copy of note from foreign office announcing death. 526
75 Mr. Bryce to Mr. Knox. do Same subject. Expresses appreciation for sympathy and says embassy will cooperate with department in arranging memorial services. 527
Sir Edward Grey to Mr. Knox (telegram). May 9 Same subject. Expresses gratitude for message of sympathy. 527
Mr. Knox to Mr. Reid (telegram). May 11 Same subject. Instructs embassy to inform foreign office of designation of Col. Roosevelt as special ambassador to attend funeral ceremonies. 527
77 Mr. Bryce to Mr. Knox. do Same subject. Says funeral win take place at Windsor May 20. 528
May 13 Treaty between the United States and Great Britain relating to boundary waters between the United States and Canada. Text. 532
1295 Mr. Knox to Mr. Reid. do Death of His Majesty King Edward VII. Transmits Senate resolution for communication to foreign office. 528
Same to same (telegram). May 14 Same subject. Informs embassy concerning rank of members of suite to accompany Special Ambassador Roosevelt. 528
1276 Mr. Reid to Mr. Knox. May 17 Same subject. Transmits notes from foreign office regarding President’s expressions of sympathy. 528
1277 Same to same. do Same subject. Transmits foreign office reply to note forwarding House resolution. 530
Same to same (telegram). May 18 The Hukuang Railway loan. Refers to decision concerning engineering rights and asks department’s views. 278
Mr. Knox to Mr. Reid (telegram). do Death of His Majesty King Edward VII. Instructs embassy to send wreath in President’s name for funeral ceremonies. 531
897 Mr. Knox to Mr. Bryce. May 19 Taking of testimony by consular officers. Explains department’s attitude regarding the taking of testimony by consular officers. 593
Mr. Knox to Mr. Reid (telegram). do The Hukuang Railway loan. Refers to telegram of 18th and says terms are acceptable. 278
1291 Mr. Reid to Mr. Knox. May 25 Same subject. Transmits note to foreign office re engineering rights. 279
1306 Same to same. June 6 Death of His Majesty King Edward VII. Transmits foreign office note regarding resolution of condolence passed by Senate. 531
Same to same (telegram). June 8 The Hukuang Railway loan. Communicates foreign office note of June 7. 286
1310 Same to same. do Same subject, incloses copy of note from foreign office reciting terms of agreement. 285
Aide-memoire from the British Embassy. June 9 Affairs in Liberia. Asks views of United States regarding Liberian affairs. 708
1318 Mr. Reid to Mr. Knox. June 16 Death of His Majesty King. Edward VII. Transmits note from foreign office acknowledging engrossed copy of Senate resolution of condolence. 531
1319 Same to same. June 17 Proposal for the neutralization of railways in Manchuria. Transmits newspaper articles relative to policy of British Government in Chinchow-Aigun matter. 267
Aide-memoire to the British Embassy. June 21 Affairs in Liberia. Gives views of the United States for the reorganization of Liberian finances. 710
Mr. Knox to Mr. Reid (telegram). do The Hukuang Railway loan. Approves agreement reached in Paris on May 23–24. 286
1322 Mr. Reid to Mr. Knox. June 22 Compulsory emigration; case of Alfred Lumb. Transmits note from foreign office explaining deportation order which has been revoked. 596
115 Mr. Bryce to Mr. Knox. June 27 Taking of testimony by consular officers. Communicates statement of British foreign office regarding the taking of testimony by consular officers. 593
1331 Mr. Reid to Mr. Knox. June 29 The Hukuang Railway loan. Transmits note from foreign office relative to settlement. 287
936 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryce. July 15 Taking of testimony by consular officers. Says United States agrees to the taking of evidence by consular officers, subject to reservations indicated. 594
Sept. 3 Treaty between the United States and Great Britain relating to the boundary line in Passamaquaddy Bay. Text. 540
1426 Mr. Reid to Mr. Knox. Sept. 19 Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question in the Ear East. Transmits note relative to British participation. 312
1391 Mr. Adee to Mr. Reid. Sept. 24 Same subject. Says British’s conditions re participation meet with views of United States. 313
1409 Mr. Knox to Mr. Reid. Oct. 26 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. Inform foreign office of desire of United States to secure cooperation of original prize court proposers and request that appropriate instructions be given to the diplomatic officers. 635
1463 Mr. Reid to Mr. Knox. Nov. 5 Joint International Commission for the investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. Transmits note from foreign office asking if participating powers have agreed to preliminary study of cocaine and opium trade. 319
1422 Mr. Knox to Mr. Reid. Nov. 25 Same subject. Says British proposals regarding morphine and cocaine will be submitted to Governments interested. 322
Mr. Reid to Mr. Knox. (telegram.). Dec. 2 Same subject. Reports relative to compulsory declaration in England regarding cocaine and morphine. 324
Dec. 3 Declaration by the United States and Great Britain exempting commercial travelers’ samples from customs inspection. Text. 591
1431 Mr. Knox to Mr. Reid. Dec. 9 Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. Says Governments interested have been informed regarding compulsory declaration concerning cocaine and morphine data. 326


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
72 Mr. Moses to Mr. Knox. 1910. Jan. 27 Marriage of American women to subjects of Greece. Reports regarding difficulties experienced in these cases 640
32 Mr. Knox to Mr. Moses. May 20 Trial in Greece of Greek subject for extraditable crimes committed in United States. Transmits copy of circular issued by Pennsylvania authorities requesting arrest of Greek subject charged with crime committed in Pennsylvania. 640
161 Mr. Moses to Mr. Knox. July 25 Same subject. Reports regarding case of Greek subject charged with crime in Pennsylvania. 641
205 Mr. de Billier to Mr. Knox. Dec. 29 Same subject. Reports regarding trial and conviction in Greece of Greek subject charged with crime in United States. 641


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
101 Mr. Sands to Mr. Knox. 1910. Apr. 14 Message of the President of Guatemala to the Guatemalan Congress. Transmits copy. 642
Mr. Knox to Mr. Hitt. Oct. 26 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. (Same mutatis mutandis, as Oct. 26, 1910. to Rome.) 634
Same to same Dec. 17 Same subject. (Same mutatis mutandis, as Dec. 17, 1910, to Bolivia.) 638


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
721 Mr. Furniss to Mr. Knox. 1910. Sept. 6 Message of the President of Haiti to the Haitien Congress. Transmits copy 644
Mr. Knox to Mr. Furniss. Oct. 26 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. (Same mutatis mutandis, as Oct. 26, 1910. to Rome.) 634
Same to same Dec. 19 Same subject. (Same mutatis mutandis as Dec. 17, 1910, to Bolivia.) 638
[Page XCVII]


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
00 Mr. Brown to Mr. Knox. 1910. Jan. 4 Message of the President of Honduras to the Honduranean Congress. Transmits copy. 646
Mr. Adee to Mr. McCreery (telegram). July 13 Extradition of Charles Vandenberg from Honduras to the United States granted as an act of comity. Requests provisional arrest and detention of fugitive. 646
41 Mr. McCreery to Mr. Knox. July 19 Same subject. Transmits note from foreign office granting request for the arrest. 647
30 Mr. Wilson to Mr. McCreery. Aug. 13 Same subject. Expresses gratitude at action of Honduras. 648
Same to same (telegram). Aug. 26 Revolution in Nicaragua. Transmits instruction to be forwarded to Consul at Managa relative to relations with Nicaraguan government. 761
Mr. McCreery to Mr. Knox. Oct. 3 Same subject. Reports departure of Madriz for Mexico. 763


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Mr. Knox to Mr. Leishman. 1909. Nov. 3 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. See Nov. 3, 1909, to Vienna. 597
Memorandum from the Italian Embassy. Nov. 6 Alleged discrimination against Italian subjects by courts of Pennsylvania. Refers to recent case and gives views regarding rights of nonresident aliens. 657
Memorandum to the Italian Embassy. Nov. 16 Same subject. Says department does not think it advisable to amend treaty in order to give greater rights to Italian subjects. 658
Same to same. 1910. Jan. 12 Same subject. Department reiterates view set forth in its memorandum of Nov. 5. 659
Mr. Knox to Baron Mayor. Jan. 13 Alleged violation of art. 6 of the consular convention of 1878 between the United States and Italy. Refers to protest of Italian consul general at Denver regarding service in a libel suit and suggests steps to be taken. 673
58 Mr. Knox to Mr. Leishman. do Same subject. Transmits memorandum relative to libel suit brought against the Italian consul general at Denver. 674
377 Baron Mayor to Mr. Knox. Feb. 12 Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. Accepts proposal and makes suggestion relative to suppression of hashish trade. 296
Memorandum from the Italian Embassy. Feb. 19 Alleged discrimination against Italian subjects by courts of Pennsylvania. Reviews recent case and asks department to give matter further consideration. 660
Memorandum to the Italian Embassy. Mar. 1 Same subject. Refers to previous correspondence and gives views. 662
832 Mr. Knox to Marquis di Montagliari. Mar. 2 Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. Expresses appreciation of Italian Government’s decision to participate. 301
547 Marquis di Montagliari to Mr. Knox. Mar. 21 Alleged discrimination against Italian subjects by courts of Pennsylvania. Submits proposals of his Government regarding right of Italian subjects to recover indemnity for the death of relatives. 662
208 Mr. Leishman to Mr. Knox. Apr. 11 Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. Says Italian Government will appoint delegate. 305
212 Same to same. Apr. 19 International Prize Court of Arbitral Justice. Transmits note from foreign office. 618
852 Mr. Knox to Marquis di Montagliari. May 20 Alleged discrimination against Italian subjects by courts of Pennsylvania. Says department will give careful consideration to question. 664
979 Marquis di Montagliari to Mr. Knox. June 18 Functions of consular officers concerning wills. Asks to be informed as to the duty of consuls in connection with the making and receiving of wills. 676
Same to same (telegram). June 23 Extradition of Porter Charlton, an American citizen, from the United States to Italy. Requests that warrant be issued for surrender of fugitive. 649
Mr. Knox to Marquis di Montagliari (telegram). June 24 Same subject. Says warrant can not be issued and asks to be informed as to Italy’s views in the matter. 649
Marquis di Montagliari to Mr. Knox (telegram). June 25 Same subject. Refers to his telegram of 23d and says it was the preliminary mandate that was desired. 650
Mr. Knox to Marquis di Montagliari (telegram). do Same subject. Refers to previous correspondence and says it is presumed that further instructions are being awaited. 650
Marquis di Montagliari to Mr. Knox (telegram). June 27 Same subject. Requests that preliminary mandate be forwarded at once. 650
864 Mr. Knox to Marquis di Montagliari. June 28 Same subject. Transmits preliminary mandate and explains its purpose. 651
1074 Marquis di Montagliari to Mr. Knox. July 1 Same subject. Asks provisional detention until receipt of extradition papers. 651
865 Mr. Wilson to Marquis di Montagliari. July 2 Functions of consular officers concerning wills. Informs him concerning duty of consuls in connection with the drawing of wills. 676
131 Marquis di Montagliari to Mr. Knox. July 12 Extradition of Porter Charlton, an American citizen, from the United States to Italy. Transmits copy of warrant of arrest. 652
869 Mr. Wilson to Marquis di Montagliari. July 22 Same subject. Returns copy of warrant of arrest and says all papers should be sent to the court. 652
1229 Marquis di Montagliari to Mr. Knox. July 28 Same subject. Transmits record of proceedings of court of Como. 652
Mr. Wilson to Marquis di Montagliari. Aug. 5 Same subject. Returns papers and says matter is in hands of court to which all documents should be sent. 653
891 Mr. Adee to Baron Mayor. Oct. 1 Alleged discrimination against Italian subjects by courts of Pennsylvania. Gives views of department regarding right of nonresident aliens to recover indemnity for death of relatives. 664
Mr. Knox to Mr. Garrett. Oct. 26 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. Communicates views regarding establishment of the prize court with instructions to lay them before the Italian Government. 634
Same to same. Dec. 7 Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. (Same as instruction of Dec. 7 to China.) 325
Mr. Knox to Marquis Cusani Confalonirei. Dec. 9 Extradition of Porter Charlton, an American citizen, from the United States to Italy. Memorandum by the Secretary of State. 654
Mr. Knox to Marquis Cusani Confalonieri. Dec. 10 Same subject. Transmits warrant of surrender. 657
Mr. Knox to Mr. Garrett. Dec. 29 Joint International Commission for the investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. (Same as Dec. 29, 1910, to Peking.) 327


[Page XCIX]
No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Mr. Knox to Mr. O’Brien. 1909. Nov. 3 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. See Nov. 3, 1909, Vienna. 597
Same to same (telegram). Dec. 14 Proposal for the neutralization of railways in Manchuria. Communicate to foreign office substance of memorandum to British Government. 236
Mr. Wilson to Mr. O’Brien (telegram). Dec. 15 Same subject. Says United States desires support of Japan. 237
927 Mr. O’Brien to Mr. Knox. Dec. 19 Same subject. Transmits copy of note to foreign office. 237
Same to same (telegram). 1910. Jan. 8 Same subject. Is informed indirectly that Japan will not approve proposal. 245
Mr. Knox to Mr. O’Brien (telegram). Jan. 20 Same subject. Outlines scope of project to be communicated to Japan. 246
978 Mr. O’Brien to Mr. Knox. Jan. 24 Same subject. Incloses note from foreign office 250
1057 Same to same. Feb. 22 Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. Transmits note from foreign office stating that Japan will require more time to consider program. 300
1069 Same to same Mar. 4 Proposal for the neutralization of railways in Mani churia. Transmits note from foreign office. 263
416 Mr. Wilson to Mr. O’Brien Apr. 2 Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. Says United States appreciates attitude of Japan. 304
1160 Mr. O’Brien to Mr. Knox. May 10 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. Transmits copy of’ note from foreign office. 625
Baron Uchida to Mr. Knox July 5 Agreement between Japan and Russia relative to Manchuria. Transmits telegram from his Government regarding agreement. 836
444 Mr. Wilson to Mr. O’Brien July 6 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. Transmits draft of memorandum to be communicated to foreign office. 632
1191 Mr. O’Brien to Mr. Knox. July 13 Administration of affairs in Korea. Transmits copy of memorandum regarding transfer of Korean police affairs to Japanese Government. 677
134 Mr. Wilson to Baron Uchida July 30 Agreement between Japan and Russia relative to Manchuria. Acknowledges copy of agreement. 837
Mr. O’Brien to Mr. Knox (telegram). Aug. 19 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. Asks regarding rights of Japan under proposed additional protocol. 633
Mr. Wilson to Mr. O’Brien (telegram). Aug. 24 Same subject. Expresses hope that Japan will approve protocol. 633
Baron Uchida to Mr. Wilson do Administration of affairs in Korea. Transmits communication regarding protection of inventions, trade-marks, etc., in Korea. 681
Same to same. do Same subject. Transmits copy of treaty annexing Korea to the Empire of Japan. 681
Mr. O’Brien to Mr. Knox (telegram). Aug. 25 Same subject. Reports regarding treaty annexing Korea to Japanese Empire. 683
Mr. Wilson to Baron Uchida Sept. 17 Same subject. Says department appreciates assurances given regarding foreigners and foreign trade in Korea. 683
1228 Mr. O’Brien to Mr. Knox. Sept. 19 Same subject. Transmits copies of certain imperial ordinances in connection with the annexation of Korea. 683
466 Mr. Knox to Mr. Schuyler. Oct. 26 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. Says Department is gratified to learn that Japan will sign prize court protocol. 637
Mr. Schuyler to Mr. Knox (telegram). Nov. 15 Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. Says Japan has no objection to substance of British proposals regarding morphine and cocaine. 321
1260 Same to same. Nov. 16 Same subject. Transmits note from foreign office riving views. 321
Mr. Knox to Mr. Schuyler (telegram). Nov. 17 Same subject. Express appreciation of Japan’s attitude. 322
Same to same. Dec. 7 Same subject. (Same as instruction of Dec. 7 to China.) 325
483 Same to same. Dec. 22 Same subject. Says United States appreciates desire of Japan to reserve its views until convening of conference. 326
Same to same. Dec. 29 Same subject. (Same as Dec. 29, 1910, to Peking). 327


[Page C]
No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
222 Mr. Lyon to Mr. Root. 1908. Jan. 28 Affairs in Liberia. Reports appointment of a commission to visit United States. 694
232 Same to same Apr. 16 Same subject. Says Liberian commission will leave for the United States on the 17th instant. 694
Messrs. Gibson, Dossin, and Dunbar to Mr. Root. May 22 Same subject. Asks when Liberian commission will be received by Secretary. 694
Mr. Root to Messrs. Gibson, Dossin, and Dunbar. May 23 Same subject. Says he will receive commission on 26th instant. 694
714 Mr. Root to Mr. Reid. June 13 Same subject. Transmits communication from Liberian commission seeking Great Britain’s cooperation in perpetuity of Liberia. 695
Mr. Root to Mr. Lyon. June 18 Same subject. Transmits copies of correspondence from Liberian commission asking United States to invite Great Britain’s cooperation in promoting Liberia’s welfare. 695
668 Mr. Reid to Mr. Root. July 25 Same subject. Transmits note from British foreign office on subject. 697
Mr. Root to President Roosevelt. 1909. Jan. 18 Same subject. Refers to conditions in Liberia and advises appointment of an American commission with a view to recommending measures of relief. 699
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Lyon (telegram). Feb. 18 Same subject. Says United States will send commission to Liberia to investigate conditions and recommend relief measures. 701
Mr. Knox to the American commissioners. Apr. 13 Same subject. Instructs commission to proceed to Liberia and investigate situation with a view to recommending the most effective measures of relief. 705
Mr. Knox to the Liberian minister for foreign affairs. Apr. 23 Same subject. Informs him of appointment of an American commission to visit Liberia with a view to recommending measures of relief. 708
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Lyon. 1910. Mar. 19 Same subject. Transmits copy of report of American commission to Liberia and says he may informally make known to Liberian Government nature of the commission’s recommendations. 704
Vice President of Liberia to President Taft (telegram). Mar. 21 Same subject. Says Liberian public grateful for assistance of the United States. 705
Mr. Knox to Mr. Lyon (telegram). June 11 Same subject. Informs legation as to assistance which the United States proposes to lend the Liberian Government and says department would like views of that Government relative thereto. 709


[Page CI]
No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Mr. Diaz to Mr. Taft. 1909. Dec. 31 Revolution in Nicaragua. Says new ambassador will express gratification of Mexican Government for attitude of United States toward asylum afforded Zelaya on board Mexican gunboat. 739
Mr. Taft to Mr. Diaz. 1910 Feb. 5 Same subject. Expresses appreciation and says attitude of the United States toward granting refuge to Zelaya will be communicated to the Mexican Government by the American embassy. 740
840 Mr. Knox to Mr. Bailey. do Same subject. Transmits for delivery to foreign office letter of President Taft and memorandum relative to asylum afforded Zelava. 741
522B Mr. de la Barra to Mr. Knox Mar. 2 Authentication of extradition papers by consular officers. Suggests exchange of notes on subject. 731
208 Mr. Knox to Mr. de la Barra. Mar. 22 The Chamizal arbitration. Refers to previous negotiations and outlines arbitration proposals. 716
Mr. Gamboa to Mr. Knox. Apr. 12 Celebration of the first Mexican centennial invites United States to participate. 712
216 Mr. Knox to Mr. de la Barra. Apr. 13 Authentication of extradition papers by consular officers. Says department considers the proposed exchange of notes inadvisable. 731
42 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox. Apr. 15 Extradition of Heliodoro Garcia from Mexico. Says request for extradition has been made. 723
153 Mr. de la Barra to Mr. Knox. Apr. 16 The Chamizal arbitration. Says proposals in department’s note of 22d ultimo will be given early consideration. 719
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). Apr. 29 Extradition of Heliodoro Garcia from Mexico. Reports arrest of Garcia and says detention period dates from 23d. 723
Note Verbale to the Mexican Embassy. May 14 The Chamizal arbitration. Urges early consideration. 719
Mr. Knox to Mr. Wilson (telegram). June 1 Extradition of Heliodoro Garcia from Mexico. Says California authorities ask provisional arrest and detention of Garcia on new charge. 723
86 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox. June 8 Same subject. Transmits copies of correspondence with foreign office. 724
Memorandum from the Mexican Embassy. June 9 The Chamizal arbitration. Transmits note and requests draft of convention. 720
366 Mr. de la Barra to Mr. Knox. do Same subject. Accepts arbitration proposal. 720
Mr. Diaz to Mr. Taft (telegram). June 16 Revolution in Nicaragua. Transmits text of communication from President Madriz protesting against action of American forces in Nicaragua. 752
260 Mr. Knox to Mr. de la Barra. June 17 The Chamizal arbitration. Expresses gratification and incloses draft of convention. 721
Mr. Taft to Mr. Diaz (telegram). June 19 Revolution in Nicaragua. Communicates text of statement to Madriz and Estrada regarding policy of the United States in Nicaragua. 754
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). June 21 Extradition of Heliodoro Garcia from Mexico. Reports request of foreign office for proof in case. 725
101 Same to same. do Same subject. Incloses correspondence with foreign office. 725
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Wilson (telegram). June 22 Same subject. Instructs embassy to insist upon rearrest on new charge. 726
261 Mr. Knox to Mr. de la Barra June 27 The Chamizal arbitration. Incloses copies of instruction to Mr. Keblinger, American commissioner on the commission for the study of the equitable distribution of the waters of the Rio Grande and Colorado Rivers. 722
61 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Wilson. June 28 Extradition of Heliodoro Garcia from Mexico. Expresses department’s views relative to detention period. 727
265 Mr. Wilson to Mr. de la Barra. June 29 Celebration of the first Mexican centennial. Accepts invitation and names representatives. 712
1 Mr. de la Barra to Mr. Knox. July 1 Same subject. Says contents of department’s June 29 have been communicated to his Government. 713
Mr. Wilson to Mr. de la Barra. July 6 Same subject. Acknowledges note relative to personnel of special commission. 714
26 Mr. de la Barra to Mr. Knox. July 11 Same subject. Communicates information concerning reception of special representatives. 714
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox (telegram). July 14 Extradition of Heliodoro Garcia from Mexico. Foreign office says impossible to hold Garcia beyond expiration of second detention period. 727
Mr. Adee to Mr. Wilson (telegram). July 15 Same subject. Instructs embassy to endeavor to have Garcia held until arrival of papers. 728
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox. July 19 Same subject. Reports presentation of papers and request for extradition. 728
Mr. Wilson to Mr. de la Barra. Aug. 6 Celebration of the first Mexican centennial. Transmits information regarding personnel of American Commission. 714
194 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox. Sept. 20 Message of the President of Mexico to the Mexican Congress. Transmits copy. 729
Mr. Knox to Mr. Wilson. Oct. 26 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. (Same, mutatis mutandis, as Oct. 26, 1910, to Rome.) 634
133 Mr. Adee to Mr. Wilson. Nov. 2 Translation of papers in extradition cases. Says papers should be translated by the demanding Government. 733
232 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox. Nov. 3 Extradition of Heliodoro Garcia from Mexico. Reports extradition granted. 728
Mr. Knox to Mr. Wilson. Nov. 14 Same subject. Says governor of California informed that Mexico has granted extradition. 729
Mr. Diaz to Mr. Taft. Dec. 8 Celebration of the first Mexican centennial. Says Mexico will send special ambassador to thank the United States for its participation. 715
297 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox. Dec. 13 Same subject. Reports appointment of Hon. Joaquim Casasus as special ambassador to thank United States. 716


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
150 Mr. Dodge to Mr. Knox. 1909. Dec. 31. Acquisition of property for American missionaries in Morocco and rental of a house in Moorish quarter of Mequinez. Reports regarding efforts. 734
Mr. Adee to Mr. Dodge. 1910. Jan. 24 Same subject. Acknowledges No. 150 and says President of Union has been advised of legation’s efforts. 734
241 Mr. Dodge to Mr. Knox. Apr. 11 Same subject. Says governor of Mequinez has been ordered by the Sultan to grant house to missionaries. 735
Mr. Knox to Mr. Dodge. Apr. 29 Same subject. Expresses gratification at result of efforts. 735


[Page CII] [Page CIII]
No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Mr. Knox to Mr. Beaupré. 1909. Nov. 3 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. See Nov. 3, 1909, to Vienna. 597
285 Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox. 1910. Jan. 25 Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. Incloses note from foreign office making inquiry regarding conference. 293
110 Mr. Knox to Mr. Beaupré. Feb. 16 Same subject. Explains intention of “preliminary discussion.” 297
Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox (telegram). Mar. 31 Transit of fugitive from justice in course of extradition proceedings between Luxemburg and the United States. Reports arrest by Luxemburg Government of Nicholas Knepper. 81
331 Same to same do International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. Transmits reply of Netherlands Government to proposal. 615
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Beaupré (telegram). do Transit of fugitive from justice in course of extradition proceedings between Luxemburg and the United States. Says Knepper extradition papers will be forwarded. 82
Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox (telegram). Apr. 11 Same subject. Asks if permission has been obtained from Belgium for transit of fugitive. 82
Mr. Hale to Mr. Beaupré (telegram). Apr. 12 Same subject. Cooperate with legation at Brussels to secure permission for transit. 82
19 Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox. Apr. 16 Same subject. Transmits report and correspondence relative to transit of fugitive through Belgian or other territory. 83
Mr. Adee to Mr. Beaupré (telegram). do Same subject. Says German Government win be requested to permit transit of fugitive. 83
Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox (telegram). do Same subject. Says Belgium authorities require full extradition formalities for transit of prisoner and asks if he may be returned through German territory. 82
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Beaupré (telegram). Apr. 2 Same subject. Says German formalities for transit same as extradition. Paris instructed to request transit through France. 87
350 Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox. Apr. 23 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. Transmits copy of note to foreign office regarding proposed circular note to the signatories of the prize court convention. 620
353 Same to same May 3 Same subject. Transmits correspondence exchanged with foreign office relative to proposed circular note. 622
Same to same (telegram). May 7 Transit of fugitive from justice in course of extradition proceedings between Luxemburg and the United States. Says Luxemburg may be willing to grant extradition if United States will guarantee to grant same request to Luxemburg in analogous case. 87
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Beaupré (telegram). May 9 Same subject. Says department feels certain that United States could surrender to Luxemburg fugitive under similar conditions. 88
21 Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox. May 12 Same subject. Incloses note from foreign office stating that extradition should be refused on the ground that offense is not within scope of extradition treaty with United States. 88
366 Same to same May 13 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. Transmits note from foreign office regarding date for signature of additional protocol. 626
Mr. Knox to Mr. Beaupré (telegram). May 14 Same subject. Says date set by Netherlands for signature of additional protocol is satisfactory. 627
370 Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox. May 16 Same subject. Transmits note from foreign office communicating views as to date for signature of protocol, etc. 628
378 Same to same. May 31 Same subject. Transmits note from foreign office stating that circular note was sent Oct. 24. 629
459 Memorandum from the Netherlands Legation. June 2 Extradition procedure—expenses. Asks regarding expenses of fugitives from the United States to the Netherlands. 736
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Beaupré (telegram). June 13 Transit of fugitive from justice in course of extradition proceedings between Luxemburg and the United States. Withdraw request for extradition of Knepper. 91
28 Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox. June 20 Same subject. Reports withdraw of application for extradition and incloses copy of extradition law of Grand Duchy. 91
74 Mr. Wilson to Jonkeer van Weede. July 9 Extradition procedure—expenses. Informs him regarding expenses in extradition cases. 736
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Beaupré (telegram). July 14 Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. Directed to ascertain if Sept. 15 will be satisfactory for meeting of conference. 308
399 Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox. do International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. Reports interview with foreign office relative to adoption of protocol by the powers. 632
Same to same (telegram). July 19 Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. Says Sept. 15 is satisfactory to Netherlands and asks names of Governments adhering. 309
659 Mr. de Weede to Mr. Knox. July 23 Same subject. Extends invitation to participate. 309
78 Mr. Wilson to Mr. de Weede July 29 Same subject. Accepts invitation to participate. 309
Mr. Loudon to Mr. Knox (telegram). Aug. 6 Same subject, bays the Netherlands Government will propose later date for conference. 311
83 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Loudon. Aug. 10 Same subject. Says date of convening conference is left to Netherlands Government. 311
168 Mr. Adee to Mr. Beaupré. Sept. 27 Same subject. Transmits copy of dispatch from London relative to British participation. 315
437 Mr. Hibben to Mr. Knox. Nov. 2 Same subject. Transmits note from foreign office fixing May 30, 1911, as date of meeting. 318
Mr. Adee to Mr. Hibben. Nov. 10 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. Transmits copy of identic instruction to diplomatic officers accredited to countries signatory to prize court convention who did not sign additional protocol. 638
Mr. Hibben to Mr. Knox (telegram). do Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. Says British conditions as to preliminary study not included in invitation but will be embodied in supplementary note. 320
Mr. Knox to Mr. Beaupré (telegram). Nov. 12 Same subject. Says British Government considers study of opium and cocaine questions necessary before opening the conference. 320
1022 Mr. Loudon to Mr. Knox. Nov. 16 Same subject. Asks if May 11, 1911, will be satisfactory. 321
171 Mr. Knox to Mr. Hibben. Nov. 19 Same subject. Says May 30, 1911, will be convenient to United States. 322
100 Mr. Knox to Mr. Loudon. Nov. 26 Same subject. Says date proposed for meeting of conference is satisfactory to the United States. 324
174 Mr. Knox to Mr. Hibben. Dec. 17 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. Inform foreign office that diplomatic officers in Latin-American countries have been instructed to use good offices to obtain ratification of prize court protocol. 639
Mr. Knox to Mr. Beaupré. Dec. 29 Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. (Same as Dec. 29, 1010, to Peking.) 327


[Page CIV]
No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
264 Mr. Caldera to Mr. Knox. 1909. Dec. 26 Revolution in Nicaragua. Reports inauguration of President Madriz and departure of ex-President Zelaya. 738
Mr. Moffatt to Mr. Knox (telegram). Dec. 27 Same subject. Reports hostile attitude of Estrada toward new Government. 738
Same to same (telegram). Dec. 30 Same subject. Reports desire of revolutionary generals to send peace commissioner to Managua and asks courtesy of naval vessel to transport him. 739
Mr. Knox to Mr. Moffatt (telegram). 1910. Jan. 3 Same subject. Says naval vessel will be placed at disposal of peace representatives. 740
Mr. Moffatt to Mr. Knox (telegram). Mar. 3 Same subject. Reports regarding peace terms agreed upon by revolutionary leaders. 742
Mr. Knox to Mr. Moffatt (telegram). Mar. 8 Same subject. Inform revolutionary leaders that this Government is not disposed to make suggestions in response to unilateral representation. 743
Mr. Moffatt to Mr. Knox (telegram). Mar. 9 Same subject. Says telegram of Mar. 8 has been communicated to Gen. Estrada. 743
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Caldera (telegram). Mar. 14 Same subject. Transmits statement given to press regarding removal of marines and attitude of United States regarding recognition of Government of Nicaragua. 743
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Moffatt (telegram). do Same subject. (Same as Mar. 14 Managua). 743
Mr. Moffatt to Mr. Knox (telegram). Apr. 28 Same subject. Transmits communication from Cartago court of justice to leaders in Nicaragua offering mediation. 744
142 Same to same (telegram). May 17 Same subject. Transmits text of demand of commander of Nicaraguan warship upon revolutionary leader Estrada. 745
Same to same (telegram). do Same subject. Reports regarding threatened bombardment by Nicaraguan warship. 740
143 Same to same. do Same subject. Transmits reply of Gen. Estrada to demand of commander of Nicaraguan warship. 746
Mr. Knox to Mr. Olivares (telegram). May 19 Same subject. Transmits paraphrase of instruction to Commander Gilmer regarding views of United States as to blockade and right of search on high seas. 746
Mr. Olivares to Mr. Knox (telegram). May 20 Same subject. Says Madriz maintains that his vessel sailed from United States port under proper circumstances. 747
314 Same to same. May 31 Same subject. Reports further regarding voyage of the Venus. 747
157 Mr. Moffat to Mr. Knox. May 31 Same subject. Transmits communication from commander of Nicaraguan warship to Madriz officials relative to their intentions as to port of Bluefields and its commerce. 748
159 Same to same. do Same subject. Communicates text of order issued by Estrada concerning threatened bombardment. 749
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Moffat (telegram). do Same subject. Transmits text of instructions to Commander Gilmer regarding conditions in Nicaragua. 750
Mr. Moffat to Mr. Knox (telegram). June 3 Same subject. Transmits text of message of Gen. Estrada to president of Cartago Court of Justice. 750
Same to same (telegram). June 7 Same subject. Transmit reply of president of Court of Cartago to Gen. Estrada. 750
President Madriz to President Taft (telegram). June 13 Same subject. Protests against instructions given American naval forces relative to Bluefields blockade. 751
Mr. Knox to Mr. Olivares (telegram). June 19 Same subject. Instructed to communicate to Estrada faction and make public statement to Dr. Madriz regarding attitude toward Bluefields blockade. 753
Mr. Knox to Mr. Moffat (telegram). June 19 Same subject. Transmits communication to be delivered to Dr. Madriz regarding attitude of, toward blockade of Bluefields. 753
Mr. Moffat to Mr. Knox (telegram). June 23 Same subject. Transmits text of communication from the president of the Cartago Court of Justice to Gen. Estrada. 754
Same to same (telegram). June 24 Same subject. Transmits text of reply of Gen. Estrada to president of Cartago Court of Justice. 755
201 Same to same. July 10 Same subject. Says factions in Nicaragua have not interfered with merchandise shipped from Blue-fields. 756
Mr. Olivares to Mr. Knox (telegram). Aug. 19 Same subject. Reports regarding revolutionary conditions. 758
Same to same (telegram). do Same subject. Reports hostile feeling in Managua toward Americans. 758
Mr. Moffat to Mr. Knox (telegram). Aug. 20 Same subject. Reports defeat of Madriz forces. 758
Mr. Olivares to Mr. Knox (telegram). do Same subject. Says Madriz has deposited presidency in Estrada and transmits text of manifesto issued by latter. 759
Same to same (telegram). Aug. 21 Same subject. Says revolutionary forces have entered Managua without opposition and transmits text of decree issued by Estrada. 759
Gen. Estrada to Mr. Knox (telegram). Aug. 23 Same subject. Says new president assures American people of warm regard and expresses desire to make restitution for losses suffered. 760
Mr. Olivares to Mr. Knox (telegram). Aug. 24 Same subject. Reports failure of peace commission to negotiate terms. 760
Same to same (telegram). Aug 28 Same subject. Reports arrival of Generals Estrada and Chamorro. 761
Mr. Castrillo to Mr. Knox. Sept. 12 Same subject. Seeks recognition of provisional government in Nicaragua and incloses communication from Provisional President Estrada. 762
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Castrillo. Sept. 14 Same subject. Says department will give consideration to suggestion regarding relations with provisional government in Nicaragua. 762
Mr. Adee to Mr. Moffat (telegram). Oct. 12 Same subject. Instructed to act in capacity of secretary to Mr. Dawson. 764
Mr. Adee to Mr. Olivares (telegram). do Same subject. Instructed to act in capacity of secretary to Mr. Dawson. 764
Mr. Adee to Mr. Dawson. Oct. 14 Same subject. Informs him that he is designated as special agent to the provisional government of Nicaragua and instructs him to enter into de facto relations with the executive Power. 764
Mr. Dawson to Mr. Knox (telegram). Oct. 19 Same subject. Reports his arrival and visit to Provisional President of Nicaragua. 765
Same to same (telegram). Oct. 28 Same subject. Reports terms proposed by Provisional President Estrada and asks if department approves. 765
Mr. Adee to Mr. Dawson (telegram). Nov. 2 Same subject. Defines department’s attitude relative to proposals of Provisional President. 766
Mr. Dawson to Mr. Knox (telegram). Nov. 6 Same subject. Reports regarding receipt of documents from foreign office relative to creation of mixed commission for consideration of claims, etc. 766
Mr. Moffat to Mr. Knox (telegram). Nov. 28 Same subject. Reports holding of elections on Nov. 27. 767
Same to same (telegram). Dec. 31 Same subject. Reports unanimous election of Estrada as President and Diaz as Vice President. 767


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Mr. Morgenstierne to Mr. Knox (telegram). 1910. July 1 Death of the minister of Norway to the United States. Announces the death of the minister. 768
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Morgenstierne (telegram). July 2 Same subject. Extends sympathy. 768
Mr. Wilson to Madame Gude (telegram). do Same subject. Expresses sympathy and asks it department can be of service. 768
Mr. Morgenstierne to Mr. Wilson (telegram). July 4 Same subject. Expresses thanks for message of sympathy. 768
Mr. Morgenstierne to Mr. Knox. July 15 Same subject. Transmits thanks of his Government for messages of sympathy. 769
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Peirce (telegram). July 22 Revolution in Nicaragua. Incloses communication for delivery to foreign office protesting against action of Government of Norway relative to the closing of the port of Bluefields. 756
[Page CV]


[Page CVI]
No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
77 Mr. Bacon to Mr. Squiers. 1907. Dec. 24 Convention for the settlement of the boundary dispute between Costa Rica and Panama. Transmits copy of note concerning Costa Rica’s desire to arbitrate dispute. 774
137 Mr. Adee to Mr. Squiers. 1908. Dec. 1 Same subject. Instructs legation to inform minister for foreign affairs that United States will be glad to extend good offices. 775
Mr. Squiers to Mr. Root (telegram). Dec. 24 Same subject. Says Government of Panama accepts in principle submission of dispute to arbitration. 776
143 Mr. Bacon to Mr. Squiers. Dec. 30 Same subject. Transmits note containing points which Costa Rica desires to submit to a new arbitration. 778
Mr. Root to Mr. Squiers (telegram). Dec. 31 Same subject. Transmits points in boundary dispute which Costa Rica desires submitted to new arbitration. 778
410 Mr. Squiers to Mr. Root. 1909. Jan. 1 Same subject. Transmits copies of foreign office notes regarding dispute. 778
416 Same to same. Jan. 12 Same subject. Transmits correspondence with foreign office concerning negotiations. 780
150 Mr. Root to Mr. Squiers. Jan. 23 Same subject. Instructs legation regarding attitude of United States relative to controversy. 781
153 Mr. Bacon to Mr. Squiers. Jan. 30 Same subject. Instructs legation regarding attitude of United States. 782
Mr. Squiers to Mr. Bacon (telegram). do Treaties between the United States and the Republics of Panama and Colombia relating to the Panama Canal. Reports ratification of canal treaty by Panama. 361
Mr. Arosemena to Mr. Bacon (telegram). Jan. 31 Same subject. Says he is informed that canal treaty has been ratified by Panama. 361
508 Mr. Squiers to Mr. Knox. June 17 Same subject. Reports interview with minister for foreign affairs. 399
17 Mr. Arosemena to Mr. Knox. July 30 Convention for the settlement of the boundary dispute between Costa Rica and Panama. Submits statement relative to dispute. 784
25 Mr. Arosemena to Mr. Adee. Aug. 31 Same subject. Expresses views of his Government. 791
13 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Arosemena. Oct 11 Same subject. Says department’s attitude is expressed in instructions of Apr. 16, 1906, and Jan. 30, 1909. 793
Same to same. Oct 20 Same subject. Expresses satisfaction relative to Panama’s acceptance of good offices. 796
29 Mr. Arosemena to Mr. Knox. Oct. 23 Same subject. Expresses appreciation for proffer of good offices. 797
14 Mr. Knox to Mr. Arosemena. Nov. 2 Same subject, expresses nope mat decision of American arbitrator will be accepted as final by the two Governments. 798
599 Mr. Weitzel to Mr. Knox. Dec. 2 Same subject. Transmits reply of Panama to inquiry regarding boundary controversy. 799
Same to same (telegram). do Same subject. Says Panama agrees to arbitration as suggested in Department’s note of Oct. 21. 799
Mr. Knox to Mr. Arosemena. Dec. 4 Same subject. -Suggests conference at Department of State between Costa Rican and Panaman ministers. 800
36 Mr Arosemena to Mr. Knox. Dec. 6 Same subject. Acknowledges department’s note suggesting conference. 800
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Weitzel (telegram). Dec. 7 Same subject. Explains attitude concerning arbitration of boundary dispute. 802
16 Mr. Knox to Mr. Arosemena Dec. 16 Same subject. Expresses the hope that Panama will include all questions as to boundary in its agreement. 802
228 Mr. Adee to Mr. Weitzel. Dec. 18 Same subject. Instructs him to explain department’s attitude to Government of Panama. 803
Mr. Knox to Dr. Porras. 1910. Feb. 2 Same subject. Urges importance of prompt settlement. 804
626 Mr. Weitzel to Mr. Knox. Feb. 6 Same subject. Transmits correspondence relative to amplifying powers of minister of Panama in Washington. 806
Dr. Porras to Mr. Knox. Feb. 20 Same subject. Expresses views of his Government relative to arbitration. 808
Mr. Knox to Dr. Porras. Mar. 1 Same subject. Memorandum regarding boundary controversy. 810
Mr. Arosemena to Mr. Knox do Death of the President of Panama. Announces death of President Obaldia and says Dr. Carlos A. Mendoza has assumed office of President. 770
Mr. Weitzel to Mr. Knox. do Same subject. Reports death of President of Panama. 770
647 Same to same. Mar. 2 Same subject. Says Dr. Carlos A. Mendoza assumed the office of President of Panama on Mar. 1. 770
24 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Arosemena. Mar. 5 Same subject. Acknowledging note announcing death of President of Panama. 771
Mr. Wilson to Mr. de Obaldia. Mar. 7 Same subject. Says department is gratified to learn that the transfer of executive power was so satisfactorily effected. 771
Dr. Porras to Mr. Knox. Mar. 10 Convention for the settlement of the boundary dispute between Costa Rica and Panama. Expresses views relative to memorandum of Mar. 1. 812
Mr. Knox to Mr. Weitzel (telegram). Mar. 12 Same subject. Refers to draft convention regarding boundary matter and expresses hope that it will be acceptable to Panama. 814
Mr. Lewis to Mr. Knox (telegram). Mar. 14 Same subject. Thanks United States for good offices. 815
Mr. Knox to Mr. Lewis (telegram). Mar. 18 Same subject. (Same as Mar. 18 to the Costa Rican minister for foreign affairs.) 816
Mr. Lewis to Mr. Knox (telegram) do Same subject. Expresses appreciation of good offices of United States in boundary dispute. 816
Mr. Knox to Mr. Anderson. Mar. 21 Same subject. Says the word arbitrator in Spanish text will have same powers as said word in English. 818
Mr. Knox to Dr. Porras. do Same subject. (Same as Mar. 21 to Costa Rican minister on special mission.) 818
Dr. Porras to Mr. Knox. Mar. 25 Same subject. Says Panama gratefully acknowledges good offices of United States. 819
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Dawson (telegram). July 23 Visit of Señor Don Pedro Montt, President of Chile, to the United States. Instructs legation to do everything possible to make visit of President of Chile to Panama agreeable. 130
Mr. Marsh to Mr. Knox (telegram). July 26 Same subject. Reports arrival of President in Panama. 131
Mr. Dawson to Mr. Knox (telegram). Sept. 27 Convention for the settlement of the boundary dispute between Costa Rica and Panama. Reports approval of convention by Costa Rican Congress. 820
Mr. Adee to Mr. Dawson (telegram). Oct. 11 Revolution it Nicarauga. Instructed to proceed to Managua as special agent and immediately to enter into relations with executive power of Provisional Government of Nicaragua. 763
Mr. Knox to Mr. Dawson. Oct. 26 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. (Same mutatis mutandis as Oct. 26, 1910, to Rome.) 634


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Mr. Knox to Mr. Morgan. 1910 Oct. 26 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral. Justice. (Same mutatis mutandis as 26, 1910, to Rome.) 634


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Mr. de Billier to Mr. Knox (telegram). 1910. Mar. 21 Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. Says Persia will send delegate. 304
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Russell July 7 Same subject. Express appreciation of Persia’s decision to join. 308
Mirza Ali Kuli Kahn to Mr. Knox. Sept. 23 Death of His Imperial Highness the Regent of Persia. Transmits telegram from his Government announcing death of the Regent. 823
President Taft to the Shah of Persia. do Same subject. Says the announcement was received with profound regret. 823
Mr. Knox to the Persian minister for foreign affairs (telegram). do Same subject. Expresses sympathy. 823
Mr. Adee to Mr. Russell (telegram). do Same subject. Instructs legation to convey to minister for foreign affairs expression of sympathy. 823
Mr. Adee to Mirza Ali Kuli Kahn. do Same subject. Says announcement was received with great regret. 824
Shah of Persia to President Taft. Sept. 30 Same subject. Expresses thanks for condolences. 824
Hussein Kuli to Mr. Knox. do Same subject. Expresses appreciation for sympathy. 824
Mr. Knox to Mr. Russell. Oct. 26 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. (Same mutatis mutandis as Oct. 26, 1910, to Rome.) 634
Same to same. Dec. 7 Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. (Same as instruction of Dec. 7 to China.) 325
Same to same. Dec. 29 Same subject. (Same as Dec. 29, 1910, to Peking). 327
[Page CVII]


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Mr. Knox to Mr. Cresson (telegram). 1910. Mar. 24 Boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru Makes suggestions for amicable settlement. 440
Mr. Cresson to Mr. Knox (telegram). Apr. 5 Same subject. Reports regarding demonstration in Ecuador against Peruvians. 443
Same to same (telegram). Apr. 14 Same subject. Says Peruvian Government hope for amicable settlement. 445
Same to same (telegram). Apr. 22 Same subject. Says warlike preparations continue in spite of negotiations. 449
Mr. Knox to Mr. Combs (telegram). May 15 Same subject. (Same as telegram to Quito). 452
Mr. Combs to Mr. Knox (telegram). May 16 Same subject. Reports formal presentation to Peru of tripartite proposal. 452
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Combs (telegram). May 18 Same subject. Says department will make public official statement regarding tripartite proposal. 454
Mr. Combs to Mr. Knox (telegram). do Same subject. Says Peru will accept mediation proposal. 454
Same to same (telegram). do Same subject. Says Brazilian chargé instructed sign only Spanish text of joint note. 454
Same to same (telegram). May 23 Same subject. Reports delivery of mediation proposal to Peru. 456
355 Same to same. do Same subject. Says mediation proposal formally presented to Peru. 457
356 Same to same. do Same subject. Transmits Peru’s formal acceptance of mediation proposal. 457
Same to same (telegram). May 31 Same subject. Says Peru asks for terms of Ecuadorean answer before withdrawing troops. 461
Same to same (telegram). June 2 Same subject. Says Peru is willing to withdraw troops from frontier June 4. 465
Mr. Knox to Mr. Combs (telegram). June 3 Same subject. Instructs him to inform Peru that Ecuador has commenced to withdraw troops from border. 466
Mr. Knox to Mr. Pardo. June 9 Same subject. (Same as June 9, 1910, to Chilean chargé). 469
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Combs (telegram). June 15 Same subject. Instructs him to join with colleagues in urging immediate withdrawal of troops from frontier. 473
Mr. Combs to Mr. Knox. June 19 Same subject. Says instructions of June 15 will be carried out. 474
Same to same (telegram). June 21 Same subject. Reports approval of terms of mediating powers by Peruvian Government. 475
Same to same (telegram). June 25 Same subject. Reports removal of all Peruvian forces from frontier. 476
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Combs. July 5 Same subject. Transmits protocol which Ecuador and Peru will be requested to sign. 478
Mr. Combs to Mr. Knox (telegram). July 10 Same subject. Says foreign office informs him that demobilization of troops continues, in spite of reports to contrary. 483
Same to same (telegram) July 11 Same subject. Reports denial by foreign office of reported military activity. 483
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Combs (telegram). July 13 Same subject. (See telegram of this date to Buenos Aires.) 483
Same to same (telegram). July 14 Same subject. Refers to changes in final protocol as presented by mediating powers. 485
Mr. Combs to Mr. Knox (telegram). July 18 Same subject. Says Peruvian Government gives unequivocal support to protocol as presented. 489
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Pierrepont (telegram). July 28 Same subject. Instructed to express to Chilean Government importance of acceptance by Ecuador of present protocol. 492
Mr. Combs to Mr. Knox (telegram). July 29 Same subject. Says President’s message to Chilean Congress refers to protocol as in harmony with mediation. 493
382 Same to same. Aug. 1 Same subject. Transmits extract from President’s message to Chilean Congress regarding mediation. 494
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Combs (telegram) Aug. 10 Same subject. (Same as Aug. 10 to Quito.). 495
384 Mr. Combs to Mr. Knox. Aug. 11 Same subject. Reports possibility of ratification of boundary protocol by Chilean Congress. 496
Same to same (telegram). Oct. 18 Same subject. Says Ecuador has presented formal note to Peru proposing direct negotiations. 503
Mr. Knox to Mr. Combs. Oct. 26 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. (Same mutatis mutandis, as Oct. 26, 1910, to Rome.) 634
Same to same. Dec. 17 Same subject. (Same mutatis mutandis, as Dec. 17, 1910, to Bolivia.) 638
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Combs (telegram). Dec. 24 Boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru. Transmits for action and repetition to Quito note regarding reference to The Hague. 506
Mr. Combs to Mr. Knox (telegram). Dec. 29 Same subject. Says foreign office informs him that submission of dispute to The Hague is acceptable to Peru. 507
[Page CVIII]


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
574 Mr. Bryan to Mr. Knox. 1909. Dec. 14 Military service case of Antonio S. Nunes. Reports arrest of Nunes for evasion of military service. 831
576 Same to same. Dec. 20 Same subject. Transmits note from foreign office regarding arrest of Nunes. 832
Mr. Knox to Mr. Bryan (telegram). 1910. Jan. 12 Same subject. Instructs legation to ask immediate release of Nunes and gives views. 832
593 Mr. Lorillard to Mr. Knox. Jan. 18 Same subject. Transmits copy of memorandum to foreign office protesting against the arrest. 833
598 Same to same. Jan. 31 Same subject. Transmits foreign office correspondence regarding the release of Nunes. 833
644 Same to same. May 31 Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. Transmits note regarding portugal’s participation. 306
Viscount de Alte to Mr. Wilson. June 28 Commercial arrangement effected by exchange of notes between the United States and Portugal. Says Government of Portugal grants favored nation treatment to United States. 828
Mr. Wilson to viscount de Alte. do Same subject. Acknowledges note 28th and says United States will extend favored nation treatment to Portugal. 829
Same to same. do Same subject. Says United States will strictly apply law forbidding misleading labels on wines. 829
Viscount de Alte to Mr. Wilson. do Same subject. Acknowledges department’s note relative to the enforcement of laws forbidding misleading wine labels. 830
Mr. Lorillard to Mr. Knox (telegram). Oct. 4 Revolution in Portugal. Reports revolutionary uprising in Lisbon. 825
Mr. Gage to Mr. Knox (telegram). do Same subject. Reports bombardment of the palace 825
Same to same (telegram). Oct. 5 Same subject. Reports fighting in Lisbon and says it is rumored that a Republic has been proclaimed. 825
Mr. Braza to Mr. Knox (telegram). do Same subject. Says provisional government has been established. 825
Mr. Gage to Mr. Knox (telegram). do Same subject. Reports establishment of provisional government. 826
Same to same (telegram). Oct. 6 Same subject. Reports night of King and Royal family and says national offices are in charge of provisional government. 826
Same to same (telegram). Oct. 7 Same subject. Asks instructions regarding transaction of business with provisional government. 826
Viscount de Alte to Mr. Knox. do Same subject. Transmits telegram from his Government stating that Republic has been proclaimed. 826
Mr. Adee to Mr. Gage (telegram). Oct. 8 Same subject. Instructs him concerning relations with de facto authorities. 827
19 Mr. Gage to Mr. Knox. Oct. 10 Same subject. Transmits note from foreign office giving list of officials of new government. 827
72 Mr. Adee to Viscount de Alte. Oct. 12 Same subject. Says American minister at Lisbon has been instructed regarding relations with the de facto authorities. 828
Mr. Knox to Mr. Gage. Oct. 26 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. (Same, mutatis mutandis as Oct. 26, 1910, to Rome.) 634
Mr. Knox to Mr. Lorillard. Dec. 7 Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. (Same as instruction of Dec. 7 to China.) 325
Same to same. Dec. 29 Same subject. (Same as Dec. 29, 1910, to Peking). 327


[Page CIX] [Page CX]
No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Memorandum from the Russian embassy. 1908. Feb. 4 Proposed establishment by the Chinese Eastern Railway Co. of a municipal administration at Harbin. Expresses hope’ that United States will share views of Russia 202
Mr. Root to Baron Rosen. Apr. 9 Same subject. Acknowledges memorandum, and gives views of United States. 203
Memorandum from the Russian embassy. June 9 Same subject. Makes complaint against action of American consul at Harbin, and asks if his views correspond with those of United States. 205
Memorandum to the Russian embassy. July Same subject. Acknowledges memorandum, and says action of consul at Harbin will be investigated. 206
Mr. Root to Baron Rosen. Dec. 29 Same subject. Says action of consul at Harbin is approved. Requests consideration of certain suggestions of United States. 207
Mr. Knox to Mr. Riddle. Aug. 6 Same subject. Incloses exchange of notes relative to the preliminary agreement. 213
535 Mr. Riddle to Mr. Knox. Sept. 4 Same subject. Incloses copy of note to foreign office. 215
Mr. Adee to Mr. Riddle. Sept. 27 Same subject. Approves representations. 216
560 Mr. Schuvler to Mr. Knox. Oct. 9 Same subject. Incloses note from foreign o Ice. 216
Mr. Knox to Mr. Rockhill. Nov. 3 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. See Nov. 3, 1909, to Vienna. 597
Note verbale to the Russian embassy. Nov. 6 Proposed establishment by the Chinese Eastern Railway Co. of a municipal administration at Harbin. States position of United States. 218
14 Mr. Knox to Mr. Rockhill. Nov. 9 Same subject. Says that as Russian aide memoire seems to show misunderstanding of United States view, note restating position has been handed Russian chargé. 221
Same to same (telegram). Dec. 14 Proposal for the neutralization of railways in Manchuria. See telegram of this date to Japan. 1 236
600 Mr. Schuyler to Mr. Knox. Dec. 20 Same subject. Transmits copy of note to foreign office. 238
Mr. Knox to Mr. Rockhill (telegram). Dec. 27 Same subject. Communicate to foreign office full text of memorandum relative to project. 240
Same to same (telegram). Dec. 30 Proposed establishment by the Chinese eastern Railway Co. of a municipal administration at Harbin. Expresses gratification with notes exchanged by Russia and China. 225
35 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Rockhill. 1910. Jan. 3 Same subject. Incloses copies of dispatches from Pecing. 225
Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Knox (telegram). Jan. 15 Same subject. Reports receipt of note from foreign office concerning detailed regulations. 228
Mr. Adee to Mr. Rockhill. Jan. 18 Same subject. Says detailed discussion of United States objections may be deferred for present. 228
Mr. Knox to Mr. Rockhill (telegram). Jan. 20 Proposal for the neutralization of railways in Manchuria. Says in order to avoid misunderstanding department desires to explain details of project to Russia. 248
12 Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Knox. Jan. 22 Same subject. Incloses note from foreign office in reply to department’s memorandum. 248
Same to same. Jan. 29 Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. Transmits correspondence from foreign office. 293
Memorandum from the Russian embassy. Feb. 2 Proposal for the neutralization of railways in Manchuria. Says Russia wishes to express views before Chinchow-Aigun loan is concluded. 255
Same to same. Feb. 4 Same subject. Says China has been informed of Russia’s desire to participate in Chinchow-Aigun enterprise. 255
42 Mr. Knox to Mr. Rockhill. Feb. 7 Proposed establishment by the Chinese Eastern Railway Co. of a municipal administration at Harbin. Incloses copy of instruction to consul at Harbin. 229
Memorandum to the Russian embassy. Feb. 8 Proposal for the neutralization of railways in Manchuria. Explains proposal of United States. 257
Same to same. Feb. 14 Same subject. Says pending receipt of Russia’s decision United States will act independently. 260
46 Mr. Knox to Mr. Rockhill. Feb. 17 Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. Appreciates Russian approval. 297
Memorandum from the Russian embassy. Feb. 21 Proposal for the neutralization of railways in Manchuria. Before deciding to participate Russia desires to know conditions of Chinchow-Aigun contract. 260
Same to same. Feb. 24 Same subject. Says Chinchow-Aigun project is considered injurious to economic interests of Russia. 261
Memorandum to the Russian embassy. Feb. 26 Same subject. Explains conditions of Chinchow-Aigun contract. 262
Mr. Knox to Baron Rosen. Mar. 9 Same subject. Asks for copy of agreement of 1899 between Russia and China. 264
Mr. Knox to Mr. Rockhill (telegram). Apr. 18 Same subject. Transmits résumé of memorandum relative to Russo-Chinese agreement of 1899. 266
Memorandum to the Russian embassy. do Same subject. Gives views relative to Russo-Chinese agreement of 1899. 264
Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Knox (telegram). Apr. 24 Same subject. Reports discussion with foreign office relative to memorandum. 267
176 Mr. Wheeler to Mr. Knox. May 31 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. Transmits copy of note from foreign office. 629
335 Baron Rosen to Mr. Knox. June 28 Agreement between Japan and Russia relative to Manchuria. Transmits copy of agreement. 835
July 11
195 Mr. Wilson to Baron Rosen. July 30 Same subject. Acknowledges copy of agreement. 837
Aide-memoire from the Russian embassy. Sept. 17 Jurisdiction of treaty powers over citizens of non-treaty nations. Asks views of United States relative to question of protection of foreigners in China. 838
Aide-memoire to the Russian embassy. Oct. 11 Same subject. Outlines position of United States in matter of protection of foreigners in China. 838
Mr. Knox to Mr. Rockhill. Dec. 7 Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. (Same as instruction of Dec. 7 to China.) 325
Same to same. Dec. 29 Same subject. (Same as Dec. 29, 1910, to Peking). 327


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Mr. Heimke to Mr. Knox. 1910. Mar. 10 Message of the President of Salvador to the National Legislative Assembly. Transmits copy. 840
Mr. Knox to Mr. Heimke. Oct. 26 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. (Same mutatis mutandis as Oct. 26, 1910, to Rome.) 634
Same to same. Dec. 17 Same subject. (Same mutatis mutandis as Dec. 17, 1910, to Bolivia.) 638


[Page CXI]
No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
565 Mr. Tarler to Mr. Knox. 1910. Feb. 24 “Open tenders” for Government work. Reports regarding so-called “open tenders” for Government work. 846
205 Mr. Knox to Mr. Tarler. Apr. 6 Same subject. Instructs legation to express to foreign office views of the United States regarding contracts for Government work. 847
608 Mr. Tarler to Mr. Knox. May 23 Enforcement of local laws by United States consular courts in extraterritorial countries. Transmits copy of supplementary law to law on navigation in Siamese waters. 848
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Tarler. July 8 Same subject. Says department sees no objection to extension of Siamese navigation law to Americans residing in Siam. 849
635 Mr. Tarler to Mr. Knox. Aug. 1 Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. Transmits names of Siamese delegates. 310
217 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Tarler Sept. 21 Same subject. Says conference has been postponed. 313
Mr. Tarler to Mr. Knox (telegram). Oct. 23 Death of the King of Siam and succession of King Maha Vajiravudh to the throne. Reports death of King and proclamation of new King. 842
Phya Akharaj Varadhara to Mr. Knox. Oct. 24 Same subject. Announces death of King and proclamation of new King. 842
Same to same (telegram). do Same subject. Informs department of the death of the King. 842
President Taft to the King of Siam (telegram). Oct. 25 Same subject. Expresses sympathy on occasion of death of King Chulalongkorn and good wishes for new King. 843
Mr. Adee to Mr. Tarler (telegram). do Same subject. Instructs legation to express sympathy of the Secretary of State on occasion of the death of the King. 843
Mr. Knox to Phya Akharaj Varadhara (telegram). do Same subject. Expresses sympathy on occasion of death of King. 843
Phya Akharaj Varadhara to Mr. Knox. Oct. 26 Same subject. Expresses appreciation for sympathy. 843
Mr. Knox to Mr. King. do International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. (Same mutatis mutandis as Oct. 26, 1910, to Rome.) 634
666 Mr. Tarler to Mr. Knox. Oct. 27 Death of the King of Siam and succession of King Maha Vajiracudh to the throne. Gives official title of the new King. 844
669 Same to same. Oct. 31 Same subject. Says Siamese minister for foreign affairs expresses appreciation for sympathy of President and people of the United States. 844
Mr. Adee to Mr. Tarler (telegram). Nov. 4 Same subject. Instructs him to attend coronation ceremony as President’s representative. 845
Mr. Adee to the Siamese Minister for Foreign Affairs (telegram). do Same subject. Says American charge at Bangkok has been designated to attend coronation ceremony. 845
The Siamese Minister for Foreign Affairs to Mr. Knox (telegram). Nov. 5 Same subject. Says Mr. Tarler win be cordially received as special representative to attend the coronation. 845
219 Mr. Adee to Mr. Tarler. Nov. 9 Enforcement of local laws by United States consular courts in extraterritorial countries. Instructs legation relative to extending supplementary law on navigation in Siamese waters to American citizens residing in Siam. 849
Mr. Tarler to Mr. Knox (telegram). Nov. 14 Death of the King of Siam and succession of King Maha Vajiravudh to the throne. Announces coronation of the King of Siam. 845
Mr. Knox to Mr. Tarler. Dec. 7 Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. (Same as instruction of Dec. 7 to China.) 325
Same to same. Dec. 29 Same subject. (Same as Dec. 29, 1910, to Peking). 327


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Mr. Knox to Mr. Ide. 1909. Nov. 3 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. (See Nov. 3, 1909, to Vienna.) 597
53 Same to same 1910. Feb. 24 Marriage of American citizens abroad. Instructs in regard to. 855
172 Mr. Ide to Mr. Knox. Apr. 16 Boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru. Says Spanish award has not been made. 446
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Ide (telegram). July 15 Same subject. Quotes protocol presented by the mediating powers. 487
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Riano. July 21 Same subject. (Same mutatis mutandis as July 21, to Argentine chargé.) 489
Same to same. Aug. 20 Same subject. (Same mutatis mutandis as Aug. 20, to the Brazilian chargé.) 498
Mr. Riano to Mr. Knox. Nov. 29 Interpretation of art. 23 of treaty of friendship and general relations of July 3, 1902, between the United States and Spain. Calls attention to alleged violation of treaty in the case of Juan Bautista Sagasti. 851
22 Mr. Knox to Mr. Riano. Dec. 7 Same subject. Reviews case and points out that there was no violation of treaty. 852


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Mr. Knox to Mr. Swensen. 1910. Oct. 26 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. (Same mutatis mutandis as Oct. 26, 1910, to Rome.) 634


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
173 Mr. Straus to Mr. Knox. 1910. May 16 American religious, charitable, and educational institutions in Turkey. Reports regarding negotiations relating to. 857
116 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Straus. June 30 Same subject. Approves embassy’s action regarding rights of American institutions in Turkey. 859
Mr. Straus to Mr. Knox (telegram). Sept. 1 Same subject. Reports favorable decision of Porte regarding American instructions in Turkey. 860
Mr. Philip to Mr. Knox (telegram). Oct. 12 Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question in the Far East. Says Turkish Government will not take part. 317
Mr. Knox to Mr. Straus. Oct. 26 International Prize Court and Court of Arbital Justice. (Same mutatis mutandis as Oct. 26, 1910, to Rome.) 634


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
556 Mr. Magruder to Mr. Knox. 1910. Mar. 8 Message of the President of Uruguay to the Uruguayan Congress. Transmits copy. 861
1 Mr. Morgan to Mr. Knox. Apr. 29 Message of the President of Paraguay to the Paraguayan Congress. Transmits copy. 862
Mr. Knox to Mr. Morgan. Oct. 26 International Prize Court and Court of Arbitral Justice. (Same mutatis mutandis as Oct 26, 1910, to Rome.) 634
[Page CXII]


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
530 Mr. Whitehouse to Mr. Knox. 1910. Mar. 31 Celebration of the First Centennial of the Independence of Venezuela. Transmits program. 864
President Taft to President Gomez (telegram). Apr. 19 Same subject Extends congratulations. 866
544 Mr. Whitehouse to Mr. Knox. Apr. 28 Message of the President of Venezuela to the Venezuelan Congress. Transmits copy. 868
620 Same to same. Oct. 25 Celebration of the First Centennial of the Independence of Venezuela. Transmits names of nations invited to participate 867
1940 Mr. Matos to Mr. Knox. Nov 3 Same subject. Extends invitation to the President and Government of the United States to participate. 867