File No. 2491/94.]

The Costa Rican Minister on Special Mission to the Secretary of State.

Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your excellency’s attentive communication of the 4th instant, wherein, referring to the boundary controversy between the Republics of Costa Rica and Panama, your excellency deigns to suggest, in pursuance of the earnest disposition your excellency’s Government has been pleased to show to both Costa Rica and Panama to facilitate and expedite by its friendly offices the settlement of that question, that a conference should be held at the Department of State on January 15 next, or soon thereafter, between your excellency and the minister of Panama and myself, in order to consider and discuss the situation fully, to reach the basis of a protocol agreement formulating the question at issue, and to take the other steps necessary for the submission of the controversy to Chief Justice Fuller, as sole arbitrator in accordance with the proposal made by the Government of the United States and accepted by those of Costa Rica and Panama.

I consider the suggestion of your excellency the most timely and expeditious means for reaching immediately a satisfactory settlement. The discussion that is to be held between the representatives of Costa Rica and Panama, through the just mediation of your excellency, will elucidate at once all the points that should be considered in framing the convention of arbitration which, necessarily, shall put an end to the old boundry dispute. It is to be supposed that the minister of Panama will attend the meeting sufficiently instructed and empowered, and I have no doubt that we will easily arrive at a gratifying solution.

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Consequently, my Government, which deeply appreciates the good will and friendly disposition with which the Government of the United States has extended its mediation and good offices for the adjustment of the boundary question, accepts with pleasure the suggestion of your excellency to the effect that, on the 15th of January, or thereafter, a conference for the purpose indicated be held between your excellency and the minister of Panama and myself, and it does not doubt that the Government of Panama will also welcome so wise a proposition.

I deem it opportune on this occasion to remind your excellency of the firm disposition of my Government that the proposed agreement of arbitration be ample and include all questions in dispute and not limited to any one or more of them. I will be greatly obliged if your excellency would be pleased to signify this to the Government of Panama.

I beg your excellency to accept, etc.,

Luis Anderson.