Ambassador White to
the Secretary of State.
American Embassy,
Rome, June 2,
No. 197.]
Sir: Referring to the department’s telegram of
the 8th ultimo, informing me that the American Red Cross Society had
contributed $6,300, offered by the citizens of Boston and Massachusetts,
for the relief of the sufferers in the vicinity of Mount Vesuvius, and
to my dispatch No. 188, of May 16, in which I reported that I had drawn
on the Secretary of State for that amount, I have now the honor to
inform you that the foreign office has acknowledged the receipt, with
thanks, of the contribution in question.
A copy, with translation, of this note, and the receipt from the Italian
Red Cross Society, are inclosed herewith.
I have, etc.,
Signor Malvano
to Ambassador White.
Ministry for Foreign Affairs,
Rome, May
29, 1906.
Mr. Ambassador: Replying to your esteemed
note of May 8, I have the honor to transmit to your excellency the
inclosed receipt sent by the president of the Italian Red Cross for
your excellency’s check of $6,300, which amount was collected by the
Red Cross Association in Boston for the relief of those suffering
from the eruption of Vesuvius.
I should be much obliged if your excellency would make known to the
Association the lively gratefulness inspired by its having been
pleased to contribute, with such philanthropic initiative, for the
relief of a population so heavily afflicted.
I have, etc.,
(For the