- Administration of:
- Admission of officers of American Republics to United States military schools 2
- Admission to United States of Chinese child adopted by American citizen, denied 288
- Adolphe, Grand Duke of Luxemburg, death of 1093
- Adopted Chinese child, status of 288
- Africa, conference and convention revising rules relative to spirituous liquors in 52
- Agreements. See Treaties.
- Agricultural enterprises in Ecuador, decree encouraging 627
- Agriculture, International Institute of, established 942
- Alaskan boundary, treaty with Great Britain for marking, etc 801
- Alcorta, Don José Figueroa:
- Alfonso XII, King of Spain, marriage of 1343
- Algeciras conference on reforms in Morocco 1470
- Aliens in Portuguese colonies, regulations as to residence, etc., of 1244
- Alsace, Germany, application of naturalization treaties to 648
- Amelioration of:
- American:
- American citizen, status of divorced insane wife of an 1364
- American citizens:
- consular administration of estates of, in Peru 1236
- dying in Mexico, removal of dead bodies of 1114
- exemption from paying church taxes in Germany by 658
- in Persia, acknowledgment of services of Great Britain to 1214
- military tax in Servia on naturalized, of Servian birth 1338
- of Syrian origin, licenses in Haiti to 897
- passports of naturalized, of Swedish birth 1360
- protection of trade-marks registration in Cuba by 494
- resident in Russia, passports to 1286
- rights of, in disputed Central American territory 1184, 1201
- American concessions in Dominican Republic 557
- American fishing vessels, seizure by Mexico on high seas 1094
- American goods, boycott at Singapore of 803
- American laborers employed on plantations in Guatemala, impressment of 824
- American property in Port Arthur and Dalny 1074
- American Republics:
- American Republics, Third International Conference of:
- address of welcome to Mr. Root by the President 126
- response of Mr. Root 127
- instructions to American delegates 1565, 1566
- by President Roosevelt to delegates to second conference at Mexico City 1572
- report of American delegates 1576
- conventions adopted by; establishing status of naturalized
citizens returning to country of origin 1594
- settlement of pecuniary claims 1595
- protection of patents, trade-marks, copyrights, etc 1596
- for international law commission 1601
- on public debts 1609
- liberal professions 1609
- commercial relations 1610
- future conferences 1611
- development of natural resources 1612
- sanitary police 1613
- intercontinental railway 1614
- coffee industry 1614
- fluctuations in exchange 1614
- resolutions adopted by; on arbitration 1602
- address of welcome to Mr. Root by the President 126
- American residents of Isle of Pines, alleged outrage on 510
- Americans, insane, confined in foreign asylums 1170
- Annapolis, Md., removal of remains of John Paul Jones to Naval Academy at 638
- Antiforeign agitation in Mexico, alleged 1124
- Antung, delays in opening to international trade 170
- Appointments, American consular officers not allowed foreign 534
- Arbitration of pecuniary claims, countries ratifying convention for 1115
- Arbitration, resolution of Pan-American Conference recommending adherence to principles of international 1602
- Arbitration treaties:
- Argentine Republic:
- Alcorta, Don José Figueroa, assumes presidency.
- convention with Spain, dispensing with authentication of signatures of letters rogatory 14
- death of President Quintana 11
- inaugural address of President Alcorta 12
- laws regulating practice of professions, diplomas of United States colleges to Argentine students, recognized 11
- visit of Secretary Root 19
- Armenians, intervention by United States with Turkey on behalf of the 1417
- Armies in the field, Geneva (Red Cross) convention for amelioration of wounded of 1559
- Army schools, admission of officers of American Republics to United States 2
- Arrangements. See Treaties.
- Assassination:
- Attempt on life of King and Queen of Spain 1348
- Austria-Hungary:
- commercial treaty between Italy and 910
- customs tariff and commercial treaties concluded with Germany, Italy, Belgium, Russia, Servia, and Switzerland, by 46
- franchise reform in 48
- Hungarian Parliament dissolved 47
- restrictions against importation of beef from non-European countries into 43
- transportation of emigrants from Hungary 49
- Authentication of:
- Baccelli, Prof. Guido, function in Italy in honor of 910
- Beef, restrictions against importation of, from non-European countries into Austria 43
- Belgium:
- customs tariff and commercial treaty with Austria and 46
- El Oriente Tobacco Company, claim of 57
- emigration agents of South Carolina In 62
- exclusion of Louis Wythouck from United States 61
- international arrangement for unifying formulas for heroic medicines 79
- international maritime conference relative to collisions and salvage at sea 72
- Kongo Free State, investigation of affairs in 88
- spirituous liquors in Africa, conference and convention revising rules as to 52
- taxation of foreign corporations in 71
- Bible, restrictions upon the sale of, in Turkey 1414
- Bolivia:
- Bond, Sir Robert, premier of Newfoundland:
- Bonds issued by Mexican Empire, status of 1125
- Bonds of Haiti, law providing for payment of interest on 891
- Bonds of South African Republic, nonredeemable 791
- Boundary:
- Boycott of American goods at Singapore 803
- Brazil:
- Brent, Right Rev. C. H., Bishop of the Philippines, suggests international investigation of opium trade 361
- Bulgaria:
- Bureau, International Central American, convention establishing 863
- Bureau of American Republics:
- Burial of bodies in Turkey, conditions for removal 1405
- Business and political conditions in Colombia 442
- Cabinet of Russia, formation of new 1336
- Cable between Japan and Guam opened 1021
- Cable between San Francisco and Shanghai opened 409
- Caceres, Ramon, becomes President of Dominican Republic 548
- Canada, extradition procedure in 805
- Castro, Cipriano, President of Venezuela, temporary retirement of 1440
- Cape Haitien, withdrawal of exequatur of American vice-consul at 872
- Capture and destruction of Knight Commander by Russian cruiser 1318
- Cattier, Felicien, extracts from treatise on administration of affairs in Kongo Free State by 89
- Celebration of settlement of America, invitation to foreign nations to participate in 1
- Central America: (See also
Costa Rica, Guatemala,
Honduras, Nicaragua,
and Salvador.)
- convention establishing Central American Bureau at Guatemala city 863
- convention establishing Central American Pedagogical Institute at San Jose, Costa Rica 865
- rights of American citizens in disputed territory 1184, 1201
- treaty of amity, etc., between Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, and Salvador 857
- war in, and mediation of United States and Mexico 834
- Central American Bureau, convention establishing International 863
- Certificate of origin of imports into Italy, regulations as to 908
- Certification of goods purchased abroad for export to United States, place of 647
- Cities, sanitation of Cuban 503
- Citizenship:
- expatriation and protection abroad, board to inquire into laws regarding 4
- liability of naturalized citizens under military and expatriation laws of their native country 812
- naturalization treaties with Germany, application to Alsace-Lorraine 648
- of a former Porto Rican in Haiti 877
- of Chinese child adopted by American citizen 288
- of persons born in United States of German parents and living in Germany 655
- of persons born in United States of naturalized parents 1179
- status of American widow of a foreign subject 1370
- status of divored insane wife of an American citizen 1364
- Chang-p’u, China, riots at 324
- Chang-te-fu, Honan, China, opened to foreign trade 204
- Chiengmai, Siam, American missionary school at 1389
- Chile:
- China:
- cable between San Francisco and Shanghai opened 409
- Chang-te-fu, opened to foreign trade 204
- citizenship and admission to United States of child adopted by American 288
- copyrights, rules for protection of, under treaty, not concluded 260
- customs service changes 280
- floating mines in waters of 300
- foreign settlements at open ports 290
- Kwangtung leased territory, Japanese administration of 1050
- Lienchou riots and resulting claims 308
- Manchuria, opening ports of, to international trade 162
- mining regulations 261
- opium restrictions 352
- opium trade, international investigation suggested of 360
- patents, rules for protection of, under treaty, not concluded 260
- payment of Chinese indemnity 273
- reforms, governmental, judicial, and educational 341
- rights of missionaries to acquire property in interior of 276
- riots at Chang-p’u and Manchang 324
- Shanghai mixed court, revision of rules and resulting riots 369
- Shanghai, threatened restriction of international settlement 297
- trade-marks in, reciprocal agreements for protection of 228
- trade-marks regulations 234
- treaty and additional agreement with Japan as to Manchuria 995
- United States court for 407
- Chi-nan-fu, Manchuria, opened as international port 152
- Chinese in Guatemala, protection of 823
- Chinese indemnity, payment of 273
- Chinese students in Japanese schools 1072
- Christian IX, King of Denmark, death of 523
- Chronological list of governments of Uruguay 1828–1906 1429
- Chronology of political events in Dominican Republic 572
- Church taxes in Germany, American citizens exempted from paying 658
- Claim of Michael J. Kouri, against Haiti for false imprisonment 871
- Claims:
- Coffee industry, resolution of Pan-American Conference respecting 1614
- Coffee, valorization and export tax in Brazil on 109
- Collisions at sea, international maritime conference relative to salvage and 72
- Colombia:
- Colonies of Portugal, regulations as to aliens in 1244
- Commercial agreements, reciprocal:
- Commercial relations, resolution of Pan-American Conference relative to 1610
- Commercial treaties:
- between Austria and Germany, Italy, Belgium, Russia, Servia, and Switzerland 46
- between Austria-Hungary and Italy 910
- between Bulgaria and Germany, Great Britain, Russia, France, and Italy 140
- between France and Haiti, temporary extension of 901
- between Germany and Bulgaria 655
- between Peru and Bolivia, ratified 1220
- between Roumania and Great Britain 1247
- between Roumania and Russia 1247
- between Spain and Switzerland 1354
- between Sweden and Germany 1358
- between Sweden and Russia 1359
- Commission, International Law, convention adopted by Pan-American Conference establishing 1601
- Compulsory collection of public debts, resolution of Pan-American Conference on 1609
- Condition of Jews in Russia 1296
- Conference of American Republics. (See Third Conference of American Republics.)
- Conferences, diplomatic. (See International diplomatic conferences.) Congress, thanks of, extended to foreign governments participating in Louisiana Purchase Exposition 3
- Consular:
- administration of estates in Peru 1236
- convention between United States and Netherlands of 1855, status of 1165
- convention with Italy, notification of death of Italians in United States under 964
- conventions between Guatemala and Italy 827
- officers in Japan, recognition of subordinate 1065
- officers of United States can not receive foreign appointments 534
- Regulations—
- seal, counterfeiting, at Palermo, Italy 934
- service, law of April 5, 1906, reorganizing 8
- service of Sweden, reorganized 1362
- Consuls:
- Consuls-general at large:
- Conventions. See Treaties.
- Conventions and resolutions adopted by Third Pan-American Conference 1594
- Copyright convention:
- Copyrights:
- Corporations, taxation in Belgium of foreign 71
- Costa Rica:
- convention with Guatemala, Honduras, and Salvador for Central American Bureau 863
- convention with Guatemala, Honduras, and Salvador for Central American Pedagogical Institute 865
- election of President Cleto Gonzales Viquez 1186
- immigration law of 1186
- rights of American citizens in disputed territory 1184
- treaty of amity, etc., between Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, and 857
- Counterfeiting American consular seal at Palermo, Italy 934
- Courrieres, France, mine disaster at 639
- Court dress of diplomatic officers on official occasions 527
- Court for China established, United States 407
- Crete, conditions in island of 820
- Cuba:
- insurrection and intervention of United States in 454
- Isle of Pines, alleged outrage on American residents of 510
- reciprocity treaty rates refused on foreign rice milled in United States 515
- recognition of consul-general in Japan 1019
- sanitation of cities 503
- trade-mark registration, rights of American citizens 494
- trade-marks convention with France 521
- Customs:
- Customs duties:
- Dalny:
- Death of Italians in United States, notification to Italian consuls of 964
- Debt, imprisonment for, in Holland 1173
- Debts, public, resolution of Pan-American Conference relative to collection of 1609
- Degree of doctor of laws conferred on the King of Italy by the University of Pennsylvania 962
- Denmark:
- agreement with, for protection of industrial designs or models 533
- arbitration treaty with Italy 528
- consular officers of United States may not accept appointment from 534
- death of King Christian IX 523
- diplomatic uniforms 527
- emigration agents of South Carolina in 67
- extradition treaty with United States, supplementary 531
- Frederick VIII proclaimed King 523
- Dentistry practice of, in Japan 1068
- Depredations of Yaqui Indians in Mexico 1134
- Derelict mines off Chinese coasts 300
- Desertion of seamen from foreign vessels in the Philippines, arrest, etc 941
- Destruction in United States of tobacco owned by Italy 949
- Diphtheria epidemic, Magdalena, Mexico, assistance of United States squadron in 1123
- Diplomas of United States colleges to Argentine students, recognized by Argentine Republic 11
- Diplomatic and consular service of Sweden reorganized 1362
- Diplomatic conferences. See International diplomatic conferences.
- Diplomatic intervention in contentious matters in Japan, restricted 1071
- Diplomatic officers:
- Diplomatic relations between Russia and Japan resumed 1087, 1335
- Diplomatic uniforms, court dress at court functions 527
- Disaster in mines, Courrieres, France 639
- Disturbances in Russia, political, etc 1274
- Dominican Republic:
- American concessions 557
- boundary question with Haiti 600
- control of customs revenue of, by United States 559
- enforcement of sugar-production tax 609
- legislation of Congress, 1906 564
- message of President Caceres 568
- political events in, chronology of 572
- resignation of President Morales 548
- revolutionary disturbances in 536
- Vice-President Caceres assumes Presidency 548
- withdrawal of exequatur of Portuguese consul at Macoris 570
- Douma (Parliament) of Russia:
- Duties in Turkey, proposed increase of customs 1412
- Duties on American products in Brazil, preferential 113
- Duty on flour in Colombia increased 450
- Earthquake:
- Ecuador:
- Educational reforms in China 341
- El Oriente Tobacco Company, claim to money captured from Filipino insurgents 57
- Embassies, mutual raising of the legations of United States and Japan to 1005
- Emigrants from Hungary, transportation of 49
- Emigration agents of South Carolina:
- Emigration of Montenegrins to United States 1152
- England. (See Great Britain.)
- Epidemic of diphtheria in Magdalena, Mexico, assistance of United States squadron 1123
- Estates in Holland, fictitious 1171
- Estates in Peru, consular administration of 1236
- Exchange, fluctuations in, resolution of Pan-American Conference recommending study of 1614
- Exchange of prisoners of war:
- Exclusion of alleged misbranded olive oil 907
- Executive orders of the President of United States:
- Exemption of steamship inspection, reciprocal arrangement with Japan 990
- Exequatur of:
- Exequaturs for consuls-general at large 6
- Exequaturs of Panaman consuls through American ministers abroad 3
- Exhibit of Haitian products in Haitian consulates 903
- Expatriation, recognition by Greece of 812
- Expatriation, etc., board to inquire into laws regarding 4
- Export duty on coffee in Brazil 109
- Exportation of purchased goods to United States, place of certification 647
- Exposition:
- Expulsion of foreigners from Haiti 869
- Extradition:
- Fallières, Armand, elected President of the French Republic 631
- False imprisonment, claim against Haiti for 871
- Famine in Japan 999
- Fez, Morocco, mission of minister Gummeré to 1153
- Fictitious estates in Holland 1171
- Filipino insurgents, claim of El Oriente Company for funds taken by 57
- Firearms, prohibition of importation of, into Russia 1316
- Fisheries, Newfoundland 661
- Fishing vessels, American, seized by Mexico 1094
- Flag of the United States, right of American owners of vessels purchased abroad to fly the 1157
- Floating mines in Gulf of Pechili 300
- Flour, duty on, increased by Colombia 450
- Fluctuations in exchange, resolution of Pan-American Conference recommending study of 1614
- Food-inspection law of United States, action of association of British grocers 798
- Food products, prohibition of artificially colored 965
- Foreign affairs, resolution of Pan-American Conference recommending establishment of special division in offices of 1607
- Foreign appointments, American consular officers not permitted 534
- Foreign Christian Missionary Society, of Cincinnati, refusal of sale of lands in Kongo, to 99
- Foreign governments, thanks of Congress to, participating in Louisiana Purchase Exposition 3
- Foreign policy of United States with South America, letter by Emilio Mitre, of Argentina 33
- Foreign settlements at open ports in China and Manchuria 290
- Foreign vessels in the Philippines, arrest, etc., of seamen deserting 941
- Foreigners, expulsion from Haiti of 869
- Formosa, earthquake in 1063
- France:
- commercial treaty concluded with Bulgaria 140
- with Haiti extended temporarily 901
- election of Armand Fallières as President of the Republic 631
- Franklin celebration in Paris 632
- mines disaster at Courrieres 639
- presentation of Franklin gold medal to Government of 633
- proposal for regulating use of submarine mines 304
- protection of French interests in Venezuela and Venezuelan interests in 1432
- removal of remains of Admiral John Paul Jones 636
- trade-marks convention with Cuba 521
- commercial treaty concluded with Bulgaria 140
- Franchise reform in Austria 48
- Franklin celebration in Paris 632
- Franklin medal, presentation to France by United States, of 633
- Frederick VIII proclaimed King of Denmark 523
- General act of international conference at Algeciras, on reforms in Morocco 1495
- Geneva convention of 1864, alleged violations by Russia, of 990, 1334
- Geneva (Red Cross) convention of 1906 1528
- Germany:
- citizenship of persons born in United States of German parents and living in Germany 655
- commercial treaty with Bulgaria 140, 655
- with Sweden 1358
- customs tariff and commercial treaty with Austria 46
- exemption from paying church taxes by American citizens in 658
- military service case of Maurice Kahn 648
- naturalization treaties with United States, application to Alsace and Loraine 648
- reciprocity agreement with United States continued 640
- restriction on importation of potatoes not to include sweet potatoes 654
- trade-marks in China, protection of 228
- Gonzales Viquez, Señor Cleto, elected President of Costa Rica 1186
- Good offices of United States, relations between Venezuela and Colombia 1438
- Goods purchased abroad for export to United States, place of certification 647
- Governmental reforms in China 341
- Governments of Uruguay, chronological list of 1828–1906 1429
- Great Britain:
- acknowledgement for services rendered to American citizens in Persia by 1214
- Alaskan boundary treaty 801
- boycott of American goods at Singapore 803
- bonds of South African Republic 791
- commercial treaty with Bulgaria 140
- with Roumania 1247
- extradition procedure in Canada 805
- food-inspection law of United States 798
- imprisonment for nonextraditable offense of a fugitive surrendered by 784
- naturalization treaty between Haiti and 895
- Newfoundland fishery question 661
- correspondence respecting 707
- opium trade, international investigation suggested of 360
- treaties with Nicaragua as to Mosquito territory and free port of San Juan del Norte 1181
- Greece:
- change in extradition treaty with Italy 815
- conditions in island of Crete 820
- extradition treaty with Italy, amendment to 916
- with Netherlands ratified 1178
- immigration of subjects of, into United States 808
- liability of naturalized citizens under military and expatriation laws of their native country 812
- Olympic games in 813
- relations between Roumania and 818, 1246
- visit of American squadron to Piraeus 815
- Guam, opening of cable between Japan and 1021
- Guatemala:
- consular convention between Italy and 827
- convention with Costa Rica, Honduras, and Salvador for Central American Bureau 863
- convention with Costa Rica, Honduras, and Salvador for Central American Pedagogical Institute 865
- death of minister to United States from 866
- impressment of laborers employed on American plantations in 824
- protection of Chinese in 823
- treaty of amity, etc., between Costa Rica, Honduras, Salvador, and 857
- treaty of peace concluded 851
- war between Honduras and Salvador and 834
- mediation of United States and Mexico 837
- Guatemala City, convention establishing International Central American Bureau at 863
- Guayaquil, Ecuador, sanitation of 627
- Haakon VII, coronation of, as King of Norway 1189
- Hague convention of 1899, alleged violations by Russia, of 990, 1334
- Hague, The, second peace conference at 1625
- Haiti:
- boundary question with Dominican Republic 600
- citizenship of Porto Ricans 877
- claim of Michael J. Kouri 871
- commercial treaty with France, extended temporarily 901
- exhibit of Haitian products in Haitian consulates 903
- expulsion of foreigners from 869
- interest on bonds, law providing for payment of 891
- licenses to American citizens of Syrian origin in 897
- Mole St. Nicholas opened to foreign commerce 893
- naturalization treaty between Great Britain and 895
- Pauléus Sannon appointed secretary for foreign affairs 878
- petroleum refinery, law establishing 904
- postage charges in 894
- tariff law, and customs duties in 878
- withdrawal of exequatur of vice-consul at Cape Haitien 872
- Harsh treatment of Italian laborers by Spruce Pine Carolina Company 919
- Hay-Bond treaty of 1902, Newfoundland fisheries question 758
- Heath River, South America, dispute between Bolivia and Peru as to territorial ownership 106
- Heroic medicines, international arrangement for unifying formulas for 79
- High seas, seizure of vessels on 1094
- Holland. See Netherlands.
- Honduras:
- arbitration treaty with Spain 1353
- convention with Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Salvador for Central American Bureau 863
- convention with Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Salvador for Central American Pedagogical Institute 865
- treaty of amity, etc., between Costa Rica, Guatemala, Salvador, and 857
- war between Guatemala and 834
- Hungarian Parliament dissolved 47
- Hungary. See Austria-Hungary.
- Immigrants’ expenses in Liberia, resolution as to 1090
- Immigration encouraged by Peru 1221
- Immigration law of Costa Rica 1186
- Immigration of Greeks into United States 808
- Immunities of retiring diplomatic officer 1448
- Immunity for postal matter mailed by a consul 1416
- Importation of firearms prohibited in Russia 1316
- Importations into Italy, regulations as to certification of origin of 908
- Impressment of American laborers employed on plantations in Guatemala 824
- Imprisonment for a nonextraditable offense of a fugitive surrendered by Great Britain 784
- Imprisonment for debt in The Netherlands 1173
- Indemnity, Chinese, payment of 273
- Industrial designs or models, agreement with Denmark for protection of 533
- Industries in Ecuador, decree encouraging agricultural, etc 627
- Infants, passports may be granted for, of naturalized citizens 912
- Insane Americans confined in foreign asylums 1170
- Inspection of meat for exportation, operation of law as to 953
- Inspection, steamship, reciprocal arrangement with Japan for exemption of 990
- Insurrection in:
- Institutions in Turkey, equal treatment for Americans 1372
- Intercontinental Railway, resolution of Pan-American Conference relative to 1614
- Interest on Haitian bonds, law providing for payment of 891
- International:
- arrangement for unifying formulas for heroic medicines 79
- celebration at Jamestown, foreign governments invited to take part in 2
- Central American Bureau, convention establishing at Guatemala city 863
- conventions. See Treaties.
- diplomatic conferences—
- Institute of Agriculture, convention establishing 942
- investigation of opium trade suggested 360
- law commission, convention adopted by Pan-American Conference establishing 1601
- maritime conference relative to collisions and salvage at sea 72
- sanitary convention of 1905, deposit of ratifications 1127
- settlement at Shanghai, threatened restriction of boundaries of 297
- trade, opening ports of Manchuria to 162
- Interpreter to American embassy in Japan, status of 1064
- Intervention by the United States with Turkey in behalf of the Armenians 1417
- Intervention of United States in Cuba to quell insurrection 454
- Intoxicants, international conference and convention relative to traffic in Africa of 52
- Invoices:
- Irrigation, convention between Mexico and United States, distributing waters of Rio Grande for 1128
- Island possessions, extradition treaties between United States and Denmark to include 531
- Isle of Pines, alleged outrage on American residents of 510
- Italy:
- arbitration treaty with Denmark 528
- Baccelli, Guido, function in honor of 910
- change in extradition treaty with Greece 815
- commercial treaty with Austria-Hungary 910
- with Bulgaria 140
- consular convention between Guatemala and 827
- counterfeiting American consular seal 934
- customs tariff and commercial treaty with Austria 46
- death of Italians in United States, notice to Italian consuls 964
- degree conferred on King of, by University of Pennsylvania 962
- destruction of tobacco owned by Government of 949
- exclusion of alleged misbranded olive oil from United States 907
- extradition treaty with Greece, amendment to 916
- harsh treatment of Italian laborers 919
- International Institute of Agriculture 942
- issuance of passports 910
- marriage of Italians to Americans in the United States 962
- meat for exportation, operation of law regarding inspection of 953
- Mount Vesuvius eruption 913
- prohibition of food products 965
- regulations regarding certificate of origin of importations into 908
- seamen deserting from foreign vessels in the Philippines 941
- trade-marks in China, protection of 232
- Jamestown celebration, invitation to foreign governments to participate in 1
- Jamestown Exposition, invitation to American Republics to send exhibits to 2
- Japan:
- alleged violations of Geneva and The Hague conventions by Russia 990
- American property in Port Arthur and Dalny 1074
- Chinese students in schools of 1072
- consular officers, recognition of subordinate, in 1065
- copyright convention with United States 968
- customs tariff law 994
- diplomatic intervention in contentious matters restricted 1071
- earthquake in Formosa 1063
- exchange of prisoners of war with Russia 1086, 1335
- extradition convention with United States, supplementary 1069
- famine in 999
- Korean affairs, administration of, by 1022
- Korean mining law 1046
- Kwantung leased territory, administration of, by 1050
- Manchuria, opening ports of, to international trade 162
- mutual raising to embassies of the legations of United States and 1005
- opening of cable between Guam and 1021
- opium trade, international investigation suggested of 360
- post-bellum arrangement between forces of Russia and 1083
- practice of medicine and dentistry in 1068
- purchase of railways by Government of 986
- reciprocal exemption of steamship inspection 990
- recognition of Cuban consul-general 1019
- resumption of diplomatic relations with Russia 1087, 1335
- South Manchurian Railway Company established, 195, 1009
- status of Japanese secretary and interpreter to American embassy in 1064
- treaty and additional agreement with China as to Manchuria 995
- visit of Prince Arthur of Connaught to 1022
- Japanese secretary to American embassy in Japan, status of 1064
- Jews in Roumania, naturalization of 1248
- Jews in Russia, treatment and condition of 1296
- Jones, Admiral John Paul, removal of remains to Naval Academy 636
- Judicial reforms in China 341
- Kahn, Maurice, military service case of 648
- Kidnaping of Antonio Martinez in Mexico 1121
- King of Italy, degree of doctor of laws conferred by University of Pennsylvania on 962
- King of Spain:
- Knight Commander, capture and destruction of, by Russian cruiser 1318
- Kongo Free State:
- Korea:
- Kouri, Michael J., claim against Haiti for false imprisonment of 871
- Kwangtung leased territory, Japanese administration of 1050
- Labaree, Rev. Benjamin W., murder in Persia of 1208
- Laborers, Italian, harsh treatment by Spruce Pine Columbia Company of 919
- Laborers on plantations in Guatemala, impressment of American 824
- Legislation of Dominican Congress, 1906 564
- Liberia, immigrants’ expenses, law as to 1090
- Liberty, religious, law of Bolivia granting 106
- Licenses to American citizens of Syrian origin in Haiti 897
- Lienchou riots, China, claims for damages from 308
- Letters of attorney, authentication in Turkey of 1406
- Letters rogatory:
- Lorraine, Germany, application of naturalization treaties to 648
- Louisiana Purchase Exposition, thanks to governments participating in 3
- Luxemburg, death of Grand Duke Adolphe and accession of Grand Duke William 1093
- Macoris, Dominican Republic, withdrawal of exequatur of Portuguese consul at 570
- Magoon, Charles E., provisional governor of Cuba 494
- Manchuria:
- delays in opening ports of Mukden, Dalny, and Antung 170
- foreign settlements at open ports 290
- Japanese administration of Kwangtung leased territory in 1050
- opening of additional ports 222
- opening to international settlement Chi-nan-fu 162
- property of Americans in Port Arthur and Dalny 1074
- South Manchurian Railway Company established 195
- treaty and additional arrangement between Japan and China as to 995
- Manufacturing enterprises in Ecuador, decree encouraging 627
- Marblehead, U. S. S., treaty of peace between Guatemala and Honduras and Salvador signed on board 851
- Maritime conference relative to collisions and salvage at sea, international 72
- Marriage of Italians to Americans in the United States 962
- Marriage of the King of Spain 1343
- Meat for exportation, operation of law as to inspection of 953
- Meat-inspection labels, recognition in Mexico of United States 1117
- Meats, restriction against importation of, from non-European countries into Austria 43
- Medal, Benjamin Franklin, presented to French Government 633
- Medicine, practice of, in Japan 1068
- Medicines, heroic, international arrangement for unifying formulas for 79
- Merchandise transferred through Mexico, from port to port of United States 1107
- Messages of the Presidents of—
- Mexican Empire, bonds issued by, status of 1125
- Mexico:
- antiforeign agitation in, alleged 1124
- bonds issued by Mexican Empire 1125
- convention for arbitration of pecuniary claims, countries
ratifying 1115
- with United States, distributing waters of Rio Grande for irrigation 1128
- depredations of Yaqui Indians 1134
- diphtheria epidemic in Magdalena, assistance of United States squadron in 1123
- kidnaping of Antonio Martinez 1121
- mediation of, in war between Guatemala and Salvador and Honduras 837
- official reception of Ambassador Thompson 1131
- recognition of United States meat-inspection labels 1117
- removal of dead bodies from 1114
- sanitary convention of 1905, deposit of ratifications 1127
- seizure of American fishing vessels 1094
- transit of merchandise from port to port through 1107
- Military schools of the United States, admission of officers of American Republics to 2
- Military service case of Maurice Kahn 648
- Military tax on naturalized Americans born in Servia 1338
- Mine disaster at Courrieres, France 639
- Mines, explosive, floating in Chinese waters 300
- Mining law of Korea 1046
- Mining regulations in China 261
- Missionaries:
- Missionary, etc., institutions in Turkey, equal treatment for American 1372
- Missionary school at Chiengmai, Siam, American 1389
- Mitre, Emilio, open letter to Secretary Root by, on the foreign policy of United States with South America 33
- Mixed court at Shanghai, revision of rules and resulting riots 369
- Modus vivendi, boundary dispute between Peru and Colombia 1220
- Mole St. Nicholas, Haiti, opened to foreign commerce 893
- Monroe doctrine and relations between Brazil and United States 116
- Montenegro, emigration to United States from 1152
- Montt, Don Pedro, elected and inaugurated President of Chile 145
- Morales, Carlos F., President of Dominican Republic, resignation of 548
- Morocco:
- extradition of Paul Stensland from 1161
- international conference at Algeciras, on reforms in 1470
- text of general act 1495
- mission of Minister Gummeré to Fez 1153
- murder of a French citizen at Tangier 1160
- right of American owners of vessels purchased abroad to fly United States flag 1157
- Mosquito Territory, treaty acknowledging sovereignty of Nicaragua over 1181
- Mount Vesuvius eruption 913
- Mukden, delays in opening, to international trade 170
- Munoz, Senor Don Jorge, minister from Guatemala, death of 866
- Murder:
- Nanchang, China, riots at 324
- Naturalization certificates, anglicizing of foreign names in issuing 910
- Naturalization of Jews in Roumania 1248
- Naturalization treaties:
- Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md., removal of remains of John Paul Jones to 636
- Naval and military celebration at Jamestown, foreign governments invited to part in 1
- Naval forces of United States landed in Cuba 482
- Navy, United States:
- Nestorian church in Persia, protection of 1285
- Netherlands:
- arbitration treaty with Denmark 530
- ratified 1178
- arbitration treaty with Portugal, ratified 1178
- citizenship of persons born in United States of naturalized parents 1179
- consular convention with United States of 1855, status of 1165
- emigration agents of South Carolina in 67
- extradition treaty with Greece, ratified 1178
- fictitious estates in 1171
- imprisonment for debt in 1173
- insane Americans confined in foreign asylums 1170
- arbitration treaty with Denmark 530
- Newfoundland fishery question 661,
- modus vivendi of 1906 701
- correspondence respecting 707
- treaty of 1818 750
- act of Parliament, 1819 751
- order in council, 1819 752
- Newfoundland bait act, 1889 753
- convention of 1902 (not perfected) 758
- Newfoundland foreign fishing-vessels act—
- Nicaragua:
- “Night riders,” destruction of tobacco owned by Italy by 949
- Nobel prize awarded to President Roosevelt 1191
- Norway:
- Officers of American Republic, admission to United States military schools 2
- Olive oil, exclusion of alleged misbranded 907
- Olympic games in Greece 813
- Opium trade, international investigation suggested of 360
- Opium traffic in China restricted 352
- “Open-door” policy in Manchuria 162
- Open ports in China and Manchuria, foreign settlements at 290
- Oscar II, King of Sweden, speech at opening of Riksdag by 1357
- Outrage on American residents of the Isle of Pines, alleged 510
- Pacification of Cuba, intervention of United States for 454
- Panama:
- Pan-American Conference, Third 1565
- Pan-American Railway Committee, report of 1615
- Palermo, Italy, counterfeiting American consular seal at 934
- Palma, Tomas Estrada, President of Cuba, message to extraordinary session of Congress 483
- Paraguay:
- annual message of President 1427
- Parcels-post treaty with Bolivia, transit of articles through Peru 107
- Paris, France, Franklin celebration in 632
- Parliament (Douma) of Russia:
- Passports:
- Patent law:
- Patents:
- Peace and order in Panama, treaty rights of United States to maintain 1203
- Peace conference at The Hague, second 1625
- Peace treaty concluded by Honduras and Salvador with Guatemala 851
- Peasant class in Russia, amelioration of 1267
- Pechili, Gulf of, floating mines in 300
- Pecuniary claims:
- Penn, J., article by, on Monroe doctrine and relations between Brazil and United States 116
- Penna, Dr. Affonso, elected and inaugurated President of Brazil 112
- Pennsylvania, University of, degree conferred on King of Italy by 962
- Persia:
- Peru:
- Petroleum, increase in Turkey of storage tax on 1400
- Petroleum refinery in Haiti, law establishing 904
- Philippine Islands:
- Piraeus, visit of American naval squadron to 815
- Piscicultural enterprises in Ecuador, decree encouraging 627
- Political:
- Pork meats, inspection of, for exportation to 953
- Port Arthur, American property in 1074
- Porto Rico, agreement dispensing with authentication of letters rogatory exchanged between Spain and 17
- Portugal:
- Portuguese consul at Macoris, withdrawal of exequatur of 570
- Postage charges in Haiti 894
- Postal matter mailed by a consul, immunity for 1416
- Postbellum arrangement between Japanese and Russian forces 1083
- Potatoes, restriction on importation into Germany not to include sweet potatoes 654
- Preferential duties on American products in Brazil 113
- Presentation of Benjamin Franklin gold medal to French Government 633
- President of—
- Argentine Republic, message of 12
- Brazil, election and inauguration of 112
- message of 136
- Chile, election and inauguration of 145
- Cuba, message to extraordinary session of Congress 483
- Dominican Republic, message of 568
- Paraguay, message of 1427
- Peru, annual message of 1222
- United States, messages of vii, lx
- Venezuela, temporary retirement of Cipriano Castro 1440
- Prince Arthur of Connaught, visit to Japan 1022
- Prisoners of war, exchange of, between Japan and Russia 1086, 1335
- Prize, capture, etc., of Knight Commander by Russian cruiser, as 1318
- Proclamation of President of United States:
- Products of Haiti, exhibit in Haitian consulates of 903
- Professions:
- Prohibition:
- Property in China, rights of missionaries to acquire 276
- Property of Americans in Port Arthur and Dalny 1074
- Protection of:
- Provisional government in Cuba 491
- Public debts, resolution of Pan-American Conference relative to collection of 1609
- Purchase of railways by Japanese Government 986
- Quintana, Don Manuel, President of Argentine Republic, death of 11
- Radio telegraphy, international convention in regard to 1519
- Railroads, organization of South Manchurian Railway Company 1009
- Railway building in Ecuador 629
- Railway, Pan-American, report of Permanent Committee 1615
- Railways, purchase by Japanese Government of 986
- Real estate in Turkey, holding, by persons of Ottoman birth who have changed their nationality 1410
- Reciprocal commercial agreements:
- Reciprocity treaty with Cuba, foreign rice milled in United States refused benefits of 515
- Recognition of consuls-general at large, instructions to diplomatic officers to request 6
- Recognition of United States meat-inspection labels in Mexico 1117
- Red Cross convention, alleged violations by Russia of 990, 1334
- Red Cross convention of 1906 1528
- Reforms in:
- Relations of United States with Colombia 412
- Religious denominations in Spain, status of non-Catholic 1351
- Religious liberty, law of Bolivia granting 106
- Removal of dead bodies of American citizens from Mexico 1114
- Removal of remains of John Paul Jones to Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md 636
- Repatriation, convention establishing status of naturalized citizens returning to live in country of origin 1594
- Resources of American Republics, resolution of Pan-American Conference as to natural 1612
- Restrictions:
- Resumption of diplomatic relations between Russia and Japan 1087, 1335
- Retiring diplomatic officer, immunities of 1448
- Revenues, Dominican customs, control by United States of 559
- Revolution in Ecuador 623
- Revolutionary disturbances in Dominican Republic 536
- Reyes, Gen. Rafael, President of Colombia, attempted assassination of 410
- Rice, foreign, milled in United States, refused benefits of reciprocity treaty in Cuba 515
- Rights of American citizens in disputed Central American territory 1184, 1201
- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Pan-American Conference at 1565
- Rio Grande, convention with Mexico, distributing waters of, for irrigation 1128
- Riots at:
- Riots, claims for damages, Lienchou, China 308
- Riots, etc., in Russia 1274
- Rome, Italy, convention establishing International Institute of Agriculture at 942
- Roosevelt, President Theodore:
- awarded Nobel peace prize 1191
- visit to Panama 1194
- Root, Elihu, Secretary of State:
- Roumania:
- Russia:
- amelioration of peasant class in 1267
- capture and destruction of Knight Commander 1318
- commercial agreement with Sweden 1359
- commercial treaty—
- customs tariff and commercial treaty with Austria and 46
- emigration agents of South Carolina in 69
- exchange of prisoners of war with Japan 1086, 1335
- importation of firearms prohibited 1316
- inauguration of Douma (parliament) 1251
- murder of American vice-consul at Batum 1290
- passports of American citizens in 1286
- patent law in 1314
- postbellum arrangement between forces of Japan and 1083
- protection of Nestorian church in Persia 1285
- resignation of Count Witte, and formation of new cabinet 1336
- resumption of diplomatic relations with Japan 1087, 1335
- strikes, riots, and political disturbances in 1274
- trade-marks in China, protection of 233
- treatment and condition of Jews in 1296
- violations of Geneva and Hague conventions by, alleged 990, 1334
- Saint Louis Exposition, thanks to governments participating in 3
- Salvador:
- convention with Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Honduras, for Central American Bureau 863
- convention with Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Honduras, for Central American Pedagogical Institute 865
- treaty of amity, etc., between Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, and 857
- war between Guatemala and 834
- Salvage at sea, international maritime conference relative to collisions and 72
- San Francisco:
- San José, Costa Rica, convention establishing Central American Pedagogical Institute at 865
- San Juan del Norte, Nicaragua, free port of, abolished 1183
- Sanitary convention of 1905, deposit of ratifications 1127
- Sanitary police, international, resolution of Pan-American Conference relative to 1613
- Sanitation of Cuban cities 503
- Sanitation of Guayaquil 627
- Sannon, Pauléus, appointed secretary for foreign affairs of Haiti 878
- Santo Domingo. See Dominican Republic.
- Saturnus, claim of El Oriente Company for funds taken by Filipino insurgents from 57
- Seamen deserting from foreign vessels in the Philippines, arrest, etc 941
- Seamen, law prohibiting shanghaiing of 5
- Second Pan-American Conference at Mexico, instructions to American delegates 1572
- Second Peace Conference at The Hague 1625
- Seizure of American fishing vessels by Mexico 1094
- Servia:
- Settlement at Shanghai, threatened restriction of international 297
- Settlements, foreign, in China and Manchuria 290
- Shanghai:
- Shanghaiing, law of June 28, 1908, prohibiting 5
- Shipping, law prohibiting shanghaiing 5
- Siam, American missionary school at Chiengmai 1339
- Singapore, boycott of American goods at 803
- South African Republic, bonds of 791
- South American Republics, visit of Secretary Root to:
- South American trade, address of Secretary Root before Trans-Mississippi Congress, on 1456
- South Carolina:
- South Manchurian Railway Company:
- Spain:
- agreement with United States, dispensing with authenticating letters rogatory exchanged between Porto Rico, the Philippines, and 17
- arbitration treaty with Honduras 1353
- attempt on life of King and Queen 1348
- commercial treaty with Switzerland 1354
- marriage of the King 1343
- reciprocity agreement with United States 1341
- status of non-Catholic religious denominations in 1351
- Spirituous liquors, international conference and convention relative to traffic in Africa of 52
- Spruce Pine Columbia Company, harsh treatment of Italian laborers by 919
- Stamp-tax law in Turkey 1398
- Status of naturalized citizens returning to country of origin, convention establishing 1594
- Steamship inspection, arrangement with Japan, for reciprocal exemption of 990
- Stensland, Paul, extradition of, from Morocco 1161
- Storage tax on petroleum in Turkey, increase of 1400
- Strikes, etc., in Russia 1274
- Stuart, William H., American vice-consul at Batum, Russia, murder of 1290
- Submarine mines, proposition for international agreement as to use of 304
- Sugar production tax, enforcement by Dominican Government of 609
- Sweden:
- Sweet potatoes, restriction on importation of potatoes in Germany, not to include 654
- Switzerland:
- Syrian naturalized American citizen, licenses in Haiti to 897
- Taft, Secretary of War William H., acting provisional governor of Cuba 491
- Tariff law:
- Tariffs, preferential, on American products in Brazil 113
- Tax on:
- Taxation:
- Taxes:
- Telegraphy, wireless, international convention establishing rules in regard to 1513
- Tercentennial of settlement of America by English-speaking people, invitation to foreign nations to participate in celebration of 1
- Thanks of Congress to governments participating in Louisiana Purchase Exposition 3
- Third Pan-American Conference at Rio de Janeiro 1565
- Tobacco owned by Italian Government, destruction in United States of 949
- Torpedoes floating in Gulf of Pechili, China 300
- Trade-marks:
- Trade with South America, address of Secretary Root before Trans-Mississippi Congress on 1456
- Trans-Mississippi Congress, address of Secretary Root on South American trade before 1456
- Transit of merchandise from port to port through Mexico 1107
- Transportation of emigrants from Hungary 49
- Travel in Turkey, right of missionaries to 1396
- Treaties, etc.:
- agreement—
- amity, etc., between Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, and Salvador 857
- arbitration—
- between Great Britain and United States, marking Alaskan boundary 801
- between Japan and China; and additional agreement 995
- between Nicaragua and Great Britain as to Mosquito territory and San Juan del Norte 1181
- commercial—
- between Austria-Hungary and Italy 910
- between Bulgaria and Germany, Great Britain, Russia, France, and Italy 140
- between France and Haiti, temporary extension of 901
- between Germany and Bulgaria 655
- between Peru and Bolivia, ratified 1220
- between Roumania and Great Britain 1247
- between Roumania and Russia 1247
- between Spain and Switzerland 1354
- between Sweden and Germany 1358
- between Sweden and Russia 1359
- consular convention—
- convention—
- between Argentine Republic and Spain, dispensing with authentication of signatures of letters rogatory 14
- between Mexico and United States, distributing waters of Rio Grande for irrigation 1128
- establishing Central American Pedagogical Institute 865
- establishing International Central American Bureau 863
- for arbitration of pecuniary claims, countries ratifying 1115
- of peace between Guatemala and Honduras and Salvador 851
- copyright convention—
- customs tariff and commercial treaties between Austria-Hungary and Germany, Italy, Belgium, Russia, Servia, and Switzerland 46
- extradition—
- general act of Algeciras, reforms in Morocco 1495
- Geneva (Red Cross) convention of 1906 1559
- international, adopted by Third Pan-American Conference 1594
- international convention—
- naturalization—
- reciprocal commercial agreement—
- sanitary convention of 1905, deposit ratifications 1127
- trade-marks convention—
- wireless telegraphy, international convention in regard to 1519
- Treatment and condition of Jews in Russia 1296
- Turkey:
- alleged taxation of property in United States by Government of 1408
- authentication of letters of attorney in 1406
- customs duties, proposed increase of 1412
- equal treatment for American institutions in 1372
- holding of real estate in, by persons of Ottoman birth who have changed their nationality 1410
- immunity for postal matter mailed by a consul 1416
- increase of storage tax on petroleum 1400
- intervention in behalf of the Armenians 1417
- missionaries’ rights to travel in 1396
- petitions for release from personal taxation 1403
- removal of bodies for burial in 1405
- restrictions upon sale of the Bible in 1414
- stamp-tax law 1398
- United States:
- agreement—
- Alaskan boundary treaty 801
- ambassador from, at coronation of King of Norway 1189
- citizenship of persons born in, of naturalized parents 1179
- consular convention with Netherlands of 1855, status of 1165
- consular officers can not receive foreign appointments 534
- control of Dominican customs revenues by 559
- copyright convention between Japan and 968
- text of 983
- copyrights, rules for protection of, in China, under treaty, not concluded 260
- court for China established 407
- death of Italians in, notification to Italian consuls 964
- destruction of tobacco owned by the Italian Government in 949
- diplomas of, colleges to Argentine students, recognized by Argentine Republic 11
- earthquake in Chile, proclamation asking aid to sufferers 158
- exclusion of Louis Wythouck from returning to 61
- extradition convention with Japan, supplementary 1069
- extradition treaty with Denmark, supplementary 531
- flag, right of American owners of vessels purchased abroad to fly the 1157
- food-inspection law, action of British grocers 798
- foreign rice milled in, refused reciprocity treaty rates of duty in Cuba 515
- Franklin medal presented to France by 633
- good offices of, relations between Colombia and Venezuela 1438
- immigration of Greeks into 808
- intervention of—
- liability under military and expatriation laws of Greece of naturalized citizens of 812
- marriage of Italians to Americans in 962
- meat-inspection labels recognized in Mexico 1117
- mediation of, in war between Guatemala and Salvador and Honduras 837
- Monroe doctrine and relations between Brazil and 116
- mutual raising to embassies of the legations of Japan and 1005
- parcel-post treaty with Bolivia, transit of articles through Peru 107
- patents, rules for protection of, in China, under treaty, not concluded 260
- preferential duties in Brazil on products of 113
- protection of Venezuelan interests in France, and French interests in Venezuela by the 1432
- reciprocal commercial agreement—
- relations with Colombia 412
- restrictions by Austria on importation of meats from 43
- right of admission of Chinese child adopted by American citizen 288
- rights by treaty to maintain peace, etc., in Panama 1203
- taxation of property in, by Turkish Government, alleged 1408
- trade-mark convention with Roumania 1247
- trade-marks—
- visit of naval squadron to Piraeus, Greece 815
- United States court for China 407
- University of Pennsylvania, degree conferred on King of Italy by 962
- Uruguay:
- Valparaiso, Chile, destruction by earthquake 155
- Valorization of coffee in Brazil 109
- Venezuela:
- address of Secretary Root before the Trans-Mississippi Congress 1456
- immunities of retiring diplomatic officer 1448
- protection of French interests in Venezuela and Venezuelan interests in France 1432
- relations with Colombia, good offices of United States 1438
- temporary retirement of President Castro 1440
- Verification of invoices and declarations by consuls 647
- Vessels, arrest, etc., of seamen in the Philippines deserting foreign 941
- Violations of Geneva and Hague conventions by Russia, alleged 990, 1334
- Visit of President Roosevelt to Panama 1194
- Visit of Secretary Root to South American republics:
- Argentine Republic, invitation from 19
- Bolivia, invitation from 108
- acceptance not feasible 108
- Brazil, dispatch from Ambassador Griscom giving details 124
- address of welcome to Third Conference of American Republics by its president 126
- dispatch from Ambassador Griscom commenting upon effect of visit 134
- speech by minister of foreign affairs at banquet given by
him to Mr. Root 131
- reply of Mr. Root 132
- speech by Doctor Darcy in house of delegates 132
- reply of Mr. Root 133
- Chile, invitation from Government 147
- dispatch from Minister Hicks giving details 148
- speech of welcome by President Riesco 150
- response by Mr. Root 150
- speech of minister of foreign affairs at banquet given by
the President 151
- reply of Mr. Root 153
- telegram from President Riesco to President Roosevelt 154
- reply of President Roosevelt 155
- Colombia, invitation of Government 439
- Ecuador, invitation from Government 624
- Panama, invitation from Government 1197
- Peru, invitation from Government 1227
- Uruguay, invitation from Government 1420
- Volcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius 913
- War in Central America, mediation of United States and Mexico 834
- Widow of a foreign subject, status of an American 1370
- William, Grand Duke of Luxemburg, accession to the throne 1093
- Wireless telegraphy, international convention establishing rules in regard to 1513
- Witte, Count, resignation as premier of Russian cabinet 1336
- Wounded o! armies in the field, Geneva (Red Cross) convention for amelioration of 1559
- Wythouck, Louis, excluded from returning to United States 61
- Yaqui Indians in Mexico, depredations of 1134