Minister Leishman to the Secretary of State.
Constantinople, December 2, 1905.
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of the department’s telegram of November 27, 1905, as per copy on overleaf, also dispatch of November 15, upon the question of schools and privileges for beneficent institutions, and referring especially to the proposed Jesup hospital at Beirut.
While the question of equality of treatment for American charitable institutions was satisfactorily settled, in principle, by the Porte’s note of August 15, 1904,a the matter of putting the decree into practical execution has been dragging along, despite the constant and earnest efforts of this legation to force the Porte to accomplish the necessary formalities of transferring the titles of the different properties into the names of the several institutions, etc.
I have, etc.,
- Printed in Foreign Relations, 1904, p. 830.↩