The Secretary of State to Minister Leishman.
Washington, November 27, 1905.
(Mr. Root refers to an instruction of the 15th instant, directing Mr. Leishman to press for the long-withheld iradés for American institutions and states that the President is far from gratified by the tardy action of the Sultan upon his personal request made more than two years ago, and that he trusts that the promises then and later made will be carried out in the same spirit of cordial friendship in which they were asked. Says that besides the school question, the privileges for beneficent institutions especially claimed the President’s sympathy. States that the proposed Jesup Hospital for Women at Beirut is in point. Directs Mr. Leishman to endeavor to impress the Porte and, if need be, the Sultan himself, with the earnestness of our representations in this regard.)