The Acting Secretary of State to Minister Gummeré.
Washington, June 28, 1906.
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your No. 87, of the 21st ultimo, in regard to the boarding of the steamship Manolita, flying the American flag, by Riffians, who carried away three of her native passengers, and of your No. 88, of the 22d of the same month, transmitting correspondence with the Moorish Government in connection with a charge that the Manolita is engaged in smuggling, in which you report that doubt exists as to the bona fide American ownership of the vessel, and request instructions as to whether her authorization to fly the American flag should not be canceled.
It is believed that no right to cancel the consular registration of the vessel exists because the owner of the Manolita has been engaged in smuggling or has committed any other crime, but that if it should appear that the boat is not a bona fide American vessel the right to cancel the consular registration and withdraw American protection exists.
The fact that the Manolita was formerly owned by one Pinto, a reputed smuggler, and is now managed by him, and other facts which [Page 1160] you report, lend color to the suspicion that the vessel is not in fact of American ownership. If it should be so found, and not otherwise, it would be proper to withdraw American protection and cancel the consular registration of the Manolita.
I am, etc.,