The Turkish Minister to the Acting Secretary of State.
I have the honor to communicate to you hereinbelow the text of two telegrams which I have just received from the Sublime Porte.
“To-day, upon leaving the mosque at the conclusion of the ceremonies of the Selamlik, a bomb burst in the courtyard of the mosque. Divine Providence miraculously saved our august master. His Imperial Majesty again showed great coolness and courage on this occasion, for, seated in the victoria, which he was driving himself, he returned to the imperial palace, graciously saluting the public as if nothing had happened two minutes before. There were a few people killed and wounded, and the whole population of the capital is indignant at this act of infamous villainy.”
“As a continuation of my telegram of to-day, the author of this abominable attempt at assassination, who committed his criminal act beyond the courtyard of the mosque and at the place where the carriages of the visitors were standing, is being vigorously hunted, and all measures have been taken for his arrest. Our august sovereign, immediately after his return to the imperial palace, received the ambassador of Austria-Hungary, who had repaired thither in order to perform a mission with which he had been charged by His Majesty the Emperor-King. All the foreigners and natives present at the ceremonies of the Selamlik were well received by His Imperial Majesty, who saluted them with his customary grace and good will. The entire assembly present gave an enthusiastic ovation to our agust and magnanimous sovereign, cheering him loudly.