Newfoundland fishery question

[418] The Secretary of State to Ambassador Reid.

[419] Ambassador Reid to the Secretary of State.

[420] The Secretary of State to the British Ambassador.

[421] The Secretary of State to Ambassador Reid.

[422] The British Ambassador to the Secretary of State.

[423] Ambassador Reid to the Secretary of State.

[424] The British Ambassador to the Secretary of State.

[425] The Secretary of State to the British Ambassador.

[426] The Secretary of State to the British Ambassador.

[427] The British Ambassador to the Secretary of State.

[428] The Secretary of State to the British Ambassador.

[429] Ambassador Reid to the Secretary of State.

[430] The Secretary of State to the British Ambassador.

[431] Ambassador Reid to the Secretary of State.

[432] The Secretary of State to Ambassador Reid.

[433] Chargé Carter to the Secretary of State.

[434] The Secretary of State to Chargé Carter.

[435] Chargé Carter to the Secretary of State.

[436] Chargé Carter to the Secretary of State.

[437] Chargé Carter to the Secretary of State.

[438] Chargé Carter to the Secretary of State.