Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, With the Annual Message of the President Transmitted to Congress December 5, 1905
Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, With the Annual Message of the President Transmitted to Congress December 5, 1905
United States Government Printing Office
- Message of the President
- List of papers, with subjects of correspondence
- Circulars
Correspondence (Documents 1–69)- Territorial integrity of China (Documents 1–8)
- Neutrality of China in the war between Russia and Japan (Document 9)
- Foreign consular officers in the Isthmian Canal Zone (Documents 10–11)
- Death of Secretary of State John Hay (Documents 12–66)
- Appointment of Elihu Root as Secretary of State (Document 67)
- Withdrawal of the American legation from Korea (Document 68)
- Moroccan Conference (Document 69)
- Territorial integrity of China (Documents 1–8)
- Argentine Republic (Documents 70–93)
- Revolutionary movement in the Argentine Republic (Documents 70–74)
- Resumption of diplomatic relations between the Argentine Republic and
Uruguay (Documents 75–76)
- Message of the President of the Argentine Republic to the Argentine
Congress (Document 77)
- Treaty between the Argentine Republic and Uruguay for the suppression of
lotteries (Document 78)
- Additional protocol to the extradition treaty in force between the
Argentine Republic and Italy (Document 79)
- Pension law for diplomatic officers in the Argentine Republic (Document 80)
- Laws regulating the practice of the professions of engineers, architects,
agriculturists, pharmacy, denistry, and medicine, etc (Documents 81–83)
- International sanitary convention between the Argentine Republic, Brazil,
Paraguay, and Uruguay (Document 84)
- Prohibitory tariff on parts of agricultural machinery, etc (Documents 85–90)
- Convention between the Argentine Republic and Paraguay for the
determination of their boundaries in the Pilcomayo River (Document 91)
- The “Monroe Doctrine” and South American Governments (Document 92)
- License law in the Argentine Republic (Document 93)
- Revolutionary movement in the Argentine Republic (Documents 70–74)
- Austria-Hungary (Documents 94–104)
- Belgium (Documents 105–116)
- Bolivia (Documents 117–120)
- Commercial relations between Bolivia and Peru (Documents 117–120)
- Commercial relations between Bolivia and Peru (Documents 117–120)
- Brazil (Documents 121–127)
- Misuse of the flag of the United States (Documents 121–124)
- Message of the Brazilian President to the Congress of Brazil (Document 125)
- Boundary treaty between Brazil and Ecuador (Document 126)
- Arbitration treaty between the Argentine Republic and Brazil (Document 127)
- Misuse of the flag of the United States (Documents 121–124)
- Chile (Documents 128–131)
- China (Documents 132–245)
- Murder of Ho Choy Yeen, a Chinese comprador, by American sailors (Documents 132–138)
- Conservancy of the Whangpu River (Documents 139–146)
- Cancellation of the American China Development Company’s Canton-Hankau
Railway concession (Documents 147–164)
- Neutrality of China in the war between Russia and Japan (Documents 165–179)
- Payment of the Chinese indemnity (Documents 180–190)
- Opening of trade ports in China (Documents 191–194)
- Census of Chinese in the United States (Documents 195–198)
- Protection of trade-marks in China (Documents 199–206)
- Penal, governmental, educational, and currency reforms (Documents 207–215)
- Anti-American boycott (Documents 216–243)
- Mining regulations in China (Documents 244–245)
- Peace negotiations between Russia and Japan
- Murder of Ho Choy Yeen, a Chinese comprador, by American sailors (Documents 132–138)
- Colombia (Documents 246–273)
- Relations between Colombia and Panama (Documents 246–247)
- Message of the President of Colombia to the Colombian Congress (Document 248)
- Arbitration of boundary dispute between Colombia and Ecuador (Document 249)
- Settlement of the claim of the Compañia Fluvial de Cartagena et al.
against Colombia (Documents 250–254)
- Presentation of credentials by the Colombian minister (Documents 255–256)
- Murder of Joseff Otto in Colombia (Documents 257–260)
- Relations between Colombia and Venezuela.—Request for the good offices of
the United States in advocating the principle of the free navigation of
rivers common to neighboring countries (Documents 261–264)
- Amendments of the national constitution of Colombia (Document 265)
- General arbitration treaty, arbitration treaty of limits, and modus
vivendi between Colombia and Peru (Document 266)
- Settlement of the claim of Raymond and Sophie Smith against
Colombia (Documents 267–268)
- Revolutionary conspiracy (Documents 269–273)
- Relations between Colombia and Panama (Documents 246–247)
- Cuba (Documents 274–303)
- Patent-medicine law of Cuba (Documents 274–277)
- Sanitation of Cuban cities (Documents 278–284)
- Claims of Luciano Arestuche and Felipe Maza é Ibarra against the United
States (Documents 285–294)
- Treaty between the United States and Cuba for the mutual extradition of
fugitives from justice (Document 295)
- Messages of the President of Cuba to the Congress of Cuba (Documents 296–297)
- Indignity offered to the American consulate at Cienfuegos (Documents 298–303)
- Patent-medicine law of Cuba (Documents 274–277)
- Denmark (Documents 304–313)
- Arbitration treaties concluded by Denmark with Russia, Great Britain,
Spain, and Italy (Documents 304–307)
- Neutrality of Denmark in the war between Russia and Japan (Document 308)
- Election of Prince Charles of Denmark as King of Norway (Documents 309–313)
- Arbitration treaties concluded by Denmark with Russia, Great Britain,
Spain, and Italy (Documents 304–307)
- Dominican Republic (Documents 314–373)
- Correspondence relating to the protocol of agreement between the United
States and the Dominican Republic providing for the collection and
disbursement of customs revenues in that Republic (Documents 314–346)
- Enforcement of the sugar-production tax (Documents 347–349)
- Celebration of Dominican independence day (Document 350)
- Message of President Morales L. to the Dominican Congress (Document 351)
- Questions between the Dominican and Haitian Governments concerning right
of Syrians claiming Dominican citizenship to do business in Haiti (Document 352)
- Prohibition against the exportation of arms and ammunition to Santo
Domingo (Documents 353–355)
- Revolutionary disturbances in Santo Domingo (Documents 356–372)
- Establishment of the American gold standard as the monetary standard of
the Dominican Republic (Document 373)
- Correspondence relating to the protocol of agreement between the United
States and the Dominican Republic providing for the collection and
disbursement of customs revenues in that Republic (Documents 314–346)
- Ecuador (Document 374)
- Religious liberty in Ecuador (Document 374)
- Religious liberty in Ecuador (Document 374)
- France (Documents 375–385)
- Germany (Documents 386–399)
- Treaties of commerce and navigation entered into by Germany with
Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Italy, Roumania, Russia, Servia, and
Switzerland (Documents 386–388)
- Consular immunities (Documents 389–392)
- International convention for the suppression of the “white slave
traffic” (Document 393)
- Military-service case of Hans Wilhelm Peters (Documents 394–396)
- Military-service case of Maurice Kahn (Documents 397–398)
- Military-service case of Joseph A. Decker (Document 399)
- Treaties of commerce and navigation entered into by Germany with
Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Italy, Roumania, Russia, Servia, and
Switzerland (Documents 386–388)
- Great Britain (Documents 400–441)
- Report of the international commission of inquiry into the firing on
British fishing vessels by Russian war vessels in the North Sea (Document 400)
- Visit of the second cruiser squadron under the command of Prince Louis of
Battenberg to the United States (Documents 401–405)
- Delimitation of the Alaskan boundary (Documents 406–407)
- Protection of Niagara Falls (Documents 408–415)
- Treaty between the United States and Great Britain by which the United
States relinquishes extraterritorial rights in Zanzibar (Document 416)
- Agreement of alliance between Great Britain and Japan (Document 417)
- Newfoundland fishery question (Documents 418–438)
- Boycott of American goods at Singapore (Documents 439–441)
- Control of the customs revenues of the Dominican Republic by the United States.
- Seizure of the Canadian schooner Agnes G. Donahoe by Uruguay. Request for the good offices of the United States by the Government of Great Britain.
- Report of the international commission of inquiry into the firing on
British fishing vessels by Russian war vessels in the North Sea (Document 400)
- Greece (Documents 442–455)
- Revolutionary movement in Crete (Documents 442–449)
- Liability of naturalized citizens of the United States under military and
expatriation laws of their native country (Documents 450–453)
- Commercial arrangement between Greece and Belgium (Document 454)
- Commercial declaration between Greece and Great Britain (Document 455)
- Revolutionary movement in Crete (Documents 442–449)
- Guatemala and Honduras (Documents 456–468)
- Rights of consular officers in judicial proceedings (Documents 456–463)
- Ill treatment of Al Stebbins and wife by Guatemalan soldiers (Documents 464–466)
- Arrest of Charley Macmorley (Documents 467–468)
- Rights of consular officers in judicial proceedings (Documents 456–463)
- Haiti (Documents 469–510)
- Exclusion of Syrians from Haiti (Documents 469–487)
- Citizenship of Porto Ricans (Documents 488–495)
- Denial of license to do business to American citizens of Syrian
origin (Documents 496–505)
- Asylum granted to Government officials of Haiti by the American
legation (Documents 506–509)
- Treaty between the United States and the Republic of Haiti for the mutual
extradition of criminals (Document 510)
- Exclusion of Syrians from Haiti (Documents 469–487)
- Italy (Documents 511–531)
- Establishment of an international agricultural institute (Documents 511–515)
- Fraudulent naturalization of Italian subjects in the United States (Documents 516–521)
- Admission of Italian immigrants to the United States (Documents 522–527)
- Visit of the U. S. S. Minneapolis to Genoa (Documents 528–531)
- Control of the customs revenues of the Dominican Republic by the United States.
- Establishment of an international agricultural institute (Documents 511–515)
- Japan (Documents 532–614)
- Japanese tea subsidy (Documents 532–534)
- Destruction of sea fowl on Midway and other North Pacific islands (Documents 535–538)
- Raising of the blockade of the Liaotung Peninsula (Document 539)
- Preservation of the integrity and neutrality of China (Documents 540–549)
- Regulations for the defensive sea area at Kelung, Formosa (Document 550)
- Neutrality of the United States in the war between Russia and Japan (Documents 551–569)
- Treatment of prisoners of war, their release and exchange (Documents 570–593)
- Mining law of Japan (Document 594)
- Treaty between Japan and Great Britain regarding the commercial relations
between Japan and India (Document 595)
- Japanese supervision over Korean foreign and administrative affairs (Documents 596–604)
- Status and form of government of Manchuria (Documents 605–606)
- Peace negotiations between Japan and Russia.
- Alleged violations of the Geneva Red Cross Convention of 1864 and of the
The Hague Convention of 1899 (Documents 607–612)
- Exclusion of Japanese from Vladivostok (Documents 613–614)
- Treaties concluded by Sweden and Norway with other powers, and the diplomatic and consular regulations of those countries with other powers.
- Japanese tea subsidy (Documents 532–534)
- Korea (Documents 615–627)
- Luxemburg (Document 628)
- Mexico (Documents 629–663)
- Murder of J. B. Maxwell, J. C. Maxwell, and Enoch Woodworth (Documents 629–631)
- Depredations of Yaqui Indians (Documents 632–645)
- Disinfection of vessels in Mexico by United States medical officers (Documents 646–647)
- Treaty between the United States and certain American powers for the
arbitration of pecuniary claims (Documents 648–649)
- Death of Ambassador Manuel De Azpíroz, of Mexico, and removal of his
remains to Mexico (Documents 650–653)
- Monetary law of Mexico (Documents 654–656)
- Abolition of the “Free Zone” of Mexico (Documents 657–658)
- Message of the President of Mexico to the Mexican Congress (Document 659)
- Contravention of the extradition treaty between the United States and
Mexico by the governors of Texas and Tamaulipas (Documents 660–663)
- Murder of J. B. Maxwell, J. C. Maxwell, and Enoch Woodworth (Documents 629–631)
- Montenegro (Documents 664–668)
- Presentation of credentials by the first American minister to the Prince
of Montenegro (Documents 664–666)
- Proclamation of a constitutional government in Montenegro (Documents 667–668)
- Presentation of credentials by the first American minister to the Prince
of Montenegro (Documents 664–666)
- Morocco (Documents 669–702)
- Moroccan conference (Documents 669–697)
- Arrest of a servant of a native protégé in violation of the Treaty of
Madrid (Documents 698–702)
- Moroccan conference (Documents 669–697)
- Netherlands (Documents 703–708)
- Protocol between Greece and the Netherlands relating to the rights of
commercial, industrial, and financial associations (Document 703)
- Ratifications and adherances to the conventions and declarations of The
Hague Peace Conference of 1899 (Document 704)
- Arbitration of the controversy between France, Germany, Great Britain, and
Japan relating to the house tax in Japan (Documents 705–707)
- Arbitration treaties concluded by the Netherlands with Denmark, France,
and Great Britain (Document 708)
- Protocol between Greece and the Netherlands relating to the rights of
commercial, industrial, and financial associations (Document 703)
- Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Salvador (Documents 709–717)
- Concessions (monopolies) granted by Nicaragua (Documents 709–712)
- Settlement of the claim of P. S. R. Hugo Farrington against
Salvador (Documents 713–714)
- Treaty between Great Britain and Nicaragua relating to the “Mosquito
Reserve” (Document 715)
- Commercial treaty between Great Britain and Nicaragua (abolishment of the
Free Port of San Juan del Norte) (Document 716)
- Immigration law of Costa Rica (Document 717)
- Concessions (monopolies) granted by Nicaragua (Documents 709–712)
- Panama (Documents 718–729)
- Sanitary conditions of the Isthmus of Panama (Documents 718–719)
- Protection of Chinese interests in Panama by American diplomatic and
consular officers (Documents 720–721)
- Difficulty between the police of Panama and Jamaican canal laborers (Documents 722–724)
- Treaty between the United States and Panama for the mutual extradition of
criminals (Document 725)
- Attitude of the United States toward the Republic of Panama in its
internal affairs (Documents 726–729)
- Sanitary conditions of the Isthmus of Panama (Documents 718–719)
- Persia (Documents 730–740)
- Murder of Rev. Benjamin W. Labaree, an American missionary in
Persia (Documents 730–740)
- Murder of Rev. Benjamin W. Labaree, an American missionary in
Persia (Documents 730–740)
- Peru (Documents 741–744)
- Citizenship of Chinese born in Hawaii (Documents 741–742)
- Message of the President of Peru to the Peruvian Congress (Document 743)
- Treaty of commerce and customs regulations between Bolivia and Peru (Document 744)
- Citizenship of Chinese born in Hawaii (Documents 741–742)
- Portugal (Document 745)
- Commercial treaty between Portugal and Switzerland (Document 745)
- Commercial treaty between Portugal and Switzerland (Document 745)
- Russia (Documents 746–926)
- Contraband of war (Documents 746–772)
- Alleged violation of article 27 of the Hague Protocol of 1899 (Documents 773–776)
- Neutrality of China in the war between Russia and Japan (Documents 777–783)
- Labor troubles and political reforms in Russia (Documents 784–822)
- Neutrality of the United States in the war between Russia and Japan (Documents 823–852)
- Treatment of prisoners of war, their release and exchange (Documents 853–868)
- Removal of Russian discriminatory tariff duties on American goods (Documents 869–875)
- Negotiations for peace between Japan and Russia (Documents 876–915)
- Proposal for a second International Peace Conference at The Hague (Documents 916–918)
- Protection of Japanese interests in Russia (Document 919)
- Treatment of Jews in Russia (Documents 920–923)
- Exclusion of Japanese from Vladivostok (Documents 924–925)
- Japanese protectorate over Korea (Document 926)
- Contraband of war (Documents 746–772)
- Siam (Documents 927–933)
- Treaty between France and Siam for the delimitation of the boundary
between French and Siamese territory and for the establishment of a system
of jurisdictions (Document 927)
- Treaty between Denmark and Siam for the establishment of a system of
jurisdictions (Document 928)
- Abolition of gambling houses and slavery in Siam (Documents 929–931)
- Boycott of American goods by Chinese in Siam (Documents 932–933)
- Treaty between France and Siam for the delimitation of the boundary
between French and Siamese territory and for the establishment of a system
of jurisdictions (Document 927)
- Spain (Documents 934–940)
- Attempt on the life of the King of Spain (Documents 934–936)
- Swindle practiced on American citizens (Documents 937–939)
- Measures taken for the attraction of foreign visitors to Spain (Document 940)
- Attempt on the life of the King of Spain (Documents 934–936)
- Sweden and Norway (Documents 941–974)
- Turkey (Documents 975–1014)
- Display of foreign flags over private establishments (Documents 975–976)
- Proposed increase of customs duties and establishment of petroleum
depots (Documents 977–980)
- Cretan claims commission awards (Document 981)
- Right of foreign corporations to own real estate in Turkey (Documents 982–983)
- Diplomatic immunities—arrest of the dragoman of the American
legation (Documents 984–985)
- Attempt on the life of the Sultan of Turkey (Documents 986–987)
- Detention of typewriting machines shipped from the United States (Documents 988–990)
- Extraterritorial rights of the United States in Turkey. Trial of Charles
Vartanian and Hovhanes Afarian (Documents 991–1003)
- Restrictions upon the sale of Bibles in Turkey (Documents 1004–1014)
- Display of foreign flags over private establishments (Documents 975–976)
- Uruguay and Paraguay (Documents 1015–1027)
- Venezuela (Documents 1028–1136)
- Sequestration of the property of the New York and Bermudez Company and
suit against the company for complicity in the “Matos revolution” (Documents 1028–1088)
- Settlement of arbitrated foreign claims by Venezuela and proposal for the
arbitration of pending questions between the United States and
Venezuela (Documents 1089–1130)
- Relations between Colombia and Venezuela. Request for the good offices of
the United States in advocating the principle of the free navigation of
rivers common to neighboring countries (Documents 1131–1135)
- Message of President Castro to the Venezuelan Congress (Document 1136)
- Sequestration of the property of the New York and Bermudez Company and
suit against the company for complicity in the “Matos revolution” (Documents 1028–1088)
- Index