Chargé Carter to
the Secretary of State.
American Embassy,
London, December 16,
No. 107.]
Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith a
translation of my cable of this date with reference to the Newfoundland
fisheries question, and also a copy of the memorandum upon which it was
I was sent for yesterday by Sir Edward Grey to come and see him at the
foreign office, where, through Mr. Villiers, one of the under
secretaries, he communicated to me the substance of the above-mentioned
memorandum, at the same time stating in the most friendly spirit that
although convinced that the present incident, which might not seem
important in itself and probably occurred owing to ignorance or
misapprehension of the terms of the convention of 1818 on the part of
those engaged, under the present circumstances he considered it
necessary to call your attention to the matter, hoping you would receive
it in the spirit it was offered, and would be disposed to cause the
American fishermen to be instructed to desist from this action, which he
submitted was clearly in excess of their treaty rights.
I have, etc.,
Foreign Office,
London, December 16,
His Majesty’s Government have received information that United States
fishermen are constructing platforms for freezing herring on the
shore of Bay of Islands on the west coast of
Article I of the convention of 1818 between Great Britain and the
United States stipulated that American fisherman shall “have
liberty, forever, to dry and cure fish in any of the unsettled bays,
harbors, and creeks of the southern part of the
coast of Newfoundland” described previously in the same
article as the part of the coast between Cape Ray and the Rameau
Islands; but that “the United States hereby renounce, forever, any
liberty heretofore enjoyed or claimed by the inhabitants thereof to
take, dry, or cure fish on or within three marine miles of any of
the coasts, bays, creeks, or harbors of His Britanic Majesty’s
dominions in America not included within the
above-mentioned limits.”
The incident now reported has probably occurred owing to ignorance or
misapprehension of the terms of the convention. His Majesty’s
Government consider it necessary, however, to call attention to the
matter and to express the hope that the American fishermen may be
instructed to desist from action which is clearly in excess of their
treaty rights.