Ambassador Meyer to the Secretary of State.


(Mr. Meyer states that in reply to the President’s inquiry of the 23d instant he reported on the 11th instanta that the aspect at Moscow was serious and recommended that American consuls should be provided with funds in case of need for sheltering American citizens. All American consuls were instructed to forward to the embassy a list of American citizens and vested property. On account of the interrupted communications replies were received from Moscow and St. Petersburg only. There are 73 adults and 31 children, American citizens, at Moscow and 75 American citizens at St. Petersburg. No serious trouble is anticipated at St. Petersburg. Suggests that an American vessel in the Mediterranean and another in Danish or Swedish waters might be of benefit to our consuls in the event of further serious disturbances in protecting American life and property. It is impossible at the present moment to give authentic news in regard to the numbers killed and wounded at Moscow. The fighting has been stubborn and Gatling guns have been used. Estimates so far given out as to loss of life are believed to be much exaggerated.)

  1. Not printed.