American Legation,
Panama, December 18,
No. 24.]
I have informed the secretary of state for foreign affairs of that part
of the contents of your dispatch which refers to the attitude of the
Government of the United States in respect to the approaching elections
in the Republic, and inclose for your information copy of my note to
Minister Magoon
to the Minister for Foreign
American Legation,
Panama, December 16,
Excellency: In obedience to instructions
from the State Department of the Government of the United States, I
have the honor to advise you that, in response to my dispatch of the
10th ultimo, communicating the text of a memorial presented to Hon.
William H. Taft, Secretary of War, by the national directorate of
the Liberal party at Panama, in which memorial the political
relations and ties between the Republic of Panama and the United
States are discussed with especial reference to the attitude of the
United States in respect to the forthcoming elections in the
Republic, a copy of which memorial was also handed to Secretary Root
by Secretary Taft. After consideration of said memorial, the
Secretary of State directs me to communicate to you the
“The Liberal party should be informed that the Government of the
United States, while guaranteeing the independence of the Republic
of Panama, does not purpose to interfere with that independence. It
is the earnest wish of the United States that there shall be a fair,
free, and honest election in Panama, because it considers such an
election necessary to the peace and prosperity of the country and
the stability of its government. As between the two parties, the
United States stands in an attitude of perfect impartiality, and
will do nothing to help either the party in power or the party of
opposition. The United States will exercise its rights under the
treaty for the maintenance of order in Panama, Colon, and upon the
canal strip, and will not permit any interference with the peace and
order of either of those cities or of that territory which can be
prevented by the exercise of its treaty rights, and it will not go
beyond its treaty rights.”
I am also directed to further advise the Government of Panama “that
the Government of the United States thus answers the Liberal party
in such a way as it is hoped will correct any misapprehensions which
they may have regarding the conduct of the United States, and
without for a moment entertaining the thought that the Government of
Panama will fail in any respect to secure to the people a perfectly
fair, free, and honest election.”
I am also directed to suggest to the Government of Panama that, in
view of the charges made in advance by the Liberal party, which are
liable to be reiterated after the election, it is desirable to
secure the most unimpeachable and satisfactory evidence of the
fairness of the election by means of observation of competent
witnesses during the conduct of the election.
I take, etc.,