Chargé Garrett to the Secretary of State.
The Hague, Netherlands, November 2, 1904.
Sir: Referring to Mr. Newel’s No. 790, of October 3, in connection with the meeting of the arbitral tribunal in the Japanese house-tax case, I have the honor to state that the secretary-general of the Permanent Court of Arbitration informs me that the first meeting of the tribunal will take place at The Hague on the 21st instant; and, further, that the Governments of France, Germany, and Great Britain have collectively designated the following gentlemen as their agents to form a joint delegation to appear before the tribunal, viz:
- The Government of France: Mr. Fromageot, LL. D., advocate at the court of appeal at Paris.
- The Government of Germany: Mr. Weipert, unattached consul.
- The Government of Great Britain: Mr. Ambrose B. Walford.
I have, etc.,