No. 281. Law of the 30th of December, 1904,
containing the ratification of the protocol signed at Athens on the
15th of October, 1903, between the Netherlands and Greece respecting
the regulation of the condition of limited liability and other
companies in the respective countries.
We, Wilhelmina, by the grace of God Queen of the Netherlands,
Princess of Orange-Nassau, etc.,
To all whom these presents shall concern, greeting: We do
That, whereas we having deemed it desirable that the protocol signed
at Athens on the 15th of October, 1903, between the Netherlands and
Greece, regulating the condition of limited liability and other
companies in the respective countries should be legally
In observance of the second clause of article 59 of the
Hence we, having heard the council of state and with the general
consent of the states general, have agreed and resolved, as we do
hereby resolve and decree:
Only Article.
The annexed protocol, signed at Athens on the 15th of October, 1903,
between the Netherlands and Greece regulating the condition of
limited liability and other companies in the respective countries is
hereby ratified.
Do order and command that this shall be inserted in the Official
Gazette and that all ministerial departments, authorities,
corporations, and officials concerned shall strictly observe the
Given at The Hague this 30th day of December, 1904. |
Wilhelmina. |
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, |
R. Melvil van Lynden. |
The Minister of Justice, |
J. A. Loeff. |
Issued this fourteenth day of January, 1905. |
The Minister of Justice, |
J. A. Loeff. |
The Government of Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands and the
Government of the King of the Hellenes, desiring, in the interest of
the commerce of the two countries, to regulate in a reciprocal
manner the position of Dutch and Greek limited liability companies
[Page 690]
in each of the
contracting countries, the undersigned, in virtue of the
authorization conferred upon them, have agreed upon the
Limited liability and other commercial, industrial, or financial
associations that are or that may be formed and authorized in
accordance with the local laws of one of the contracting countries
shall be mutually recognized in such manner that these societies and
associations may exercise all their rights of going to court either
to bring an action or to defend one in the state of the other party
without other condition than that of conforming to the laws of the
The present protocol shall take effect in each of the two contracting
states from the date of its promulgation in the official journal and
shall remain in force until the expiration of one year from the day
on which either of the contracting governments shall have denounced
In faith of which the undersigned, P. C. van Lennep, chargé
d’affaires of Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands, and D. G.
Rhallys, president of the council, minister of foreign affairs of
His Majesty the King of the Hellenes, have signed and sealed the
present protocol under reserve of the consent thereto by the
Netherlands Chambers.
Done in duplicate original at
the twelfth/fifteenth
October, one thousand nine hundred and
P. C. van Lennep.
D. G.