Ambassador McCormick to Acting Secretary of State Adee.

No. 22.]

Sir: On the 10th instant I telegraphed the Department that the difficulty with Germany regarding the French interests and sphere of influence in Morocco had been settled, and I now send a copy and translation of the official text of the arrangement signed by Germany and by France on the 8th instant.

* * * * * * *

I have, etc.,

Robert S. McCormick.

translation of the official text of the arrangement signed by germany and france.

M. Rouvier, Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, to Prince Radolin, German Ambassador in Paris.

The Government of the Republic has acquired the conviction, from the conversations which have taken place between the representatives of both countries in Paris and Berlin, that the Imperial Government would not pursue in the conference proposed by the Sultan of Morocco any course which would compromise the legitimate hopes of France in that country, which would be contrary to the rights of France resulting from her treaties or arrangements, which rights are in harmony with the following principles: Sovereignty and independence of the Sultan, integrity of his Empire, economic liberty without any inequality, utility of police reforms and financial reforms, the introduction of which would be settled for a short period by international agreement, recognition of the situation created for France in Morocco by the contiguity of a vast extent of territory of Algeria and the Shereefian Empire and by the special relations resulting therefrom between the two adjacent countries, as well as by the special interest for France, due to this fact, that order should reign in the Shereefian Empire. Consequently, the Government of the Republic abandons its original objections to the conference and agrees to take part in it.