The Secretary of State to Chargé McCreery.
Washington, November 15, 1905.
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your dispatch No. 125, of the 4th instant, inclosing a copy of a letter from the president of the Mina Grande Mining and Milling Company, complaining that the property of the company in the Uree district, State of Sonora, and the employees of the company are not given proper protection by the Mexican authorities against the Yaqui Indians, and that escorts are refused by the authorities at Hermosillo, capital of Sonora, to officials of the company who desire to visit the mines.
You report that you have called the attention of the Mexican Government to the matter, and that the governor of Sonora has been requested to furnish the company with escorts when required, and to give the fullest protection to persons having interests in the state or traveling therein.
The Department would be pleased to know whether the company is under American or Mexican incorporation.
In this connection I inclose for your information merely a copy of an informal communication I have sent to the new Mexican ambassador at Washington concerning the situation in Sonora. [Printed ante.]
I am, etc.,