Minister Bryan to the Acting Secretary of State.

No. 162.]

Sir: I have the honor to send herewith a copy and translation of a note of sympathy from the minister for foreign affairs on behalf of the Portuguese Government.

King Carlos, who was absent at sea when the sad news reached us, has since expressed to me his earnest condolences and in this feeling of regret his Queen Consort has sincerely joined him.

Fervent words and letters of sympathy have also come from my colleagues of the diplomatic corps, those from the Brazilian and British ministers being especially heartfelt.

I have, etc.,

Charles Page Bryan.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs to Minister Bryan.

Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the note which your excellency addressed to me on the 1st instant, communicating to me the sad news of the death of the Secretary of State of the United States of America, Mr. John Hay.

His Majesty’s Government learned with so-much the more sorrow of the death of this so illustrious and distinguished statesman because it is sure of and much appreciates Mr. Hay’s feelings toward Portugal.

Believe me, excellency, that for this reason the condolences are very sincere, which in the name of the Portuguese Government I send to your excellency on account of this deplorable event.

I avail, etc.,

A. Eduardo Villaço.