Minister Griscom to
the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Tokyo, March 13,
No. 201.]
Sir: Referring to the Department’s No. 84 of
November 4, and to my No. 167 of January 12, 1905, in regard to the
destruction of sea fowl on the Midway and other American islands, I have
the honor to transmit inclosed herewith a copy of a translation of a
note received on the 21st ultimo from the minister of foreign affairs,
giving further assurances of the efforts of the Japanese Government to
stop these depredations.
I have, etc.,
Memorandum from the Minister of Foreign Affairs
to Minister Griscom, received February 21, 1905.
The minister of foreign affairs presents his compliments to his
excellency the American minister and has the honor to state that the
matter of the supervision of predatory hunters of birds on the
Midway Islands and other islands belonging to the United States,
referred to in a recent interview, was immediately brought to the
attention of the minister of home affairs, from whom a reply has now
been received to the effect that instructions have again been issued
to the superintendent of the metropolitan police (Tokyo), the
governor of Kanawa Ken and other chief local officials, and to the
civil administrator of Formosa to take strict measures to prevent
any persons within their respective jurisdictions from infringing
the regulations prohibiting such expeditions.