The Acting Secretary of State to the Italian Ambassador.
Washington, March 27, 1905.
Excellency: By your note of the 26th ultimo you were so good as to inform the Secretary of State that His Majesty the King of Italy has taken the initiative in the formation of an international institute of agriculture, and that in carrying out the intention of His Majesty the Italian Government had invited the friendly nations to participate through delegates in the first conference, which is to be held at Rome next May for the purpose of preparing rules for the new institute.
In communicating this invitation you make known the wish of the King’s Government that that of the United States will be willing to cooperate in the enterprise, and that, accepting the invitation to the conference at Rome, it will send thither a delegate commensurate with its importance as the foremost agricultural nation of the world.
As you were informed by the Department’s note of the 6th instant,a the subject-matter of your note was communicated to the President and to the Secretary of Agriculture.
The President, appreciating the interest which His Majesty has taken in this matter, has directed Mr. Henry White, the newly appointed American ambassador to Italy, to represent the United States at the conference in question, and to this end Mr. White’s departure for his post at Rome will be hastened. The question of the selection of a technical agricultural associate or associates is having consideration.
Accept, etc.,
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