The Acting Secretary of State to Minister Powell.
Washington, April 26, 1905.
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your No. 1721, of the 9th instant, in regard to the claim of Dr. J. R. Paradis against Haiti.
In reply, I have to say that it is clear that Doctor Paradis, who left Porto Rico about thirty-five years ago, and has been residing in Curacao, Santo Domingo, and Haiti ever since, is not, within the meaning of the act of Congress of April 12, 1900, a citizen of Porto Rico, and as such entitled to the protection of the United States. To bring one within the meaning and intent of that act he must have been an inhabitant of Porto Rico residing there April 11, 1899, and must have continued to reside therein up to the date of the passage of the act. Doctor Paradis left Porto Rico about 1870, resided three years in Curacao, four years in Santo Domingo, and for the last twenty-seven years he has been residing in Haiti.
The passport was inadvertently granted to him.
The original inclosures of your dispatch No. 1652, of February 20 last, are returned herewith, for transmission to Doctor Paradis.
I am, etc.,