The Haitian Minister to Acting Secretary of State Loomis.
Washington, June 9, 1905.
Mr. Secretary of State: In continuation of the conversation I had the honor to have with you on the 8th instant, I beg leave to quote herein below an extract of article 1 of the law of August 10, 1903, relative to Syrians:
From the date of the promulgation of this law any person styled a Syrian, or so called in popular language, shall not be admitted into the territory of the Republic. Any Syrian who, with a view to evading the law, should leave the country and return with a certificate of naturalization shall likewise be excluded from the territory of the Republic.
The situation of the Syrians in Haiti may be likened to that of the Chinese in the United States.
In order to avoid, as far as possible, any occasion for the slightest misunderstanding, my government would be glad to know what attitude the United States would take toward Syrians, who, after becoming naturalized American citizens, would attempt to establish a residence in Haiti. Chinese persons might also, by becoming naturalized Haitians, attempt to violate the law which excludes them from the territory of the United States.
Confident that an exchange of views on this point will, by insuring mutual observance of the laws of both countries, contribute to strengthen the cordial relations they maintain.
I am glad, etc.,