Ambassador Conger
to the Acting Secretary of
American Embassy,
Mexico, July 7,
No. 36.]
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the
receipt of the Department’s telegram announcing the unexpected death of
the Hon. John Hay, Secretary of State, and to confirm my telegram in
I immediately addressed a note to Mr. Mariscal, conveying the information
of this sad calamity, a copy and translation of whose reply is herewith
* * * * * * *
I have, etc.,
The Minister of Foreign
Affairs to Ambassador Conger.
Department of Foreign Affairs,
Mexico, July 3, 1905.
Mr. Ambassador: Through your excellency’s
courteous note of the 1st instant, I have learned with deep regret
that the Hon. John Hay, Secretary of State of the United States,
died this morning.
[Page 20]
Considering the excellent qualities which characterized Mr. Hay, the
Mexican Government sincerely deplores the loss which the Government
and people of the United States have just suffered; and cognizant of
this fact, as soon as I received the advice of the death, I
instructed the chargé d’affaires ad interim of Mexico at Washington
to convey the proper expression of condolence to the President of
the United States and to the family of the deceased, and I now offer
to your excellency the expression of my deep sorrow.
I avail myself of this occoasion to renew, etc.,