American Legation,
Athens, July 24,
No. 289, Greek Series.]
The commercial agreement between Great Britain and Greece, voted at the
same time, has not yet been published, but will be forwarded as soon as
a copy is procurable.
I have also to report that the extradition treaty between Austria-Hungary
and Greece passed its third reading in the Chamber yesterday and that
negotiations for an extradition treaty between Greece and Holland are
Provisional commercial arrangement.
The Government of His Majesty the King of the Hellenes and the
Government of His Majesty the King of the Belgians, having
recognized the expediency of regulating the commercial relations
between Greece and Belgium By means of a provisional arrangement
pending the conclusion of a final treaty on the basis of mutual
tariff concessions, the undersigned, being duly authorized for this
purpose by their respective governments, have agreed on the
Article 1.
The treaty of commerce and navigation between Greece and Belgium of
May 13/25, 1895, is hereby renewed, except as regards article 6 of
the said treaty. Of all the provisions contained in that article
only the following are maintained:
Neither of the high contracting parties shall levy on merchandise the
product of the soil or industry of the other party any other or
higher import duties than those which are or may in future be levied
on the same goods coming from any other foreign nation.
Each of the two parties pledges itself to grant to the other any
favor, privilege, or reduction in the tariff of import or export
duties which one of them may accord to a third power. They likewise
engage not to establish against each other any import or export duty
which shall not at the same time be applicable to other nations.
[Page 514]
Article 2.
The present arrangement, which shall take effect the day of the
exchange of ratifications, shall remain binding until the expiration
of a year from the day on which one or the other of the contracting
parties shall have denounced it. Such denunciation can not, however,
take place until the end of the first year.
Article 3.
The present arrangement shall be ratified and the ratifications
exchanged at Athens as soon as possible.
In witness whereof the respective plenipotentiaries have signed it
and affixed thereto their seals.
Done at Athens in
duplicate October 19 (November 1), 1904.
l. s.]
l. s.]
P. De