Minister Rockhill
to the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Peking, December 5,
No. 163.]
Sir: Referring to my dispatch No. 130 of
October 26, 1905, informing you that I had effected an agreement with
the Dutch minister for the reciprocal protection of trade-marks in
China, I now have the honor to inform you that on November 27 last a
similar agreement was made with the chargé d’affaires of Belgium.
I have the honor to inclose herewith copies of the notes exchanged with
the Belgian representative.
I have, etc.,
Minister Rockhill to the Belgian
American Legation,
Peking, November 27,
Mr. Chargé d’affaires and Dear Colleague:
The Government of the United States being desirous of reaching an
understanding with the Government of Belgium for the reciprocal
protection against infringement in China by citizens of our
respective nations of trademarks duly registered in the United
States and Belgium, I am authorized by the Secretary of State of the
United States to inform you that effectual provision exists in
American consular courts in China for the trial and punishment of
all persons subject to the jurisdiction of the United States who may
be charged with and found guilty of infringing in any way
trade-marks of persons subject to the jurisdiction of Belgium which
have been duly registered in the United States.
I beg that you will kindly inform me whether American citizens are
entitled to the same legal remedies in the consular courts of
Belgium in China as regards the protection from infringement of
their trade-marks duly registered in Belgium.
I have, etc.,
The Belgian Chargé to
Minister Rockhill.
Royal Belgian Legation,
Peking, November 27,
Mr. Minister: I have had the honor of
receiving your excellency’s note of this date regarding the mutual
protection of Belgian and American trade-marks in China.
It is stated in this communication that the Government of the United
States of America has given such instructions to the American
consular courts as are sufficient to insure the legal protection of
trade-marks the property of Belgian subjects which have been duly
registered in the United States.
While acknowledging to your excellency the receipt of this
communication I have the honor to inform you that the Royal
Government in like manner guarantees in the Chinese Empire the
protection of American trade-marks duly registered in Belgium, if
counterfeited by Belgian subjects.
The royal legation and the consulates, vice consulates, and consular
agencies in China are competent to take cognizance of actions
brought before them in the matter.
I have informed our consular representatives in China of the
agreement arrived at between Belgium and the United States of
America which is set forth by this interchange of correspondence
between us.
I avail, etc.,