The Chinese Minister to the Secretary of State.
Washington, May 1, 1905.
My Dear Mr. Secretary: I have just received a telegram from the Waiwu Pu, of which the following is a translation:
Peking, May 1, 1905.
Chinese Minister Liang, Washington.
Your telegram of April 29 is received. It was rumored that the Russian war vessels at Shanghai were making secret preparations for their escape. Repeated orders were sent by telegraph to the viceroy at Nanking to dispatch additional war vessels to assist the taot’ai of Shanghai in preventing any such attempt. At the same time a strong protest was sent to the Russian minister.
You will communicate the above to the Secretary of State and convey to him the thanks of the Imperial Government for his friendly interest in the matter.
Waiwu Pu.
I take pleasure in sending you the above telegram for your information.
I am, etc.,