The Secretary of State to Chargé Coolidge.
March 9, 1905.
Sir: Supplementing the Department’s instruction of the 26th of January and the 1st ultimo, inclosing copies of correspondence in reference to the protest of the Russian Government against the alleged violation of neutrality by China, I inclose herewith, for communication by you to the Chinese Government, the translation of a promemoriaa which was sent to the Department by the Russian ambassador on the 2d instant, in which the Russian Government calls attention to an alleged recent renewal of activity on the part of bands of Chinese in Mongolia, directed against the Russians; and repeats its intention to restrict, in future, the theater of military operations, provided the powers interested take measures to oblige Japan and China to renounce the idea of enlarging the sphere of military operations and, especially, to avoid carefully the carrying of the war into the provinces east of Mongolia.
I am, etc.,